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Health & Disease

Mechanism of Health and Disease

What does the nervous system control transmit impulse and conduction
What does the endocrine system control? hormone regulation
What is positive feedback loop? starts at point A to Z, gets fastert and faster until it gets to point Z
What is more important negative or positive feedback loop? negative
Why is negative more important? it works to keep homeostasis in body
What things do all loops have? in order 1st to last senor, control center(brain), effector
What is negative feedback loop? it post a change in a contol condition
Give an example of negative feedback loop excerseing til 3am. you come out of breathe & breath harder as a way to returing to normal
What are body rhythms? internal clock
What recieves the nerve impulse & sets on motion? baro receptors
What is the sympathic nervous system responsible for? your fight or flight response
Daily stress does what to the sympathic nerve system? stimulate
Name three things the disrupt body rhythms? sound, light temp
How can genetice affect homastasis? mutatuions of genes, 2 many or 2 less chromosomes
How does cold change homostasis? slows,cold is physical
How do chemicals screw up homostasis? change the enviroment, toxins and radiation
Degeneration is normal for what? aging
degeneration in other forms is? tissue break apart
What is immune deficiency inability to fight germs
Tell about Bacteria antibiotic; has cell wall, no nuclei
Tell about Virus antiviral; no cell wall, has to have a host, is alive
Tell about Fungus anitfungal; plantlike organism, the fly movie
Cancers that are linked to genetic factors skin & breast cancer
cancers linked to carcinogens industrial waste, cigs
cancers of age leukemia an colon
1st step of the inflammatory response heat and redness
2nd step of the inflammatory response swelling
3rd step of the onflammatory response pain
What are reciptors for pain called? noci receptors
What is the term for very sensitive to pain hyperalgesia
Prickling pain type pins & needles
Burning pain type usually from muscle fatique
Deep muscle pain comes from tendons and joints
What is the term for the study of diease pathology
If you are born with a diease is called congential disease
Epidemiology studies the freq, trans, occur of disease (timeline)
What is a syndrome group of signs & symptons of a condition
What does pathology mean the study of diease
What is subacute pain more than acute less than chronic
Etiology is the study of what? what causes a disease
Diseases with unknown causes are called what idiopathic
Prognosis is what the expected outcome of a disease
pathogeneis is what following the development of a disease
What is the 1st step of the inflammatory process? change in blood circulation
What is the 2nd inflammatory process? changes in vessel wall permeability
what is the3rd inflammatory process? release of inflammatory mediators
What is the 1st response of the arterioles injury? vasoconstriction, then vasodilation
most common mediator of inflammation histamine
Parenchymal cells (tissue repair) tissue function
Stromal cells tissue structure
labile cells regenerate easy & quick
stable cell regenerate slow
permanent cell barely regenerate
Created by: T019516
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