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Education Psychology

QUIZ 4, Chapter 10, 11, 12, 13: Education Psychology

Motivation An internal he that allows the, director, and maintains and internal that arouses, directs, and maintains behavior.
Intrinsic motivation Motivation associated with activities that are the own reward
Extrinsic motivation Motivation created by external factors such as reward and punishment
Locus of Causality Vocation -- -- internal or external of the cause of behavior.
Reward An attractive object or event supplied as a consequence of a behavior.
Incentive An object events that in core just for disgorges behavior
Humanistic interpretation Approach to motivation that emphasizes respect freedom, choice, self-determination, and striving for personal growth
Hierarchy of Needs Maslow's model of seven levels of human needs, from basic physiological requirements to the need for self-actualization.
Self-actualization Fulfilling one's potential
Deficiency needs Maslow's four lower level needs, which must be satisfied first
Being Needs Maslow's three higher-level needs, sometimes called growth needs.
Expectancy x- value theory Explanation of motivation that emphasize individual expectation for success, combined with their value of goal
Socio-cultural use of motivation Perspectives that emphasize participation, identity, and interpersonal relations within communities of practice
Legitimate peripheral participation Genuine involvement in the work of the group, even if you're abilities are undeveloped and contributions are small goal
Goal Would individual strives to accomplish
Goal orientation patterns of beliefs about polls related to achievement
Mastery goal A personal intention to improve abilities and one, no matter how performance suffers
Task involved learners Students who focus on mastering the task of solving the problem
Ego involved learners Students who focus on how well they are performing and how they are judged by others
Work avoident learners Students who don't want to burn or to look smart, but just want to avoid work
Social goals a wide variety of needs and wants to be to others were part of a group.
Arousal physical and psychological reactions causing a person to be alert, attentive, wide-awake
Anxiety general uneasiness, a feeling of tension
Entity view of ability belief that ability is a fixed characteristic and cannot be changed
Incremental view of ability belief that ability as a set of skills that can change
Attribution theories descriptions of how individuals’ explanations, expectations, justifications, and influence their motivation and behavior
Self-efficacy beliefs about personal competence in a particular situation.
Learned helplessness Expectation, based on previous experiences with a lack of control, that all one's efforts will lead to failure
Mastery oriented students students who focus on learning goals because they value achievement and see ability as improvable
Failure avoiding students students who avoid failure by speaking to what they know, by not taking risks, or by claiming not care about their performance
Failure accepting students students who believe their failures are due to low ability and there is little they can do about it
Motivation to learn the tendency to find academic activities meaningful and worthwhile and to try to benefit from them.
Academic tasks the work the student must accomplish, including the content covered in the mental operations required
Important-attainment value the importance of doing well on a task; how that on a task meets personal needs.
Utility value the contribution of a task to meeting one’s goals
Authentic tasks task that has some connection to real life problems the students will face outside the classroom
Problem based learning methods that provide students with realistic problems that do not necessarily have right answers
Goal structure the way students relate to others who are also working toward a particular goal
Collaboration a philosophy about how to deal with people that respects differences, shares authority, and builds on the knowledge of others
Cooperation working together with others to reach a shared goal.
Cooperative learning arrangement in which students work in mixed-ability group and are rewarded on the success of the of the group
Reciprocal questioning approach, where groups of two or three student ask and answer each of other’s questions after a lesson or presentation
Scripted cooperation learning strategy in which two students take turns some writing material and critiquing the summary
Jigsaw a cooperative structure in which each member of the group is responsible for teaching other members. One section of the material
Service learning an approach to combining academic learning with personal and social development
Classroom management technique used to maintain a healthy learning environment, relatively free of behavior problems
Allocated time time set aside for learning
Engaged time-time on task time spent actually learning
Academic learning time time when students are actually succeeding at learning task
Participation structures rules defining how to participate in different activities
Self management management of your own behavior and acceptance of responsibility for your actions
Procedures proscribed steps for an activity
Rules statement specifying expected and forbidden behaviors; dos and don'ts
Natural -- logical consequences instead of punishing, students review, or repair, or in some way face the consequences that naturally flow from their actions
Actions on area of the classroom, where the greatest amount of interaction takes place
Withitness According to Kounin, awareness of everything happening in a classroom
Overlapping Supervising several activities at once
Group focus the ability to keep as many students as possible involved in activities
Movement Management keeping lessons and the group motivating at an appropriate (and flexible) pain, with smooth transitions and variety.
Precorrection way of preventing serious behavior problems of students who have been able at risk were by directing the student toward more appropriate actions
Paraphrase rule policy whereby listeners must accurately summarize what has been said before being allowed to respond
Empathetic listening hearing intent in emotions behind what another says and reflecting them back by paraphrasing
“I” Message clear, nonaccusatory statement of something is affecting you
Assertive discipline clear, firm, unhostile response style
Culturally responsive management taking cultural meaning into account when developing management plans and responding to students
Warm Demanders effective teachers with African-American students who show both high expectations and caring for their students
Lesson study as a group, teachers develop, test, improve, and retest lessons until they are satisfied with the final version.
Instructional objectives clear statement of what students are intended to learn through instruction
Behavioral objectives instructional objectives stated in terms of observable behaviors.
Cognitive objectives instructional objectives thinking in terms of higher-level thinking operation.
Taxonomy a classification system
Cognitive domain In Bloom’s taxonomy, memory and reasoning objectives
Affective domain objectives focusing on attitudes and feelings
Psychomotor domain physical ability and coordination objectives
Constructivist approach view that emphasizes the active role of the learner in building, understanding and making sense of information
Direct instruction –explicit teaching systematic instruction for mastery of basic skills, facts, and information
Active teaching teaching characterized by high levels of teacher explanation, demonstration, and interaction with students
Basic skills clearly structured knowledge that is needed for later learning and that can be taught step by step
Scripted cooperation learning strategy in which two students take turns writing material and criticizing the summaries
Seatwork independent classroom work
Convergent questions questions that have a single correct answer.
Divergent questions questions that have no single correct answer
Group discussion conversation in which the teacher does not have the dominant role; students pose and answer their own questions
Pygmalion effect exceptional progress by a student at the result of high teacher expectations for that student; named for mythological king, who made a statue, then caused it to be brought to life
Self-fulfilling prophecy a groundless expectation that is confirmed because it has been expected.
Sustaining expectation effect student performance maintained at a certain level, because teachers do not recognize improvements
Whole-language approach a philosophical approach to teaching and learning that stress of learning through authentic, real life tasks. Emphasizes using language to learn, integrating language across fields and subject, and respecting language abilities of student and teacher
Reciprocal teaching a method, based on modeling, to teach reading comprehension strategies
Conceptual change teaching in science a method that help students understand (rather than memorize) concepts in science by using and challenging students current ideas
Assistive technology devices, systems, and services that support and improve the capabilities of individuals with disabilities
Universal design considering the needs of all users as new tools, or learning programs, websites
Differentiated instruction flexible coach teaching that much content, process, and products based on student differences in readiness, interests, and learning needs.
Created by: nicegirl_07
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