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Phlebotomy Flashcards

Description Date ▼ Stars
Phlebotomy Terms  (268 cards) 2022-10-21 1
Phlebotomy mock CPT exam  (98 cards) 2022-10-19 13
Phlebotomy dwall2674  (267 cards) 2022-10-19 10
PHLEBOTOMY: Anatomy and Physiology  (38 cards) 2022-10-14 13
Communication FLAVIN  (13 cards) 2022-10-05 1
Medical Terminology FLAVIN  (22 cards) 2022-10-05 1
Safety FLAVIN  (18 cards) 2022-10-05 1
Body Structure & Function FLAVIN  (10 cards) 2022-10-05 1
Phlebotomy Procedures  (6 cards) 2022-10-05 2
Chanpter 1-4 Quiz  (13 cards) 2022-10-05 3
Vocabulary  (8 cards) 2022-10-05 1
Phlebotomy Chapter 7  (23 cards) 2022-10-05 1
Phlebotomy Certification  (10 cards) 2022-10-05 9
Phlebotomy  (16 cards) 2022-10-05 3
mmmmmmm so good  (7 cards) 2022-10-04 1
Phlebotomy 115 Week 5  (85 cards) 2022-09-27 12
Julie Kranz (JK) Santa Claus (SA)  (6 cards) 2022-09-19  
Order of tubes to fill.  (8 cards) 2022-09-16  
Chapter 6 CNM Circulatory System  (64 cards) 2022-09-14  
Chapters 8 and 11  (42 cards) 2022-09-01  
order of draw, common tests  (49 cards) 2022-08-29 8
Order of Draw Tubes, Additives and More  (48 cards) 2022-07-26 1
Medical Terminology  (6 cards) 2022-07-16  
PMI Tube additives and departments  (30 cards) 2022-07-16 13
Week twelve A&P The digestive system CCAC  (17 cards) 2022-06-20  
Week 12 CCAC A&P medical terms  (28 cards) 2022-06-20  
chapters 2 and 12  (53 cards) 2022-06-01 1
review for quiz 5  (21 cards) 2022-05-30 1
Advanced Techniques and Skills  (15 cards) 2022-05-30 2
chapter 11  (25 cards) 2022-05-30 1
questions for chapter test 11 & 12  (72 cards) 2022-05-29 2
blood test finale  (14 cards) 2022-05-28 1
certification review  (50 cards) 2022-04-27  
Study Questions  (165 cards) 2022-04-16 2
Phlebotomy Course exam  (100 cards) 2022-04-11  
non-blood collection, transport, POC  (25 cards) 2022-04-11  
Tests w/ departments and color tubes  (85 cards) 2022-04-08 5
Q&A  (114 cards) 2022-04-08 5
Phlebotomy Essentials Ch 3  (96 cards) 2022-04-08 5
Analysis of urine  (45 cards) 2022-04-08 5
Medical Terminology Week 6  (28 cards) 2022-04-08 5
Medical Terminology Week 5  (40 cards) 2022-04-08 5
Medical Terminology Week 4  (42 cards) 2022-04-08 5
Medical Terminology Week 3  (43 cards) 2022-04-08 5
Common Serology and Immunology Tests  (16 cards) 2022-04-08 5
Chapters 1-4  (107 cards) 2022-04-08 5
chapter 7 test questions  (55 cards) 2022-04-08 5
Ch. 1 Key terms  (14 cards) 2022-04-08 5
Care of Patient in Phlebotomy  (21 cards) 2022-04-08 5
Acronyms  (8 cards) 2022-04-08 5
pmi blood  (25 cards) 2022-04-08 7
WTCC PBT 100 FINAL EXAM REVIEW  (215 cards) 2022-04-08 8
Part II Review and Reference  (128 cards) 2022-04-08 8
ASCP Review for Special Procedures  (78 cards) 2022-04-08 8
Review for ASCP PBT  (133 cards) 2022-04-08 9
Review for the National Certification  (23 cards) 2022-04-08 10
PMI Study Guide Chap 7-13  (84 cards) 2022-04-08 10
color blood tubes with additive  (14 cards) 2022-04-08 10
PMI medical terms - prefix  (22 cards) 2022-04-08 14
PMI Ch 2 & 3 "Study guide"  (26 cards) 2022-04-08 14
PMI Phleb Final (Ch 7-10)  (223 cards) 2022-04-08 16
PMI medical terms - root  (26 cards) 2022-04-08 18
PMI A&P Questions/Notes  (120 cards) 2022-04-08 19
PMI Blood drawing basics (Section 4)  (22 cards) 2022-04-08 20
Tools, Techniques, & Equipment  (31 cards) 2022-03-25 1
Phlebotomy Chapter 2  (41 cards) 2022-03-15  
Phlebotomy chapter 2  (40 cards) 2022-03-15  
The Healing Process  (10 cards) 2022-03-09  
Glossary  (32 cards) 2022-03-09  
PMI Quality Assurance & Legal Issues  (69 cards) 2022-01-25 15
introduction to human body  (42 cards) 2022-01-24 1
Variables In Specimen Quality  (5 cards) 2022-01-21  
Safety  (25 cards) 2022-01-19  
Non Blood specimens  (7 cards) 2022-01-19  
Scenarios  (18 cards) 2022-01-19  
Lab Tests  (52 cards) 2022-01-19  
Study guide  (35 cards) 2022-01-19  
What additives are in..  (12 cards) 2022-01-19  
OSHA  (25 cards) 2022-01-19  
Order of Draw and laboratory responsible  (22 cards) 2022-01-19  
Immunology  (23 cards) 2022-01-06  
PB Tests Dept CO  (9 cards) 2022-01-06  
Phlebotomy Department C Chemistry  (96 cards) 2022-01-06  
PB Tests for Blood Bank  (6 cards) 2022-01-06  
Phlebotomy  (5 cards) 2022-01-05  
Comments  (59 cards) 2022-01-05  
Departments  (147 cards) 2022-01-05  

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