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State Board Review


Fasicle Bundle of individual muscle fibers (cells)
Muscle Fibers Muscle cells named for their elongated shape and multinucleated
Sarcolemma Cell membrane for each muscle fiber
Sarcoplasm cytoplasm inside each muscle fiber that contains mitochondria & myofibrils
myofibrils bundle of overlapping thick & thin filaments
Actin Thin filament (contractile protein)
Myosin Thick filament (contractile protein)
Sarcoplasmic Reticulum surrounds each myofibril & stores & releases Ca+ when muscle cell is stimulated to contract
Sarcomere a section of each myofibril that is bordered on either side by z lines
Each Actin has a _____ binding site Myosin
Troponin/Tropomyosin regulatory proteins that ewnable muscle finers to start or stop contracting
Tropomyosin covers myosin binding sites on the actin molecules
Troponin moves tropomyosin aside & exposes myosin binding sites when Ca+ is released
Crossbridges myosin heads/bridge gaps btw thin/thick filaments
atp attached to myosin heads
Sliding filament muscles contract because the thin/thick filaments slide past eachother
Crossbridge cycle Binding of myosin to actin, powerstroke, rigor, unbinding, cocking of the myosin heads
All ribs articulate with... costal cartilage
functions of arches of foot shock absorbtion, different terrain
wormian bones (sutural bones) found in sutures of the skull, saggital and lambdoidal
Endocrine function of skin
Vitamin D Hormone of the skin
lamellar granules make skin water resistance
5 layers of epidermis on palms and soles of feet
Keritinocytes most abundant cell in epidermis
merkel cells touch receptors
meissner corpuscle touch receptor in papillae
pacinian/lamelated corpuscle deep pressure sensors
vitamin D synthesis needs UV light
hydroxyapartites crystals in bone
inorganic substance that makes bone hard calcium
organic substance that makes bone flexible collagen
shaft of bone compact bone
epiphysis of bone spongy/cancellous bone
perforating canal, circumferentral lamelli, interstitial lamelli NOT part of the osteon
intramembraneus ossification closing of the fontanells of babies
endochondral ossification formation of bones
zone of primary ossification diaphysis
zone of secondary ossification epiphysis
Ossification completes by age 25
paranasal sinuses Frontal, Ethmoid, Maxillary, Sphenoid
Primary Vertebral Curves Sacral & Thoracic
Secondary Vertebral curves Cervical & Lumbar
Parts of the Sternum Manubrium, body, Xiphoid process
Hyoid bone No point of contact with any other bone
# of bones in skull 22
# of facial bones 14
# of cranial bones 8
Sphenoid articulates with... all other bones of the skull (keystone)
smallest facial bone Lacrimal
foramen magnum location occipital bone
petras portion of temporal bone houses the inner ear
sella turcica located in sphenoid, houses the pituitary
perpendicular plate & vomer make up the nasal septum
crista galli & cribiform plate located in Ethmoid
mandible most moveable bone of the skull
Optical Foramen located in Sphenoid
jugular foramen located in the temporal bone
hypoglossal canal in occiput
unpaired facial bones vomer & mandible
proprioreceptors stretch receptors
muscle spindles measure muscle length
GTO protects muscle & associated tendon from damage due to over stretch
joint kinesthetic receptor located within and around joints for protection from pressure/ excess acceloration and deceloration
Tallus accepts the weight of the body & transfers it to the foot
femur heaviest bone
spinous processes formed by 2 lamina coming together
Intervertebral foramen holes for spinal nerves to exit the vertebral column
vertebral foramen hole for spinal cord
lumbar vertebrae largest, short stubby transv. processes
Thoracic vertrbrae facets for ribs, long sharp Spinous processes
Cervical vertebrae holes in T.P's, bifurcated S.P.'s
C7 vertebral prominence
C2 axis, dens is point of rotation
C1 Atlas, no body, no pedicle, no lamina, no SP
Metabolism sum of all chemical reactions in the body
responsiveness ability to respond to stimuli
growth ability to grow
differentiation ability to specialize cells
negative feedback system response is opposite of stimulus
positive feedback system response enhances stimulus
2 control systems of the body nervous and endocrine
crural front of leg
sural back of leg
most common inorganic molecule water
osmosis movement of water down the concentration gradient
filtration pushing the molecule thru the membrane (PASSIVE)
facilitated diffusion molecule aided by a carrier molecule (PASSIVE)
simple diffusion passive process molecule moves down the concentration gradient (from highest to lowest concentration)
Active transport uses ATP by membrane
mitosis growth and repair cell reproduction
meiosis reproductive cell division
Supplies blood to the kidneys Renal Artery
Drains blood from Sm/Lg intestines, stomach & pancreas Superior Mesenteric Vein
main blood supply to the arm, commonly used to take BP Brachial Artery
Supply blood to lower limbs Common Illiac Arteries
Drain O2 blood from lungs to Left Atria Pulmonary veins
supplies blood to stomach, liver, pancread Celiac trunk
supplies blood to brain Carotid arteries
supplies blood to Lg. intestines Inferior Mesenteric artery
drains blood from the head Jugular Vein
detours venous blood from GI organs & spleen thru liver before returning it to the heart Hepat Portal circulation
drains most of the thorax, used as a bypass to the Inferior Vena Cava Azygos System
part of the venous circulation of the leg - used in bypass surgury Great Saphenous Vein
Carries deO2 blood from r. ventricle to the lungs Pulmonary arteries
Motor neurons come from... anterior grey horn of S.C.
Sympathetic neurons come from... Lateral horn of thoracic & Lumbar S.C.
Parasympathetic neurons come from brain stem (cranio) & lateral horn of sacral S.C.
Sympathetic chain paravertebral ganglions
Parasympathetics prevertebral ganglions
Active site place on molecule where they attach to one another or something else
Potential Energy stored energy
Activation energy amount of energy required to stick 2 molecules together
kinetic energy movement
radiant energy released energy
most abundant chemical element in the body Carbon
96% of all elements in body CHON - Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen, Nitrogen
Difference between DNA & RNA Presence of thymine in DNA not RNA
phospholipid bilayer cell membrane
Phospholipid tails point... toward eachother
Synarthrosis no movement in joint (suture)
Amphiarthrosis some movement in a joint
Diarthrosis freely moveable joint (all synovial)
goblet cells line stomach, produce mucus & heparin
aerolar tissue loose connective tissue
dense connective tissue makes up tendons
Potts fracture elderly person, at anke joint - distal tibia
callus mass of repair tissue that bridges the end of a long bone
shattered bone communited fracture
haversian canals in osseous tissue, where nerves & blood vessels are found
colles fracture occurs in forearm/ at distal radius
periostial blood vessels outside of long bones
olfactory foramena location ethmoid bone
strongest, largest vertebrae Lumbar vertebrae
mental foramen location mandible
vertebrae that have articular facets for ribs on transverse processes Thoracic vertebrae
Where vitamin D synthisis begins in the skin
80% of all skin cancers Basal cell carcinoma
Signs of skin cancer ABCD - Asymmetry, Border, Color, Diameter
Lameli Growth rings on cross section of bone
osteon/Haversian system arangement of compact bone
Spongy bone does not have... Osteons
Calcitonin & PTH effect osteon activity by way of calcium regulation
Calcitonin lowers blood calcium
PTH raises blood calcium
Open reduction setting a bone with surgury
Closed reduction setting a bone with a cast or splint
Opening in transverse processes for vertebral artery and vein in cervical region transverse foramena
C1/Atlas no body, no spinous processes
C2/axis has dens which articualtes with atlas
C7 anchors nuchal ligament
sacrum keystone
most common abnormal curve of spine scoliosis
break in arm most common @ ... surgical neck - where metaphasis was
rickets childhood osteomalacia
Golgi tendon organ protects against muscle/tendon tears
norepinephrine in brain... responsible for wakefulness
Neural crest mass of neural tissue that develops into dorsal root ganglia
recieves impulses for smell medial aspect of temporal lobe of brain
hippocampus located in medial temporal lobe - responsible for long term memory - part of Limbic system
amydgala almond shaped group of neurons in temporal lobe responsible for memory & emotional reaction
Brocha's area associated with speech
Transverse fissure separates cerebrum & cerebellum & contains tentorium cerebelli
projection fibers connect the brain & spinal cord
Alpha brain waves rest
beta brain waves normal wakefulness
Delta waves deep sleep
theta waves associated with stress
Rectus Abdominus flexes vertebral column
Risorius attaches to corners of mouth
Thenar eminence contributes to oppostioi of thumb & pinki
preferred site for a shot gluteus medius
muscle that makes the mouth pout mentalis
lats and pecs originate on axial skeleton
largest, strongest muscle of the body gluteus maximus
Pyramidal pathway motor pathway
merkels discs located in epidermis
common iliac veins form inferior vena cava
vertebral arteries form... basilar artery
arteries off the ascending aorta left and right coronary arteries
Thoracic duct main collecting duct for lymphatic system
thoracic duct drains into... left subclavian vein
Right lymphatic duct drains into... right subclavian vein
contribut to movement of lymph contraction of muscle & respiratory pump
Primary lymph organs red bone marrow & thymus
secondary lymph organs spleen, lymph nodes
largest mass of lymphatic tissue in body spleen
spleen tissue type red & white pulp
red pulp removes RBC, WBC, stores platelets
white pulp lymphatic tissue containing T's B's and macrophages
peyers patches lymph nodules in ileum of sm. intestines
tonsils lymphatic nodules at junction of oral cavity & pharynx
interferons produced by infected body cells - diffuse to non-effected cells to "interfere" with viral replication
Compliment proteins enhance allergic, inflamatory & immune reactions
NK cells release... perforin
vasodilation & increased permiability of blood vessels 1st stage if inflamation
Abcess puss filled cavity - must be drained
Major Histocompatibility complex (MHC) used in tissue transplants to determine if the body will reject the tissue
B lymphocytes develope in bone marrow
T lymphocytes migrate to Thymus and mature
Cell mediated immunity cells attack other cells
Antigen mediated immunity attacks pathogens dissolved in body fluids
Packed Cell transfusion most commom blood transfusion
visceral serous pericardium epicardium
veins that have no valves Vena Cava & pulmonary veins
Coronary sinus has no... smooth muscle (cannot vasoconstrict)
Type A Blood Has B antiglutens
Type B blood has A antiglutens
Type AB blood has no antiglutens (universal recipient)
Type O blood has both A & B antiglutens (Universal Donor)
conduction system of the heart sa node, av node, av bundle, bundle branches, conduction myofibers (Perkinje)
ECG "P" wave atrial depolarization
ECG "QRS" wave ventricular depolarization
ECG "T" wave ventricular repolarization
long contraction of the heart = longer refractory peroid
Starlings law of the heart cardiac muscle fibers will contract more forcefully when fibers are stretched (the more you fill it with blood the better force of contraction)
Conjestive Heart failure (CHF) fluid build up in lower extremily - right side of heart death, fluid build up in lungs - left side of heart death
location of cardiovascular center in the brain medulla
location of respiratory rate center in brain medulla
ischemia lack of blood to an area, can cause hypoxia
angina chest pain, lack of blood to heart
infarction death of tissue caused by blood blockage
necrosis dead tissue
metarteriol connects a capillary and a venule
anastomoses junctions between blood vessels serving the same organ, if blood supply is cut off from one place it is rerouted.
muscular arteries serve organs, have more smooth muscle for vasodilation/constriction
fastest flow of blood arteries
slowest flow of blood capillaries
blood resevoirs veins 60% of blood at any one time
pressure resevoir arteries
processof exchange in capillary beds diffusion
capillaries functional unit of the respiratory system
secondary cardiac pump skeletal muscles
abdominal massage raises arteriol pressure & lowers heartrate
no lymph capillaries avascular tissue, CNS, red bone marrow & spleen
organs that have a hilus lymph nodes, lungs, spleen
Kellog's "great lymph pump" Diaphragm
5 factors that push blood in veins back to heart pressure, flow, valves, muscle pump, respiratory pump
stages of phagocytosis chemotaxis, adhesion, ingestion, lysis, ejection
perforin & lymphotoxin how T lymphocytes attack
Anamestic having immunity to a disease
Thymus has Hasselmans corpuscles
spleen held by billroths rods
4 forces on blood entering capillaries blood osmotic pressure, blood hydrostatic pressure
Natural active immunity (blank)
albumines for blood colloidal osmotic pressure
blood colloidal osmotic pressure attraction of water to blood
blood hydrostatic pressure blood pressure
Starlings law of the capillaries @ arteriol end of capillary blood colloidal osmotic pressure is higher than blood hydrostatic pressure, vice versa at the venus end
Starling law of capillaries 2 interstitial fluid comes from blood plasma @ arteriol end, at venus end it returns to the blood
At the arteriol end of the capillary which force predominates blood hydrostatic pressure
at the venous end of capillaries which force predominates blood colloidal osmotic pressure
pneumothorax air in pleural cavity
hemothorax blood in pleural cavity
plurisy irritation of the plural cavity by build up of extra fluid
septal cells (type II) make surfactant in alveolus
surfactant coat alveolus and keep them from collapsing
muscle of forced expiration internal intercostals & Abs
ventilation is not... diffusion
75% of inhale breathing done by... diaphragm
25% of inhalation external intercostals
Daltons law of partial pressure each gas exerts a partial pressure contributing to the total pressure of the air
highest pp of O2 is in... alveoli
highest pp of CO2 is in... intracellular fluid
lowest pp O2 is in... tissues
lowest pp CO2 alveoli
natural active immunity when you get the disease and create antibodies against it
artificial active immunity vaccination
passive natural immunity placenta & nursing
passive artificial immunity antibody injection
villi in small intestines increase surface area so more can be digested
lacteal pick up fat and bring back to CV system via lymphatics
Medulla Oblongotta Regulates heartbeat, blood vessel diameter, breathing, swallowing, vomiting, coughing, sneezing and hiccups
Pons Apneustic & Pneumotaxic areas
Midbrain Moves eyeballs in response to visual stimuli, moves head and trunk in response to auditory stimuli, contains Substancia Nigra
Cerebellum smooths & coordinates skilled and complex movements, controlls posture & balance, aids in cognition & language processing
Thalmus relay center for sensory info to cortex
Hypothalmus regulates ANS, regulates pituitary, establishes circadian rythm, sets basal metabolic rate, regulates eating and drinking, produces Oxytocin & ADH
Epithalmus Pineal gland
pineal gland produces melatonin
melatonin needed for sleep
Basal ganglia located in cerebrum, coordinate gross automatic muscle movements & regulate muscle tone
Limbic system responsible for emotional aspects of behavoir related to survival
Cerebrum memory, personality, sensory perception, muscular movement, intelligence
Created by: goodbunn
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