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Med Term ASA Unit 6

balan/o glans penis, glans clitoridis
-cele herniation
cervic/o cervix (neck of the uterus) or neck
-cide kill
colp/o vagina
crypt/o hidden
cyst/o urinary bladder
endo- inside
gastr/o stomach
glyc/o, gluc/o glucose, blood sugar
gyn/o, gynec/o woman, female structures
hemat/o blood
hyster/o uterus
intestin/o (al) intestine
-lysis destruction
men/o menses, menstruation
-megaly enlarged
metr/o tissue of the uterus
nephr/o kidney, nephrons
neur/o nerve
noct/i, nyct/o night
olig- slight
oophor/o ovaries
orchid/o, orchi/o, orch/o testicles
pen/o (ile) penis
-pexy fixation of a prolapsed organ
-phagia swallow, eat
-plasty surgical repair
prastat/o prostate
-ptosis condition of prolapse
pyel/o renal pelvis
ren/o kidney
-rrhea flow, discharge
-rrhagia hemorrhaging
-rrhaphy suturing
salping/o fallopian tubes, uterine tubes
semin/o semen
spermat/o, sperm/o spermatozoa, sperm
-tripsy surgical crushing
ur/o (ia) urine, condition in the urine
ureter/o urters
urethr/o urethra
vas/o vessel, vas deferens
anuria unable to produce urine
balanoplasty surgical repair of glans penis
balanorrhea discharge from the glans penis
cervicitis inflammation of the cervix
colpalgia vaginal pain
colpitis inflammation of the vagina
colpopathy any disease of the vagina
colpoptosis prolapse of the vagina
colposcope instrument used to examine the vagina & cervix
colposcopy the process of using a colposcope to examine tissues of vagina & cervix.
colpotomy incision into the vaginal wall
cryptorchidism condition of an undescended testis
cystorrhagia hemorrhage of the bladder
cystorrhaphy suturing of the urinary bladder
dysuria difficult, painful urination
endocervical inside the cervix
glycosuria glucose (sugar) in the urine
gynecoid resembling a woman or female structures
gynecologist physician specialist in health issues related to female reproductive organs & the breasts.
gynecology the science of studying diseases of the female reproductive organs & the breasts
gynecopathy any disease peculiar to women
hematuria blood in urine
hemorrhage bleeding
hysterectomy excision of the uterus
hysteropathy any disease of the uterus
hysteropexy fixation of a prolapsed uterus
hysterosalpingogram x-ray of the uterus & fallopian tubes.(uses contrast media)
hysteroscope instrument used to examine the inside of the uterus closely
metrorrhea discharge from the uterine tissues
nephritis inflammation of the kidneys
nephrolith kidney stone
nephromalacia softening of the kidney tissue
nephromegaly enlargement of a kidney
nephropexy surgical fixation of a prolapsed kidney
nephroptosis prolapsed or displaced kidney
nephrorrhaphy suturing of kidney tissue
nocturia excessive urination at night
oliguria abnormally low amount of urine
oophorectomy excision of an ovary
oophoritis inflammation of an ovary
orchidalgia testicular pain (orchidodynia)
orchidectomy excision of testies
orchidoptosis prolapsed condition of testies
orchioplasty surgical repair of the testies
penitis inflammation of the penis
penoscrotal pertaining to the penis & scrotum
polyarthritis inflammation of many joints
polyuria abnormally excessive urination
prostatitis inflammation of the prostate gland
pyelitis inflammation of the renal pelvis
pyelogram x-ray of the renal pelvis
pyelonephritis inflammation of the renal pelvis & the kidneys
pyeloplasty surgical repair of the renal pelvis
renal pertaining to the kidneys
renogastric pertaining to the kidney & stomach
renogram x-ray of the kidneys (renograph)
renointestinal pertaining to the kidney & intestine
renopathy any disease of the kidney
salpingectomy excision of a fallopian tube
salpingitis inflammation of the fallopian tubes
salpingo-oophoritis inflammation of the ovary & fallopian tubes
scrotum saclike structure containing the testes
seminal pertaining to semen
spermatocele a herniated sac-like structure in the scrotum containing sperm
spermicide agent that kills sperm
testicular pertaining to testes
ureters tubes from kidneys to bladder
ureterocele herniation of the ureter
ureteropyelitis inflammation of the ureter & the renal pelvis
urethrocystitis inflammation of the urethra & the urinary bladder
urologist physician specialist in disorders of the urinary & male reproductive systems
vasectomy excision of the vas deferens (for sterilzation)
vasoconstriction decrease in vessel diameter
vasodilation (vasodilatation) increase in vessel diameter
Using what you have learned about the "G" rule select the correct pronounciation of "G" if it is followed by "i" as in salpingitis (k,j,hard g, s) J
The plural form for spermatozoan is? Spermatozoa
One of the most commonly used adjectives for kidney is: Renal
the tube that leads from the urinary bladder to the urinary meatus is called? Urethra
the suffix for surgical fixation or a displaced or prolapsed organ is: -pexy
the suffix for hemorrhage is: -rrhagia
What is the meaning of oliguria? The formation of a scant or small amount of urine
What is the combining form for uterine tube Salpingo
Give the medical term for hidden Crypt
Correctly spell the medical term for x-ray (record) of a kidney Renogram, Nephrogram, Renograph, Nephrograph
Correctly spell the medical term for condition pertaining to having many cysts Polycystic
Correctly spell the medical term for night urination (getting up at night to urinate) Nocturia, Nycturia
Correctly spell the medical term for destruction of kidney tissue Nephrolysis
Correctly spell the medical term for difficult or painful urination Dysuria
Correctly spell the medical term for making a surgical opening between the ureter and bladder Ureterostomy
Correctly spell the medical term for excessive bleeding during menstruation Menorrhagia
Correctly spell the medical term for agent that kills sperm Spermicide
Correctly spell the medical term for suturing of the urinary bladder Cystorrhaphy
Correctly spell the medical term for pain in the testes orchidalgia, orchidodynia, orchiodynia, orchialgia
Correctly spell the medical term for the adjectival form for testicle Testicular
Correctly spell the medical term for X-ray of the renal pelvis (Image) Pyelogram, Pyelograph
Correctly spell the medical term for fluid containig sperm (ejaculate) Semen
Correctly spell the medical term for excision of the prostate gland Prostatectomy
Correctly spell the medical term for Plural of Ovum Ova
Correctly spell the medical term for fixation of an (prolapsed) ovary OOphoropexy
Instrument used to examine the vagina by looking with a scope Colposcope
Correctly spell the medical term for excision of uterus, uterine tubes, and ovaries Hysterosalpingo-oophorectomy
Condition of endometrial tissue growing outside the uterus Endometriosis
Correctly spell the medical term for prolapsed (displaced uterus) Hysteroptosis
Correctly spell the medical term for crushing of a vessel Vasotripsy
Adjectective for penis Penile
Adjective for inside the cervix Endocervical
Correctly spell the medical term for inflammation of the cervix Cesrviiti
Correctly spell the medical term for blood in the urine Hematuria
Correctly spell the medical term for X-ray image of the uterus and fallopian tubes Hysterosalpingogram
Correctly spell the medical term for excision of the vas deferens Vasectomy
Correctly spell the medical term for any disease specific to women Gynecopathy
Medical term for process of using a scope to examine the cervix through the vagina Colposcopy
Medical term for the condition of hidden or undescended testicle Cryptorchidism
Medical term for the discharge from the glans penis Balanorrhea
Medical term for herniation containing sperm (seman) Spermatocele
Give the correct medical abbreviation for benign prostatic hyperplasia BPH
Give the correct medical abbreviation for Papanicolaue test (smear) PAP
Give the correct medical abbreviation for female F
Give the correct medical abbreviation for pelvic inflammatory disease PID
Give the correct medical abbreviation for testicular self-exam TSE
Give the correct medical abbreviation for prostate specific antigen PSA
Created by: Paul Mayuiers
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