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Psych test one

things i dont know

Four big issues in psych conscious vs unconscious, free will vs determinism, nature vs. nurture, universal vs individual
Neuroscience How does the brain/biology affect behavior
evolutionary how doe behaviors and mental processes affect survival
behavior genetics how much do genes vs. environment affect who we are
psycho-dynamics how do unconscious conflicts/drives determine behavior
behavioral How do our experiences/environment affect our behavior
cognitive how does info processing affect our behavior/thoughts
socio-cultural how does behavior/thinking vary across cultures/situations
Case study descriptive: Examine one person in depth, issues are atypicality and limited generalizability
observational research descriptive: two types, unobtrusive and participant, issues are limited generalizability and difficult behaviors to observe
survey descriptive: uses questions, issues include the unrepresented sample, question wording, and question order
axon terminals store and eventually release nts
how does info travel within a neuron action potential
resting state -70mv
Acetylcholine NT: movement, learning/memory
endorphines NT: pain reliever, eating chocolate, athletics, stress
seratonin NT:hunger/sleep, mood/arousal
dopamine NT: movement/learning, attention/emotion
Gaba NT: inhibits in relation to eating/sleeping
Central nervous system Brain/spinal cord
Peripheral autonomatic and somatic
Somatic sensory nerves/motor nerves
autonomatic sympathetic/parasympathetic
sensory neurons body to brain
motor neurons brain to body
inter neurons motor to sensory
Brain stem brathing, heart rate
pons pathway from spinal cord to higher brain
medulla sleep/wake/arousal
cerebellum "little brain" movement/balance
thalamus/hypothalamus switchboard for the brain
limbic system amygdala(emotion)hippocampus(learning/memory)
cerebrum sensation, movement, higher order behaviors
frontal lobe (cerebral cortex)emotion, strategy
parietal lobe (cerebral cortex)sends info, sensation
occipital lobe (cerebral cortex) vision
temporal lobe (cerebral cortex)language, auditory, memory
sensorimotor stage birth-2 years, relate action - real world
preoperational stage 2-7 years, object permanence, motor activities,
concrete operational stage 7-12 years old, logical thought, understands change in appearance
formal operational stage 12-0nwards, thinks in abstracts
preconventional moral development, morality is judged on rewards/punishments
conventional morality is judged on laws and rules
post conventional morality is based on the abstract
Created by: mstarkin
Popular Psychology sets




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