In each blank, try to type in the
word that is missing. If you've
typed in the correct word, the
blank will turn green.
If your not sure what answer should be entered, press the space bar and the next missing letter will be displayed. When you are all done, you should look back over all your answers and review the ones in red. These ones in red are the ones which you needed help on. vocab: addictionmeaning: physical and psychological dependence on an craving for a vocab: additive meaning: drug action in which the combination of two drugs is equal to the sum of the effects of each vocab: meaning: particles of drug in airqq vocab: meaning: hypersensitivity reaction to a drug or foreign organism vocab: antagonistic meaning: combination of two drugs less than an additive effect of a drug vocab: antidotemeaning: agent given to counteract an effect of a drug vocab: brand meaning: commercial name for a drug; vocab: chemical meaning: chemical formula for a vocab: contraindicationsmeaning: factors in the patients condition that the use of a particular drug or treatment vocab: food and drug (FDA)meaning: government agency having the legal responsibility for enforcing proper drug manufacture and use vocab: generic meaning: noncommercial name for a drug vocab: iatrogenicmeaning: condition by treatment given by medical personnel vocab: idiosyncrasymeaning: unexpected effect produced in a sensitive individual but not seen in most patients vocab: inhalationmeaning: administration of drugs in gaseous or vapor form through the nose or vocab: medicinal meaning: of new drug synthesis vocab: molecular meaning: study of interaction of drugs and subcellular entiies such as DNA, RNA, and vocab: oral meaning: drugs given by vocab: administrationmeaning: drugs are by injection into the skin, muscles, or veins vocab: meaning: prepares and dispenses vocab: pharmacymeaning: location for preparing and drugs vocab: pharmacodynamicsmeaning: study of the effects of a drug the body vocab: meaning: calculation of drug concentration in and blood over a period of time vocab: pharmacologistmeaning: specialist in the , uses and actions of drugs vocab: meaning: study of the preparation, , uses, and actions of drugs vocab: desk reference (PDR)meaning: book that lists drug products vocab: receptormeaning: target substance with which a drug interacts in the vocab: rectal meaning: drugs are inserted through the anus into the vocab: side meaning: toxic effect that routinely results from the use of a vocab: administrationmeaning: drugs are by placement under the tongue vocab: synergismmeaning: combination of two drugs causes an effect that is greater than the sum of the effects of each drug alone vocab: meaning: instrument (tube) for introducing or withdrawing fluids from the vocab: tolerancemeaning: and larger drug doses must be given to achieve the desired effect vocab: topical meaning: drugs are locally on the skin or mucus membranes of the body vocab: meaning: harmful effects of a vocab: toxicologymeaning: study of chemicals and their effect on the body vocab: transportmeaning: movement of a drug across a cell membrane into body vocab: states pharmacopeia (U.S.P)meaning: authoritative list of drugs, formulas and that sets a standard for drug manufacturing and dispensing vocab: vitaminmeaning: substance found in foods and essential in small for growth and good health vocab: ACE meaning: lowers pressure vocab: amphetaminemeaning: central system stimulant vocab: analgesicmeaning: pain vocab: androgenmeaning: male vocab: meaning: or eliminates sensation vocab: 2 receptor antagonistmeaning: lowers blood pressure by preventing angiotensin from on receptors in blood vessels vocab: antacidmeaning: neutralizes acid in the vocab: meaning: slows the uptake of androgens or interfers with their binding in vocab: antiarrhythmicmeaning: treats heart rhythms vocab: meaning: chemical substance produced by a plant or microorganism, that has the ability to inhibit or kill organisms in the body vocab: anticoagulantmeaning: blood clotting vocab: anticonvulsantmeaning: prevents convulsions (abnormal activity) vocab: meaning: relieved symptoms of vocab: meaning: drug given to or alleviate diabetes mellitus vocab: antidiarrhealmeaning: diarrhea vocab: meaning: nausea and vomiting vocab: antihistaminemeaning: blocks the of histamine and helps prevent symptoms of allergy vocab: antinauseantmeaning: nausea and vomiting vocab: antiplateletmeaning: the tendency of platelets to stick together vocab: meaning: inhibits the of acid by cells of the lining of the stomach vocab: antiviralmeaning: acts viruses such as the herpesvirus and HIV vocab: inhibitormeaning: reduces the of estrogen in the blood vocab: bactericidalmeaning: kills vocab: meaning: inhibits growth vocab: beta-blockermeaning: blocks the action of epinephrine at on receptors of heart muscle cells, the muscle lining of blood vessels, and bronchial tubes vocab: meaning: prevents bone loss in vocab: caffeinemeaning: central nervous stimulant vocab: calcium meaning: blocks the entrance of into heart muscle and muscle lining of blood vessels vocab: cardiovascularmeaning: acts on the and blood vessels vocab: catharticmeaning: relieved vocab: meaning: increases the of urine and thus reduces the volume of fluid in the body vocab: meaning: vomiting vocab: meaning: a hormone or hormone-like vocab: estrogenmeaning: female hormone for secondary sex characteristics vocab: meaning: symptoms of diseases in the GI tract vocab: meaning: hormone from the adrenal cortex that raises blood sugar and reduces vocab: hypnoticmeaning: produces vocab: meaning: weak vocab: meaning: -forming drug that relieves pain by producing stupor or insensibility vocab: progestinmeaning: hormone that affects the lining of the uterus during pregnancy vocab: purgativemeaning: cathartic vocab: meaning: treats asthma, emphysema, and of the respiratory system vocab: meaning: a mildly hypnotic drug that without necessarily producing sleep vocab: SERMmeaning: estrogen modulator with estrogen-like effect on bones and fat metabolism vocab: stimulantmeaning: excites and promotes vocab: thyroid meaning: stimulates cellular vocab: tranquilizermeaning: anxiety and severe disturbances of behaviour |
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