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AP Psych Key Figures Fill In The Blanks

In each blank, try to type in the word that is missing. If you've typed in the correct word, the blank will turn green.

If your not sure what answer should be entered, press the space bar and the next missing letter will be displayed.

When you are all done, you should look back over all your answers and review the ones in red. These ones in red are the ones which you needed help on.
Term: Mary CalkinsDefinition: first female president of the American Association (APA)
Term: DarwinDefinition: proposed the theory of evolution; the goal of human behavior is to ensure survival and
Term: Dorthea Definition: social reformer for imprisoned, poorly treated, mentally ill; worked to establish state hospitals; part of the model
Term: FreudDefinition: founded the psychoanalytic perspective; developed the five stages of psychosexual development, in each of which a possible fixation can
Term: G. HallDefinition: the first psychology lab in the US at Johns Hopkins University
Term: William Definition: developed functionalism, which challenged Titchener's structuralism; looked at how human mental processes worked in the real world; with Carl , developed the James-Lange theory of emotion
Term: Ivan Definition: developed classical conditioning while studying digestion in
Term: Jean Definition: created the cognitive development model (sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete , formal operational)
Term: Carl Definition: one of the founders of the humanist branch of psychology; developed the person-centered theory based on self-concepts; client-centered therapy
Term: MaslowDefinition: one of the founders of the humanist branch of psychology; created the hierarchy of ; stressed the importance of self-actualization
Term: B.F. Definition: developed operant, or , conditioning
Term: Mary Floy Definition: first woman in America to receive a Ph.D. in
Term: John B. Definition: founder of behavioralism; classically Little Albert
Term: Paul Definition: identified the area of the brain responsible for language; damage to the area results in expressive aphasia, or the inability to language
Term: Michael Definition: studied patients of split-brain surgery (cutting of the corpus callosum); noticed no effects after surgeries
Term: SperryDefinition: studied how the different operate independent of each other
Term: Carl Definition: identified the area of the brain responsible for language; damage to the area results in receptive aphasia
Term: FechnerDefinition: absolute threshold and the just noticeable difference
Term: HubelDefinition: along with Weisel, discovered feature
Term: Torston Definition: with Hubel, discovered feature detectors
Term: Earnest Definition: created the dissociation of hypnosis, stating hypnosis causes us to divide our consciousness into a hidden observer and a consciousness prone to suggestibility
Term: Albert Definition: social learning theory; observational learning (modeling); the Bo-Bo doll experiment
Term: John Definition: coined learned aversion
Term: RescorlaDefinition: developed the contingency model, proposing that in order for learning to take place, an organism must be able to predict that their behavior will result in an outcome; psychologist who studied classical conditioning
Term: Edward Definition: created the Law of Effect: behaviors followed by consequences are strengthened, those followed by negative consequences are diminished
Term: Edward Definition: created cognitive maps, or mental representations of the environment; determined maps proved latent learning
Term: Wolfgang Definition: discovered insight by studying chimpanzees
Term: Noam Definition: theorized about the language acquisition device, overgeneralization, and a critical learning for language
Term: EbbinghausDefinition: proposed the of a forgetting curve using nonsense syllables; concluded that most forgetting occurs within an hour
Term: LoftusDefinition: felt eye witness accounts weren't necessarily accurate due to investigator influences and implanted memories
Term: MillerDefinition: theorized that short term memory's capacity for most people is "magic number plus or 2;" suggested chunking for memorizing
Term: Alfred Definition: studied sexual orientation and 10% of the population in the early 1900s were homosexual
Term: SchachterDefinition: along with Singer, created the Schachter-Singer two theory of emotion, stating emotion is experienced after a cognitive label is applied to stimuli
Term: Hans Definition: theorized of General Adaptive Syndrome, include three stages to stress reaction: Alarm, Resistance, and Exhaustion
Term: Mary Definition: conducted the strange-situation experiment to determine the types of attachment between a mother and child; secure, -ambivalent, and anxious-avoidant attachments were found to exist
Term: BanduraDefinition: developed the social learning theory, or the social-cognitive perspective; we learn by imitating models (observational ); believed in reciprocal determinism as a factor of personality; self efficacy
Term: BaumrindDefinition: identified three parenting styles: , authoritative, and permissive
Term: Eric Definition: developed the eight stages of psychosocial development, each of contains a possible conflict
Term: Carol Definition: disagreed with Kohlberg due to supposed male/female in morality; said females made moral decisions based more on social relationships
Term: HarlowDefinition: emphasized the importance of physical by studying monkeys
Term: LorenzDefinition: studied attachment with imprinting of goslings; felt there was a period for attachment
Term: KohlbergDefinition: proposed three stages of moral
Term: Jean Definition: four stages of cognitive development
Term: Lev Definition: proposed the zone of development theory; he felt social interaction, in the form of people who provide children with cognitive growth opportunities, was important for cognitive development to occur
Term: AdlerDefinition: striving for superiority was the main goal of life, not sex; inferiority motivates us to acquire new skills; studied the effects of birth order
Term: Paul Costa and Robert Definition: proposed the theory using the Five-Factor Model: conscientiousness, agreeableness, neuroticism, openness, and extroversion
Term: Carl Definition: felt the unconscious incorporated both personal and collective ; archetypes are ancestral memories that show up as symbols in many different cultures
Term: Alfred Binet and SimonDefinition: published the first intelligence test designed to help children in ; expressed intelligence in terms of mental age
Term: Francis Definition: Hereditary Genius; believed intelligence was hereditary
Term: Howard Definition: proposed different measures of intelligence
Term: SpearmanDefinition: believed intelligence had two factors, an s factor (specific mental abilities) and a underlying g factor (general intelligence)
Term: SternbergDefinition: developed the triarchic theory of , stating that intelligence is either analytical, creative, or practical
Term: Louis Definition: revised Binet's test for use in the US; intelligence using the formula MA/CA x 100
Term: WeschlerDefinition: first to devise a test to measure intelligence in adults; established the use of the bell
Term: RosenhanDefinition: conducted a study showing the of labeling on people with psychological disorders
Term: Aaron Definition: emphasized cognitive therapy; the goal is to teach clients new ways of thinking and to illogical beliefs
Term: Albert Definition: rational emotive behavioral therapy, which purpose is to change the catastrophizing belief that leads to negative consequences
Term: Mary JonesDefinition: first to successfully use classical conditioning to recondition a child to a fear
Term: Joseph Definition: used the counterconditioning technique of systematic
Term: AschDefinition: performed experiments on the effects of
Term: Leon Definition: developed the of cognitive dissonance
Term: Elton Definition: a key figure in the branch of industrial/organizational psychology; discovered the Hawthorne
Term: Stanley Definition: performed a controversial experiment on obedience using
Term: Robert Definition: identified the Effect among students and teachers
Term: ZombardoDefinition: conducted a study on the power of situations and roles by a prison environment
Term: SherifDefinition: the Robbers' Cave Study and determined the best way to unite different groups was by imposing superordinate goals
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Created by: SydneyR
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