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psychology of stress

unit 1

Homeostasis Cannon: the biological process that enables an organism to adapt to life's demands
Fight or Flight Cannon: the body's physiological activation response when it prepares to fight off or flee from a threat
General Adaptation Syndrome (GAS) Selye. 3 stage mode of the effects of chronic stress. 1) alarm stage 2) resistance stage 3)exhaustion stage -physical reaction
Distress Selye: negative stress
Eustress Selye: positive Stress
Stress Selye: nonspecific responses the body makes to demands
Social Readjustment Rating Scale (SRRS) Holmes and Rahe: measures life change events
Appraisal Lazarus: Making a judgement about the relative significance of an event
Core Relational Meaning The emotional response we experience based on the appraisal we give to a situation
Biopsychosocial model model of health that assumes health is a product of biological, psychological and social influences
Salutogenic Model Antonovsky: Health resides on a continuum from an entropic end to a salutary end, how one manages stress can move a person toward either end of the continuum
Generalized Resistance Resources (GSS) Resources that enable us to resist entropy
Sense of Coherence(SOC) one's worldview, comprised of comprehensibility, manageability and meaningfulness
Comprehensibility the degree to which we can make cognitive sense of the stimuli we perceive
Manageability our ability to access internal and external coping resources and use them when we need them
Meaningfulness our ability to emotionally make sense of demands and to perceive these demands as worthwhile investments of our energy as challenges rather than burdens -most impt
Allostatic Load the cost the organism pays when subjected to chronic stressors
Diathesis-stress model a unique genetically predetermined weak organ or organ system predetermined to breakdown due to chronic stress
Primary Appraisal a judgement about the relative significance of an event regarding its potential benefit or harm-loss. The situation can be irrelevant, benign-positive or stressful
Secondary Appraisal the judgement about how well one can deal or cope with a given stressful situation
Reappraisal changing the meaning of an event to reduce stress reactions
Harm loss appraisal past or present oriented
Threat appraisal future oriented
Challenge appraisal has potential for personal gain or growth
Self Efficacy Bandura: the belief in one's abilities and skills to bring about a successful outcome in a given situation. Outcome expectation and efficacy expectation
Created by: 586065465
Popular Psychology sets




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