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Chapter 9

Amines class of neurotransmitters derived from Amino Acids
Catecholemines subgroup of amine neurotransmitters - dopamine, norepi, epi
dopamine subgroup of catecholeamine, effects CNS
dopamine made in... midbrain - substancia niagra
Norepi subclass of catecholemines - effect CNS & PNS
MAO/COMT enzymes that degrade catecholemines
epi made in adrenal medulla
seratonin subgroup of amine NT's, found in CNS, regulates sleep, effects emotions
histamine (blank)
Cholenergic Muric Neuron Produces ACH
ACHE degrades ACH - Enzyme
Brokendown ACH choline & acetate
recycled B vitamins choline
nicatinic receptor excitatory
muscarinic receptor inhibitory
ACH can bind to... nicatinic & muscarinic receptors
chatecholemines dopamine, epinephrine & norepinephrine
sodium ions crossing the membrane excitatory - epsp
chloride channels open inhibitory - ipsp
hyperpolarize making the cell more negative - less potential for a nerve impulse
calcium diffuses into endbulbs of neurons
exocitosis pumping out neurotransmitters
convergence several presynaptic endbulbs w/ one post synaptic endbulb
reuptake pulling back into endbulb to recycle
synaptic cleft space btw two synapses (pre/post)
axosomatic axon conected to the cell body
axodendritic axon connected to the dendrite
axoaxonic axon connected to another axon
gap junctions electrical synapses that connect cells. One impulse travels to every cell. (ie the heart)
Created by: goodbunn
Popular Massage Therapy sets




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