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PSYS 317 Exam 4

preconscious any piece of information you're not presently thinking about but can recall easily
unconscious memories and thoughts we hide from ourselves
conscious contains all thoughts, feelings, and perceptions that you are presently aware of
psychic determinism nothing happens by chance
tripartite mind id, ego, superego
id source of all drives and urges; I want it NOW
ego constrains id to reality
superego internalizes values, morals, and ideals of society
repression process of preventing unacceptable thoughts, feelings, or urges from reaching one's conscious awareness
denial pretending that it didn't happen
displacement threatening/unacceptable impulse is channelled/redirected from its original source to a nonthreatening target
rationalization generating acceptable reasons for outcomes that might otherwise appear socially unacceptable
reaction formation in an attempt to stifle the expression of an unacceptable urge, a person may continually display a flurry of behavior that indicate the opposite impulse
projection based on notion that sometimes we see in others the traits and desires we find most upsetting in ourselves
sublimation channeling of unacceptable sexual/aggressive instincts into socially desired behaviors
projective hypothesis idea that what a person sees in an ambiguous stimulus reflects his/her own personality
resistance patient resists therapist's attempt to correct behavior through psychoanalytic process
transference patient begins reacting to analyst as though he/she was an important figure in patient's life
repressed memories sometimes can be false memories if patient is led (through questioning) by therapist/psychologist
sodium amytal used to "recover" memories, controversial because memories
imagination effect occurs when a memory is elaborated upon through imagination, leading a person to confuse the imagined event with events that actually happened
motives internal states that arouse and direct behavior towards specific objects/goals; caused by a deficit
needs states of tension within a person; needs create the motive
apperception interpreting the environment and perceiving the meaning of what is going on in a situation
thematic apperception test (TAT) subject is given an ambiguous stimulus and asked to interpret and describe what is going on; no scoring, just analyzing subject's needs
imagination effect occurs when a memory is elaborated upon through imagination, leading a person to confuse the imagined event with events that actually happened
trust vs. mistrust will there always be someone around to help me when I need it; infancy
autonomy vs. shame and doubt first experiences of what toddler is capable of; terrible twos
initiative vs. guilt beginning stages of children figuring out who they are; acting out adult situations; beginning of ambition and goal seeking (if things go well)
industry vs. inferiority children begin comparing themselves to other children, some developing inferiority complexes
identity vs. role confusion adolescents are trying to figure out who they are, what they stand for
intimacy vs. isolation friendships and long-term relationships become important; young adulthood
generativity vs. stagnation adults question if they have done something that they really care about
integrity vs. despair older adults try to stay who they know themselves to be even through major life events (kids going to college, other activities not as available)
secure attachement (child) knows someone (primary care giver) loves them unconditionally and will always be around to help them
avoidant attachment (child) child and parent avoid each other, relationship is not healthy
ambivalent attachment (child) separation anxiety when child is separated from parents
secure attachment (adult) person has easy time finding satisfying relationships
avoidant attachment (adult) trust issues
ambivalent attachment (adult) vulnerable and uncertain about relationships
motives internal states that arouse and direct behavior towards specific objects/goals; caused by a deficit
needs states of tension within a person; needs create the motive
apperception interpreting the environment and perceiving the meaning of what is going on in a situation
thematic apperception test (TAT) subject is given an ambiguous stimulus and asked to interpret and describe what is going on; no scoring, just analyzing subject's needs
need for achievement desire to do better, be successful, and be competent; prefer activities with some (not too much) challenge, want to be personally responsible for task outcome, want feedback on task performance
need for power desire to have an impact on others; don't deal with stress/conflict well
need for intimacy desire for warm and fulfilling relationships with others; report more pleasant emotions when around other people, women-happiness/satisfaction in life, men-less strain in life
Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs lowest to highest: physiological, safety, belongingness, esteem, self-actualization
self actualization need to fulfill one's full potential; know who they are and have few doubts about the direction their life should take
Created by: 561154066
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