In each blank, try to type in the
word that is missing. If you've
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If your not sure what answer should be entered, press the space bar and the next missing letter will be displayed. When you are all done, you should look back over all your answers and review the ones in red. These ones in red are the ones which you needed help on. Court Case: Bakke v. Regents of the of CaliforniaDecision: (1978) Ruled that a 's use of racial "quotas" in its admissions process was unconstitutional, but a school's use of "affirmative action" to accept more minority applicants was constitutional in some circumstances. Court Case: v. BaltimoreDecision: (1833) the Supreme Court ruled that the Constitution's Bill of Rights restricts only the powers of the federal and not those of the state governments. Court Case: v. Hayes Decision: (1972) against a special First Amendment privilege that would allow the press to refuse to answer grand jury questions concerning news sources. Court Case: Brown v. Board of Education of , KansasDecision: (1954) Unanimously held that the segregation of children in public schools violated the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. Court Case: Craig v. Decision: (1976) Ruling that classification of individuals based on gender must be related to an important government objective; replaced minimum standard. Court Case: Dred Scott v. Decision: (1857) The court ruled that slaves are property, not . (Before 14th amendment) Court Case: v. VitaleDecision: (1962) Mandatory prayer in schools is a violation of the clause. Court Case: Gibbons v. Decision: (1824) Clarified the commerce clause and affirmed power over interstate commerce. Court Case: Gideon v. Decision: (1963) Ruled that a defendant in a trial must be provided a lawyer free of charge if the defendant cannot afford one. Court Case: Gitlow v. New Decision: (1925) Anarchist calling for overthrow of the . Established precedent of federalizing Bill of Rights (applying them to States); States cannot deny freedom of speech – protected through due process clause of Amendment 14 Court Case: Gregg v. Decision: (1976) Death penalty is not "cruel and unusual punishment" in cases of . Court Case: v. ConnecticutDecision: (1965) implicitly guarantees citizens' right to privacy. Court Case: Lemon v. Decision: (1971) Government-supported programs in religious schools must have a primary secular purpose, neither aid nor religion, & not excessively entangle government, religion. Court Case: Lynch v. Decision: (1984) The nativity scene was allowed to in view; Allowed holiday decorations on town property Court Case: Mapp v. Decision: (1961) Established rule; illegally obtained evidence cannot be used in court; Warren Court’s judicial activism. Court Case: Marbury v. Decision: (1803) Established the principle of judicial Court Case: McClesky v. Decision: (1987) the constitutionality of the death penalty against charges that it violated the Fourteenth Amendment because minority defendants were more likely to receive the death penalty than White defendants. Court Case: McCulloch v. Decision: (1819) The Court ruled that states cannot tax the federal government, i.e. the Bank of the United States; the phrase "the power to tax is the to destroy"; confirmed the constitutionality of the Bank of the United States. Court Case: v. CaliforniaDecision: (1973) that determined the obscenity clause to related to works that lack literary, artisitic, political or scientific value. (LAPS test) Court Case: Miranda v. Decision: (1966) that detained criminal suspects, prior to police questioning, must be informed of their constitutional right to an attorney and against self-incrimination Court Case: v. AlabamaDecision: (1958) The Supreme ruled that Alabama's demand for the lists had violated the right of due process guaranteed by the 14th Amendment to the United States Constitution. Court Case: Near v. Decision: (1931) Supreme decision holding that the first amendment protects newspapers from prior restraint. Court Case: New York v. US Decision: (1971) Libel case-writer did it with intent to defame-knew it was false-wrote it with intent. Public officials/figures have less privacy rights. Court Case: Planned v. CaseyDecision: (1992) Upheld the constitutional right to have an abortion but lowered the standard for analyzing restrictions of that right, one regulation but upholding the others. Court Case: v. FergusonDecision: (1896) The ruled in favor of segregation -- "Separate but Equal". Court Case: Reed v. Decision: (1973) In a unanimous , the Court held that the law's dissimilar treatment of men and women was unconstitutional. Court Case: Roe v. Decision: (1973) that decriminalized abortion. Court Case: Roth v. Decision: (1957) Obscenity is not by the First Amendment Court Case: v. US Decision: (1919) Case involving limits on free speech. Established the "clear and present principle. Court Case: District of Abbington Township, Pennsylvania v. Schempp Decision: (1963) Decision holding that a Pennsylvania law requiring reading in schools violated the establishment clause of the First Amendment. Court Case: v. JohnsonDecision: (1989) Flag-burning is symbolic speech with a political and is protected by 1st Amendment. Court Case: US v. O'BrienDecision: (1968) Criminal prohibition against burning a draft card did not violate the First Amendment's of free speech Court Case: Woodson v. CarolinaDecision: (1976) Ruled that a North Carolina law establishing a mandatory death sentence for all convicted first-degree murderers constituted a of the Eighth and Fourteenth Amendments to the Constitution. Court Case: Zelman v. -HarrisDecision: (2002) Tested the allowance of school vouchers in relation to the establishment of the First Amendment. Court Case: v. The Stanford DailyDecision: (1978) Ruled that the First Amendment would not protect newspapers and other media outlets from third party warrants and that such search warrants were not overly intrusive into the daily operations of newspapers. |
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