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Pub Holistic Health

Lecture 3

benefits of exercise bodies not meant to be stagnant,mm contraction assist in moving blood to cells,poor diet and lack of exercise lead to lifestyle disease,these diseases occuring earlier in ages due to inc inactivity
mm contraction assist moving blood to all cells in body, blood bring O2 and nutrients and removes wastes
Lifestyle diseases obesity,hypertension,atherosclerosis
benefits of exercise strengthen cardiovascular system,respiratory system, bones and muscles,controls weight,prevents and manages diabetes, ease depression and manage pain and stress,better sleep,longer life expectancy
strengthen cardiovascular system keeps blood flowing smoothly, dec buildup of plague in arteries, lower blood pressure, reduce risk of CHD and stroke, pump blood circulate O2, exercise and blood moves well
decrease buildup of plaque in arteries by increasing HDL's and decreasing LDL's
strengthen respiratory system promotes deep rhythmic breathing, increase lung capacity,
strengthens bones and muscles Wolffs Law, resistance and weight bearing
Wolff's Law bone in a healthy person or animal will adapt to the loads it is placed under. loading bone inc=bone will remodel to become stronger to resist that loading.
Converse of Wolff's Law if loading on a bone decreases=bone will become weaker due to turnover as it is less metabolically costly to maintain and there is no stimulus for continued remodeling that is required to maintain bone mass
controls weight exercise burns calories,even after stopping b/c increased metabolic rate will burn calories for a few hours.more intensive exercise=more calories burned. burn more calories than taken in results in reduced body fat
prevents and manages diabetes regular exercise and healthy diet help to prevent and manage type 2 diabetes, exercise inc sensativity to insulin=insulin working more efficiently and lowers blood sugar
type 2 diabetes adult onset
blood sugar utilized by muscle for contraction, exercise helps lower blood sugar
hypoglycemic low blood sugar
ease depression and manages pain and stress exercise activates production of serotonin and norepinephrine, may be out of balance with depression. exercise stimulates production of endorphins
serotonin and norepinephrine neurotransmitters, unbalanced with depression
endorphins natural high, natural pain relief and relaxation. helps with mild depression
better sleep moderate exercise at least three hours before bed contributes to relaxation and better sleep
longer life expectancy casestudy=2,000 burned per week live an average of 1-2 years longer than those who burned fewer than 500 calories per week
Three Main types of exercise endurance(aerobic), strengthening (resistive,anaerobic), stretching or flexibility( ROM) exercises
4th type of exercise balance=qigong,tai chi,water
aerobic exercise endurance,requires O2 from air go thru blood stream to mm where used to produce energy, strengthen heart/lungs,supplies body c large amounts of O2 rich blood,at least 20 min, 3-7 times a week,attain muscular & cardio fitness,burns many calories
aerobic exercise results when the demand on mm requires increased nee to O2. as a result heart is required to beat faster and the lungs to work harder
Target heart rate Range THR,to get aerobic benefits the HR is the range btw max and min HR based on age
Calculate THR (220-age)x50%=lower limit. x75% = upper limit
examples of aerobic exercise jumping on trampoline, jump rope 15', fast dancing 30',swim laps 20' ,water aerobics 30', walking on treadmill 2mi/20',stairs 15',jogging or running 15' ball sports 15'
aerobic exercise frequency at least 20 min 3-7X per week
strengthening exercises contracting mm against resistance for up to 6 seconds at a time, holding longer can inc BP too much. isotonic,isometric
isotonic moving the mm against some form of resistance, such as gravity, weights,or rubber bands.
isometric contracting a mm without moving a joint. C/R several times. i.e. kegel
main purpose of strengthening exercises to make mm stronger
strengthening important for older people because as people age the amount of muscle mass and muscle strength tend to decrease
aerobic vs strengthening exercises both benefit heart and lungs=aerobic more, aerobic burns more calories but inc mm mass leads to body that make the body burn more calories
strengthening the legs helps with balance because balance requires strong legs
frequency of strengthening exercises 2 or 3 times a week. same mm should not be done 2 days in a row because fatigued mm build lactic acid
activities that combine aerobic and strengthening riding a stationary bike
stretching lengthens mm and tendons and improves flexibility and helps prevent injury
when to stretch only after warming up or exercising, when mm are warm and less likely to tear
duration of stretch at first hold for 5 seconds, inc to 20-30 seconds as the person becomes more accurate,then relax and stretch again
frequency of stretch 5-7 days a week
water exercise exercised done more easily in water than on land,provides resistance that improves endurance and strengthens muscles.water takes stress off joints,provides support so that people are less likely to lose their balance. water therex vigorous
exercises for balance balance on one foot, done anytime, anywhere, sit to stand transfers s using hands. tai chi may improve balance and flexibility.
tai chi improve balance and flexibility, series of gentle and controlled movements,which resemble a slow dance. whole body used, joints moved thru their ROM.careful attention paid to breathing and posture, calming the mind
exercises that build energy meditation, tai chi, qi gong,yoga=maintain qi in the body
Qi allows for increased physical strength, attention,endurance,and vitality
mechanics of breathing 2 primary mm=diaphragm,intercostal mm
diaphragm dome-shaped mm btw the thoracic cavity and abdominal cavity
intercostal mm located btw ribs,internal and external
internal intercostal mm depress ribs, squeeze out air,forced respiration, emphysema
external intercostal mm elevate ribs, inspiration, up and out
phases of breathing inspiration and expiration
inspiration diaphragm contracts,diaphragm flattens out making the pressure in the thoracic cavity more negative, in addition external intercostals mm contract lifting and expanding the chest a result of contractions mm is drawn into the lungs
expiration normal breathing out results from the relaxation of the diaphragm and external intercostals.elastic tissue in lungs recoil forcing air out of the lungs contraction required only during forced expriration
breathing exercises belly breath, complete breath,humming breath, chinese breath
Created by: mloft
Popular Massage Therapy sets




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