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Control and Stress Tolerance
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Major elements of each cluster

Control and Stress Tolerance D, Adj D, EA, es, Adj es, and CDI
Adjusted D Most direct single Rorschach index of the ability to maintain control under demand or stress situations
Using Control and Stress Tolerance First Occurs when CDI is positive, D < Adj D, or Adj has a minus value
Control and Stress Tolerance Normal Conclusion is that the person appears to have about as much capacity for control and tolerance for stress as do most others, and seems to have a level of resource access that is also similar to most others
DEPI Scores Range from 0 to 7; positive values range from 5-7
CDI Scores Range from 0 to 5; positive if CDI > or equal to a 4
Using Affect If both DEPI and CDI are positive
Introversive Style Occurs when the value is higher on the left side of the EB; they prefer to think things through before making decisions
Exratensive Style A higher right-side value is found in EB; these individuals are prone to use their feelings more directly in decision making by merging them with their thinking
Ambitent Style No distinctive style is indicated; do not show the consistency of either coping styles in their decision making or problem solving
High Lambda avoidant style is present if higher than .99
EB provides information about the relation of emotion to the psychology of the person and indicates the presence of a distinct coping style
EB Cautions look out for values that have a 0 on the left side of EB and a value greater on the right side. Also notify whether EA is less than 4.0
EBPer Use when EB indicates either an introversive or extratensive style but exclude a Lamba > .99; determines if style is pervasive when coping with problem-solving or decision-making situations
Right side eb value Ascertains if some unusual distress experiences are occurring. Typically value will range between 2-5 and be less than the opposite side. If value is higher, it usually signals distress or emotional discomfort
SumC':WSumC Ratio concerns the suppression or constraint of emotion
Chromatic color responses have some relationship to the release or discharge of emotion and the extent to which the release is controlled or modulated
Achromatic color responses relate to irritating feelings that are caused by the inhibition or internalization of emotion
Inhibition of feelings Occurs when the SumC' is higher than the value of WSumC'; inhibition causes individual to be burdened by more irritating feelings than should normally be the case
Intellectualization Index Process by which the impact of emotional situations or experiences is reduced or even neutralized by dealing with them on an ideational rather than emotional level; serves to conceal or deny presence of feelings; Index < 4 have no interpretive meaning
CP Value for CP is always expected to be zero; represents the use of an unusual form of denial to contend with unpleasant emotional experiences
CP Greater than 0 Signifies that the individual often denies the presence of irritating or unpleasant emotion or emotional stimulation by subtituting an inappropriately positive emotion or emotional value to the situation
FC:CF + C ratio Offer information concerning the modulation of emotional discharges or displays.
FC correlates with more well controlled or modulated emotional experiences
CF relate to less restrained forms of affective discharge
Pure C subjectively evaluates the extent tow hich an individual represents a less mature or more primitive type of answer as contrasted with those which reflect more restraint
Space Responses (S) The reversal of figure and ground, or the integration of figure and ground, can be thought of representing a sense of individuality
S scores norm S falling between 0 and 2, the finding is not significant;
S irritation and oppositional S = 4-5 and given in first three blots, indicates subject was quite irritated and probably reflects a tendency to be excessively oppositional when confronted
S situationally related S of 3 and all responses within first two blots, indicates that the subject responded negatively to the demands of the situation
S negativistic and oppositional S is 3 and at least one of the three S answers occurred after Card II, suggests subject is disposed to be more negativistic or oppositional toward environment; can become detrimental to formation of harmonious social relationships
Color Shading Blends any response for which the coding includes both a chormatic color determinant and an achromatic color or shading determinant
Color Shading Blends Interpretation Usually indicates the presence of uncertainty, confusion, or even ambivalence about feelings
Shading Blends very unusual and never expected (FT.FC', FV.FY, etc.)
Cognitive Triad Information processing, cognitive mediation, and ideation
Information Processing Involves the mental procedures entailed in the input of information; focuses only on input operations (scanning and creating a mental image)
Cognitive mediation mental operations which occur when information that has been input is translated or identified
Ideation Refers to the thinking process that occurs after inputs have been identified and which leads to some form of mental conceptualization of the information that has been translated
Positive OBS signals the presence of a marked tendency toward perfectionism and a preoccupation with details
Positive HVI signals a state of hyperalterness. Individuals such as this are guarded and mistrusting of the environment
Zf crude estimate of processing effort; higher scores suggests more effort than customary in processing blot fields; lower scores indicates a conservative processing approach
W Responses While providing a W response on difficult blots (II, VI, VII, VIII, III, IX, X) represent considerable effort it provides no assurance that response will be better than if another strategy was implemented
D Responses reasonably easy to distinguish on every blot, except Card V
Dd Responses formed only after considerable scanning has occurred & require more processing effort; unless, responses created by a complete figure reversal & involve exclusive use of white space
W:D:Dd ratio expectation that the D frequency will be between 1.3 and 1.6 times greater than the W frequency, and that the frequency for Dd will not exceed 3
Location Sequence of W Responses helps clarify if Zf or W:D:Dd are misleading; addresses whether there was situational discomfort on behalf of the examinee; or whether the approach to processing is consistent
M responses relates to reasoning and higher forms of conceptualization and the process of giving direction to ideational focusing
W:M ratio provides less information about processing effort than the Zf or W:D:Dd ratio in that it seems to relate more broadly to the achievement orientation of the individual
W:M interpretation The interpretive rationale is based on the premise that the processing effort should be consistent with the person's available resources *Note if ratio is disproportionate in context of the EB
Zd score provides an estimate concerning the efficiency of the scanning activity that has occurred during the processing operations. May also identify persons strongly motivated to process effectively. +3.0 and -3.0 is expected
PSV presence of these responses suggest some problems in processing efficiency
Content PSV specifically, provides some information about preoccupations
DQ Distribution DQ concerns quality of processing activity and relates to both mediation and conceptualization; continuum of least sophisticated forms of cognitive activity (DQ+, DQo, DQv/+; DQv)
DQ+ answers At the left of the DQ distribution and represent the highest form of analysis and synthesis; occur more frequently among well educated and/or more psychologically complex
DQv answers They involve very little analysis, no synthesis, and reflect an immature form of cognitive activity that is concrete and impressionistic
Distal properties true components of a stimulus field
XA% and WDA% Deal with the extent to which the mediational activities have yielded behaviors (responses) appropriate for the situation. Must be studied in tandem; expected to be substantial and similar to each other
FQxnone represents instances in which contour has been disregarded during mediation in favor of some internal prompting; tend to be related to affect; Frequency in most records tend to be zero or one
Minus responses represent instances in which the features of the blot are translated in a manner that is incompatible with their distal properties; concern if seen in W or D areas; represent a disregard or distortion of reality
X-% range represents the incidence of mediational dysfunction; may tend to overestimate the tendency toward mediational dysfunction under circumstances more familiar to individual
Homogeneity Issues (first two or three cards) minus responses is a reaction to test situation or examinees negative attitude toward test
Homogeneity Issues (S) demonstrates minus responses are likely the product of an affective problem having to do with negativism or anger
Homogeneity Issues (M, FM, m) signifies some sort of strange thinking is contributing to distortions of reality; may also represent peripheral, less volitional forms of ideational activity
Homogeneity Issues (reflection or form) interference to mediation is related to self image issues
Homogeneity Issues (FQ- >3, Pure F, and L>.99) suggests style has become ineffective and is being maintained by reality distortions
Homogeneity Issues (FQ- >3, Pure F, and L<1.00) represents that responses are a more deliberately defensive distortion of reality
Homogeneity Issues (cluster for homogenous contents) Suggests that a preoccupation is provoking mediational dysfunction; reviewing self perception should aid in clarifying the preoccupation
Homogeneity Issues (FQx- >3 and first responses) may signify a lackadaisical or hasty approach in mediation; may be due to processing problems or mediational impulsiveness
Homogeneity Issues (FQx- >3 and last responses) answers are of special consideration to examinee and may be quite revealing when characteristics or content is reviewed (more common) or subject may be prone to exaggerate features of disturbance
Minus Distortion Levels focus is on the issue of how severe the detachment from reality may be; severity can suggest there is a serious breakdown in the cognitive operations related to mediation similar to psychotic-like activities
Popular responses use of the most distinct distal properties of the blots; frequency indicates likelihood the person will make obvious customary or conventional responses in situations where they are expected or easily identified; norm (6-8)
FQ+ restricted to conventional (o) response and identifies whether an individual is overelaborated in their form features; low frequency suggest person taking test is involved and motivated with task
X+% represents the proportion of o responses in the protocol; when an ordinary response is selected from the array of possibilities that exist w/n the field, indicates person's meditational decisions tend to be common or conventional
Xu% represents the proportion of u responses (always expected to be less than minus) in the protocol; less conventional and more idiographic; response may be cautious and defensive or original and creative
Created by: p31nprogress
Popular Psychology sets




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