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Myology 1

Lecture 6

muscles of the neck functionality mm cross the joints of the cervical spine they can move neck at cervical spinal joints.if a muscle crosses atlanto-occipital jt it can move head upon the neck
muscles of neck general rules divided into anterior and posterior muscles, posterior mm extends neck,anterior muscles flex neck, lateral muscles laterally flex neck,if muscle wraps around neck causes rotation of the neck
anterior muscles superficial 2,hyoids 8(infra 4 and supra 4),scalenes 3, deep 4
posterior muscles superficial 4, deep 4
superficial muscles of the anterior neck platysma,sternocleidomastoid
platysma primarily a mm of facial expression,weblike,one side blends with contralateral side and other facial mm in lower face.remnant of panniculus carnosus found in 4 legged to shake off flies,contracted=creature from black lagoon
sternocleidomastoid SCM,since attaches to sternum it is considered an accessory muscle of respiration.
platysma OIAN O=subcutaneous fascia of superior chest,I=mandible and subcutaneous fascia of lower face,A=draws up the skin of superior chest and neck,creating ridges in neck skin.assist in drawing the lip laterally and depresses the mandible.N=CNVII facial nn
SCM OIAN O=sternal head:manubrium/clavicular head:medial clavicle.I=mastoid process.A=bilateral flex of neck,unilateral lateral flex and contralateral rotation of neck/head (ROSS).CNXI spinal accessory nn
Infrahyoid muscles of the anterior neck below hyoid,pull hyoid bone inferiorly,move or fixate hyoid bone=functions necessary for chewing,swallowing,speech.sternohyoid,sternothyroid,thyrohyoid,omohyoid
hyoid bone free floating no articulations, held in place by muscles, drops down when swallow
sternohyoid infrahyoid mm, attaches from sternum to hyoid bone
sternothyroid infrahyoid mm, attaches from sternum to thyroid cartilage
thyrohyoid infrahyoid mm,attaches from thyroid cartilage to hyoid bone, dual action=elevates thyroid and depresses hyoid
omohyoid infrahyoid mm, attaches from shoulder to hyoid
sternohyoid OIAN O=posterior aspect of the the manubrium and medial clavicle.I=inferior hyoid.A=depression of hyoid.N=Ansa cervicalis of the cervical plexus
ansa cervicalis nerve loop off of cervical plexus.innervates sternohyoid,sternothyroid,omohyoid
sternothyroid OIAN O=posterior sternum and 1st costal cartilage(1st rib).I=thyroid cartilage.A=depression of thyroid cartilage.N=ansa cervicalis of cervical plexus
thyrohyoid OIAN O=thyroid cartilage.I=hyoid inferior aspect.A=2 actions=depress hyoid and elevate thyroid cartilage, speech, chew, swallow with tongue.N=CNXII hypoglassal nn
omohyoid OIAN O=2 Bellys=inferior belly-superior angle of the scapula/superior belly-clavicle via the central tendon to the clavicle.I=inf belly-clavicle via central tendon to clavicle/sup belly-hyoid.A=depress hyoid.N=ansa cervicalis of cervical plexus
suprahyoid muscles of the anterior neck digastric,sylohyoid,mylohyoid,geniohyoid
digastric suprahyoid mm,2 origins,external carotid lies inferior and deep to anterior belly
stylohyoid suprahyoid mm,external carotid lies inferior and deep to stylohyoid
mylohyoid suprahyoid mm,molar teeth
geniohyoid suprahyoid mm,chin
digastric OIAN 2 origins/2nn. O=post belly:mastoid notch of temporal bone.Ant belly:inner surface of mandible.I=hyoid (via central tendon).A=elevation of hyoid,depression and retraction of mandible.N=anterior belly=CNV trigeminal nn/posterior belly=CNVII facial nn
stylohyoid OIAN O=styloid process of temporal bone.I=hyoid.A=elevation of hyoid.N=CNVII facial nn
mylohyoid OIAN O=entire inner surface of the mandible(mm forms muscular floor of the mouth.I=hyoid.A=elevation of hyoid and depress mandible.N=CNV trigeminal nn
geniohyoid OIAN O=inner surface of mandible deep to the mylohyoid.I=hyoid.A=elevation of hyoid.N=CNXII hypoglossal nn
muscles of the anterior neck scalenes A/M/P a group they attach superiorly from cervical TP's to inferiorly on the 1st and 2nd ribs,flex and laterally flex neck,reverse mm action elevate 1st rib and 2nd rib,accessory mm of respiration.
anterior scalene OIAN ROSS,O=anterior tubercles of TP's of C3-C6.I=1st rib.A=bilat flexes neck,unilat lateral flex and contralateral rotation.rev mm action elevate 1st rib.N=ventral rami of the cervical spinal nn
ROSS Rotate oposite side, same side lateral flex
2 ROSS muscles SCM and Anterior scalenes
middle scalenes OIAN
Posterior scalenes OIAN
muscles injured during MVA called whiplash SCM and scalenes
CAD MVA=cervical acceleration deceleration injury
muscles of anterior neck deep prevertebral group prevertebral mm,bilat neck flex. lie directly on cervical spine vertebral bodies,fixating(stabilizing) neck and head while talking,swallowing,coughing,sneezing.injured during CAD.Longus colli,Longus capitis,rectus capitis anterior,rectus capitis lateralis
longus colli 3 parts.superior oblique,inferior oblique,vertical,considered strong neck flexors.
longus colli OIAN
longus capitis OIAN
rectus capitis anterior OIAN
rectus capitis lateralis OIAN
Created by: mloft
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