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Psychotherapy Use of psychological techniques to treat personality/behavior disorders…The therapist uses psych techniques to treat Persephone’s personality and behavior problems.
Insight therapies variety of individual PT's desired to give people a better awareness/understanding of their feelings, motivations, actions, in hope it will help em adjust. Ex: multiple individual psychotherapies help people become aware of feelings, motivations..etc
Hans Eysenck biological therapist, 1/3 patients (w/CMD) w/o treatment get significantly better, whereas 2/3 of people with a CMD that receive treatment get significantly better. Therapists need to have care/knowledge for the patient in order to make progress.
Psychoanalysis designed to bring repressed feelings/thoughts to conscious awareness so person can deal w/them more effectively. Ex: Branson brings repressed feelings to awareness to he can deal with them better.
More on psychoanalysis •Long therapy treatments, pricey, doesn’t solve immediate problems, not effective w/severely disturbed clients • By Freud, dream analysis, free association, & hypnosis used to “discover” the unconscious transference
Free Association : a psychoanalytic technique that encourages client to talk w/out inhibition about whatever thoughts/fantasies come to mind. Free willy freely talks w/no inhibition
Transference the client carrying over to the analyst feelings held toward childhood figures. When client feels good about the analyst, it’s called + transference.
-transference crucial step in psychoanalysis it means client’s neg.feelings toward authority figures & their resistance to uncover repressed emotions.
insight Awareness of previously unconscious feelings/memories & how they influence present feelings & behavior. Nikki now has awareness of unconscious memories/feelings & how they influence her present feelings/behavior
Client Centered Therapy By Carl Rogers, nondirectional form of therapy, calls for unconditional positive regard of the client by the therapist w/goal of helping client become fully functioning.
more on client centered therapy •He wanted the client to gain insight into current feelings than unconscious wishes w/roots in the past. •rule is therapists unconditional positive regard Crucial step of getting clients to accept themselves.
even more on client centered therapy •Therapy is empathetically not non-directive, doesn’t suggest reasons for feelings. • Reflect what was said…restate but in a different way to allow client to hear what they are saying
ex of client centered therapy •Ex: Carl Rogers has client centered therapy, his therapist has unconditional positive regard for him to help him become fully functioning
Gestalt therapy By Fred(Fritz) Perls, emphasizes the wholeness of personality & attempts to reawaken people to their emotions/sensations in the here & now. Focuses on the whole person
more on gestalt therapy the empty chair technique
empty chair technique is.. also part of gestalt therapy clients speak to a part of themselves, they imagine to be sitting next to them in an empty chair. Gets clients to be more aware of their conflicting inner feelings & w/this insight to become more genuine.
even more on GT •Own your feelings!, fill the holes to make you whole, therapist is active & directive • Emily sits in an empty chair during Gerry’s gestalt therapy.
Short Term Psychodynamic Psychotherapy insight therapy, time limited/focused to help people correct immediate problems in life. Short sally says ShortTermPsychodynamicPsychotherapy is the way to go, it helps her correct the present day problems in life.
3 major forms of therapy orginated by: Freud, Rogers, & Perls
major types of psychotherapy are: insight, behavioral, cognitive, group, biological
major insight therapies are: psychoanalysis, client-centered, Gestalt
Behavioral therapists...AKA BT's are more active than Insight Therapists
more on BT's •Focus on changing behavior not increasing insight into thoughts/feelings, & operate within an even shorter time frame. • Based on the belief that all behavior is learned, objective is to teach people new, more satisfying ways of behavior.
Systematic Desensitization BTechniqe, for reducing a person’s fear/anxiety gradually associating a new response (relaxation) w/stimuli that have been causing the fear/anxiety. Ex: Anxious Ann gets systematic desensitization to help her reduce her fear and anxiety. •Joseph Wolpe
Hierarchy of Fears: list of situations, from the least to the most anxiety-provoking for the client.
flooding less familiar/more aggressive, method of SD through exposure. Ex: spiders in a room
Aversive Conditioning: BT technique, at eliminating undesirable behavioral patterns by teaching person to associate them w/pain & discomfort. EX: Aver has aversive conditioning to eliminate undesirable behavioral patterns of putting pans in the port.
Behavioral contracting: form of operant conditioning therapy, in which client & therapist set behavioral goals & agree on reinforcements the person will receive upon reaching the goals. Kelly & bonnie the BT sets goals that Kelly will receive when her goal is obtained.
Token Economy used in schools& hospitals, a form of OC therapy, clients earn tokens(reinforcers) for desired behaviors & exchange them for desired items/privileges. TE is a behavior contracting method.
modeling and extinction a behavior therapy in which the person learns desired behaviors by watching others perform those behaviors. stop pairing the UCS&CS
Cognitive Therapies: Psychotherapies that emphasize changing people’s perceptions of their life situation as a way of modifying their behavior. Ex: Connie’s cognitive therapist, changed her perception of her life situation of moon walking to modify her behavior.
Stress-Inoculation Therapy type of cognitive therapy, trains people to cope w/stressful situations by learning a more useful pattern of self talk. •Works for test anxiety Ex: Theresa trains people to cope with stress by self talk
Rational Emotive Therapy(RET) A cognitive therapy, Albert Ellis is founder of RET. Persuasion, challenge, commands, & theoretical arguments are used.
more on RET • idea that people’s psych distress is caused by irrational/self-defeating beliefs & that the therapists’ job is to challenge dysfunctional beliefs. • Ex: Ellis’s stress is caused by irrational beliefs, RET her therapists challenges those for Ellis.
Cognitive Therapy Therapy that depends on identifying/changing inappropriately negative & self critical patterns of thought.
More on Cognitive Therapy •Founder is Aaron Beck, not challenging/confrontational. •“Becks best friend” supportive way •Ex: Aaron has negative patterns of thought, he doesn’t want a challenge/or confrontation, his therapist does just that.
Group Therapy type of psychotherapy, people meet regularly to interact and help one another achieve insight into their feelings & behavior. •Ex: Greg gets group therapy to help his alcohol addiction.
Family Therapy form of group therapy, sees the family at least partly responsible for the individuals problems & that seeks to change all family member’s behaviors to the benefit of the family unit as well as the troubled individual.
more on family therapy •Ex: Frank’s Family goes to family therapy to fix frank jr.s problems/change everyone’s behaviors to benefit the family. • For family’s sake fricken don’t isolate em • Focuses on improving family communication
couples therapy form of group therapy, intended to help troubled partners improve their problems of communication & interaction. • Empathy training • Ex: Colpy & Therpy go to Couples therapy to help their communication.
Eclectism psychotherapeutic approach that recognizes the value of a broad treatment package over a rigid commitment to one particular form of therapy. Ex: too many treatments that are recognized instead of just one.
Self-help: no professional, AA
Biological Treatments Group of approaches, including medication, electro conclusive therapy, & psychosurgery that are sometimes used to treat psychological disorders in conjunction w/or instead of psychotherapy. Only psychiatrists are licensed for BT’s.
Antipsychotic Drugs: Drugs used to treat very severe psychological disorders, particularly schizophrenia, very effective for + symptoms( like hallucinations), less effective w/-symptoms. •Ex: SAAD…Schizophrenics Attain Antipsychotic Drugs
Antipsychotic Drugs They “mute”, Mutant ninja turtles take Antipsychotic drugs to help their schizophrenia
Antipsychotic Drugs •Block dopamine receptors=Thorazine(a drug)= schizophrenia prolonged exposure can lead to tardive dyskinesia=involuntary repetitive body movements. •Thorazine only used when needed
Drug Therapies: effective w/many undesirable side-effects and placebo effect
Anti-depressants: increase serotonin & NORepinephrine= Prozac’s & MAOI’s(#1&2 most sold prescribed drugs on the market). •Lithium for bipolar disorder •Anti-anxiety :valium
Electro-Conclusive Therapy biological therapy in which mild electrical current is passed through the brain for a short period.
Electro-Conclusive Therapy •Often producing convulsions & temp. coma •Electricity electrifies ellie’s brain for a short time. •Used to treat severe prolonged depression. •A “last resort treatment”
Psychotherapy brain surgery performed to change a person’s behavior/emotional state; a BT rarely used today. It’s irreversible effects are hard to predict. Ex: Pam performed brain surgery to change pattys’ behavior/emotions.
Deinstitionalization Releasing patients w/severe psych disorders into community. Ex: Ricky releases severe Pscych disordered patients into community.
Prevention : reducing incidence of MD’s in society, eliminate conditions that causee to MD’s substituting conditions that foster mental well-being. Has 3 forms; Primary, Secondary, & Territory
Prevention ex: Ex: Penelope prevents mental disorders in society, conditions that cause MD’s, and helps mental well being
Primary Prevention techniques & programs to improve social environment so that new cases of Mental Disorders don’t develop. Ex: family planning/genetic counseling. Ex: Programs plan to prevent MD’s,and improve social environment.
Secondary Prevention programs to identify groups that are at high risk for MD’s to detect maladaptive behavior in these groups & to treat it promptly. Ex: abused children Ex: high risk groups detect dumb behavior & treat it instantly.
Intervention W/high risk groups, detect maladaptive behavior early/treat it promptly. A form of intervention is…
Crisis Intervention : form of intervention w/programs such as suicide hotlines
Another is short term crisis facilities therapist can then provide face to face counseling/support for high risk individuals/families. Ex: Tammy the therapist likes face to face counseling
Tertiary prevention programs to help people adjust to community life after release from a mental hospital. Ex: halfway houses. Ex: Halle Has Halfway Houses to help people adj, to community life.
Created by: BarackObama13
Popular Psychology sets




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