Med Term ASA Unit 6 Word Scramble
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Question | Answer |
balan/o | glans penis, glans clitoridis |
-cele | herniation |
cervic/o | cervix (neck of the uterus) or neck |
-cide | kill |
colp/o | vagina |
crypt/o | hidden |
cyst/o | urinary bladder |
endo- | inside |
gastr/o | stomach |
glyc/o, gluc/o | glucose, blood sugar |
gyn/o, gynec/o | woman, female structures |
hemat/o | blood |
hyster/o | uterus |
intestin/o (al) | intestine |
-lysis | destruction |
men/o | menses, menstruation |
-megaly | enlarged |
metr/o | tissue of the uterus |
nephr/o | kidney, nephrons |
neur/o | nerve |
noct/i, nyct/o | night |
olig- | slight |
oophor/o | ovaries |
orchid/o, orchi/o, orch/o | testicles |
pen/o (ile) | penis |
-pexy | fixation of a prolapsed organ |
-phagia | swallow, eat |
-plasty | surgical repair |
prastat/o | prostate |
-ptosis | condition of prolapse |
pyel/o | renal pelvis |
ren/o | kidney |
-rrhea | flow, discharge |
-rrhagia | hemorrhaging |
-rrhaphy | suturing |
salping/o | fallopian tubes, uterine tubes |
semin/o | semen |
spermat/o, sperm/o | spermatozoa, sperm |
-tripsy | surgical crushing |
ur/o (ia) | urine, condition in the urine |
ureter/o | urters |
urethr/o | urethra |
vas/o | vessel, vas deferens |
anuria | unable to produce urine |
balanoplasty | surgical repair of glans penis |
balanorrhea | discharge from the glans penis |
cervicitis | inflammation of the cervix |
colpalgia | vaginal pain |
colpitis | inflammation of the vagina |
colpopathy | any disease of the vagina |
colpoptosis | prolapse of the vagina |
colposcope | instrument used to examine the vagina & cervix |
colposcopy | the process of using a colposcope to examine tissues of vagina & cervix. |
colpotomy | incision into the vaginal wall |
cryptorchidism | condition of an undescended testis |
cystorrhagia | hemorrhage of the bladder |
cystorrhaphy | suturing of the urinary bladder |
dysuria | difficult, painful urination |
endocervical | inside the cervix |
glycosuria | glucose (sugar) in the urine |
gynecoid | resembling a woman or female structures |
gynecologist | physician specialist in health issues related to female reproductive organs & the breasts. |
gynecology | the science of studying diseases of the female reproductive organs & the breasts |
gynecopathy | any disease peculiar to women |
hematuria | blood in urine |
hemorrhage | bleeding |
hysterectomy | excision of the uterus |
hysteropathy | any disease of the uterus |
hysteropexy | fixation of a prolapsed uterus |
hysterosalpingogram | x-ray of the uterus & fallopian tubes.(uses contrast media) |
hysteroscope | instrument used to examine the inside of the uterus closely |
metrorrhea | discharge from the uterine tissues |
nephritis | inflammation of the kidneys |
nephrolith | kidney stone |
nephromalacia | softening of the kidney tissue |
nephromegaly | enlargement of a kidney |
nephropexy | surgical fixation of a prolapsed kidney |
nephroptosis | prolapsed or displaced kidney |
nephrorrhaphy | suturing of kidney tissue |
nocturia | excessive urination at night |
oliguria | abnormally low amount of urine |
oophorectomy | excision of an ovary |
oophoritis | inflammation of an ovary |
orchidalgia | testicular pain (orchidodynia) |
orchidectomy | excision of testies |
orchidoptosis | prolapsed condition of testies |
orchioplasty | surgical repair of the testies |
penitis | inflammation of the penis |
penoscrotal | pertaining to the penis & scrotum |
polyarthritis | inflammation of many joints |
polyuria | abnormally excessive urination |
prostatitis | inflammation of the prostate gland |
pyelitis | inflammation of the renal pelvis |
pyelogram | x-ray of the renal pelvis |
pyelonephritis | inflammation of the renal pelvis & the kidneys |
pyeloplasty | surgical repair of the renal pelvis |
renal | pertaining to the kidneys |
renogastric | pertaining to the kidney & stomach |
renogram | x-ray of the kidneys (renograph) |
renointestinal | pertaining to the kidney & intestine |
renopathy | any disease of the kidney |
salpingectomy | excision of a fallopian tube |
salpingitis | inflammation of the fallopian tubes |
salpingo-oophoritis | inflammation of the ovary & fallopian tubes |
scrotum | saclike structure containing the testes |
seminal | pertaining to semen |
spermatocele | a herniated sac-like structure in the scrotum containing sperm |
spermicide | agent that kills sperm |
testicular | pertaining to testes |
ureters | tubes from kidneys to bladder |
ureterocele | herniation of the ureter |
ureteropyelitis | inflammation of the ureter & the renal pelvis |
urethrocystitis | inflammation of the urethra & the urinary bladder |
urologist | physician specialist in disorders of the urinary & male reproductive systems |
vasectomy | excision of the vas deferens (for sterilzation) |
vasoconstriction | decrease in vessel diameter |
vasodilation (vasodilatation) | increase in vessel diameter |
Using what you have learned about the "G" rule select the correct pronounciation of "G" if it is followed by "i" as in salpingitis (k,j,hard g, s) | J |
The plural form for spermatozoan is? | Spermatozoa |
One of the most commonly used adjectives for kidney is: | Renal |
the tube that leads from the urinary bladder to the urinary meatus is called? | Urethra |
the suffix for surgical fixation or a displaced or prolapsed organ is: | -pexy |
the suffix for hemorrhage is: | -rrhagia |
What is the meaning of oliguria? | The formation of a scant or small amount of urine |
What is the combining form for uterine tube | Salpingo |
Give the medical term for hidden | Crypt |
Correctly spell the medical term for x-ray (record) of a kidney | Renogram, Nephrogram, Renograph, Nephrograph |
Correctly spell the medical term for condition pertaining to having many cysts | Polycystic |
Correctly spell the medical term for night urination (getting up at night to urinate) | Nocturia, Nycturia |
Correctly spell the medical term for destruction of kidney tissue | Nephrolysis |
Correctly spell the medical term for difficult or painful urination | Dysuria |
Correctly spell the medical term for making a surgical opening between the ureter and bladder | Ureterostomy |
Correctly spell the medical term for excessive bleeding during menstruation | Menorrhagia |
Correctly spell the medical term for agent that kills sperm | Spermicide |
Correctly spell the medical term for suturing of the urinary bladder | Cystorrhaphy |
Correctly spell the medical term for pain in the testes | orchidalgia, orchidodynia, orchiodynia, orchialgia |
Correctly spell the medical term for the adjectival form for testicle | Testicular |
Correctly spell the medical term for X-ray of the renal pelvis (Image) | Pyelogram, Pyelograph |
Correctly spell the medical term for fluid containig sperm (ejaculate) | Semen |
Correctly spell the medical term for excision of the prostate gland | Prostatectomy |
Correctly spell the medical term for Plural of Ovum | Ova |
Correctly spell the medical term for fixation of an (prolapsed) ovary | OOphoropexy |
Instrument used to examine the vagina by looking with a scope | Colposcope |
Correctly spell the medical term for excision of uterus, uterine tubes, and ovaries | Hysterosalpingo-oophorectomy |
Condition of endometrial tissue growing outside the uterus | Endometriosis |
Correctly spell the medical term for prolapsed (displaced uterus) | Hysteroptosis |
Correctly spell the medical term for crushing of a vessel | Vasotripsy |
Adjectective for penis | Penile |
Adjective for inside the cervix | Endocervical |
Correctly spell the medical term for inflammation of the cervix | Cesrviiti |
Correctly spell the medical term for blood in the urine | Hematuria |
Correctly spell the medical term for X-ray image of the uterus and fallopian tubes | Hysterosalpingogram |
Correctly spell the medical term for excision of the vas deferens | Vasectomy |
Correctly spell the medical term for any disease specific to women | Gynecopathy |
Medical term for process of using a scope to examine the cervix through the vagina | Colposcopy |
Medical term for the condition of hidden or undescended testicle | Cryptorchidism |
Medical term for the discharge from the glans penis | Balanorrhea |
Medical term for herniation containing sperm (seman) | Spermatocele |
Give the correct medical abbreviation for benign prostatic hyperplasia | BPH |
Give the correct medical abbreviation for Papanicolaue test (smear) | PAP |
Give the correct medical abbreviation for female | F |
Give the correct medical abbreviation for pelvic inflammatory disease | PID |
Give the correct medical abbreviation for testicular self-exam | TSE |
Give the correct medical abbreviation for prostate specific antigen | PSA |
Created by:
Paul Mayuiers
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