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Studyhelper #8

A client has Psorasis on the legs and arms> What method would you use for them? Jostling joint movement, muscle energy & Lenthening techniques
What is a form of Percussion? Hacking
What is the relationship between post-isometic relaxation methods and reciprocal inhibition methods? Both are Muscle Energy Methods
A client want, rythmic,organized moderate oil, no talc,non-participating-pleasurable, deep relaxation. What method would you use? Rocking, effleurage, Pettrissage
To shorten a session to 45 minutes from 1 hour what would need to be adjusted? Duration
What defines the practice paramenter of a particular profession? Scope of Practice
Providing bodywork services & selling products might be considered? Dual roles
According to the NCBTMB code of ethics, drapery is used to insure ? Safety, comfort & privacy of client
What is the goal of the NCBTMB code of ethics? Protect the integrity of the profession & safeguard the interest of individual clients.
A client expresses feelings of connectiveness and you feel uncomfortable. What issue would this be? Professional boundary ethics issue
What support might you seek when you are not sure of your scope of practice? Supervision Mentoring
What skill would you use concerning a problem with a fellow body professional? Conflict Management
What may be associated with signs of pressure on the brachial plexus? A Cervical Rib
The pelvic splanchnic nerves from S2, S3 and S4 can on stimulation cause? Erection
Where does the adductor canal begin? At the apex of the femoral triangle
What muscles attach to the coracoid process? Pectoralis minor, coracobrachalis, biceps
Fluid flowing into lymph capillaries is derived from? Blood plasma
Food passes through the divisions of the large intestine in which order? Ascending colon, transverse colon, descending colon, sigmoid colon
Which muscle is a flexor of the hip? Iliopsoas
A polarity therapist helps clients by? Freeing the flow of energy through the body
Is massage contraindicated for Hematoma? YES
What is the correct term for an exaggerated, concave curve of the lumbar spine? Lordosis
Which is a bony landmark on the anterior pelvic girdle? Pubic Symphysis
The purpose of an interview prior to a therapeutic session is to determine if the client? Has any conditions that are contraindications for massage
During a therapeutic massage a client experiences anxiety and fear as a result of body sensations and memories. A common physiological result of these emotions would be? Increased respiration and heart rate
The kneading stoke performed in massage produces which effects? Removes waste products from the muscles
Which therapeutic massage and bodywork movement is used to bread down the adhesion of a well-healed scar? Friction
Entrapment of the peroneal nerve can result from an improper massage technique on the? Back of the knee
While performing therapeutic massage and bodywork on the upper aspect of the pec major, a practicioner must avoid endangering the? Subclavian artery
Cold applications are most commonly used in treatment of ? Tendinitis
What is the appropriate first-aid action when a client exhibits signs and symptoms of a heart attack? Place the client in a comfortable position
What discipline is appropriate for a client who requests non-invasive bodywork? Therapeutic Touch
The activity of inhibiting muscle contractions initiated by the client is? Resisted exercise
The sensory receptors that are stimulated during a contract-and-relax exercise are the? Proprioceptors
What is necessary to establish and maintain a trusting and professional relationship with a client? Act as a listener who guards all revealed information as confidential.
What is responsible for regeneration of the epidermis? Stratum lucidum
The sensation of touch is picked up by nerve receptors in the? Dermis
Acne is a common inflammatory disorder of the? Sebaceous Glands
Waterproofing of the skin is largely due to? Keratin
The most abundant type of cells in the epidermis are? Keratinocytes
Is Vitiligo an effect of ultra-violet radiation? NO
Mannary glands are a type of? Apocrine sweat gland
The effects of aging on the skin include? A decline in the activity of sebaceous glands
What are the cardinal signs of inflammation? Swelling, redness, increased temperature, pain
The cells in the epidermis that are involved in immunity are? Langerhans cells
What are Papillary and Reticular? The two layers of the dermis
The muscle that causes the hair to stand on end is the? Arrector Pili Muscle
The subcutaneous layer is primarily made up of blood vessels and nerves that respond to stimulation of the skin? False
The accessory structures are located in the dermis? True
Lipid-soluble substances are more easily absorbed through the skin than water-soluble substances? True
The resident flora prevent growth of harmful bacteria on the surface of the skin by competing with them for nutrients? True
White blood cells play an important role in the healing of skin wounds? True
Deodorants are used to mask the odor of secretions from sebaceous glands? False
The area in the sensory corrtex of brain that represents a part of the body is directly related to the number of receptors in that part of the body? True
Stimulation of skin by massage can produce reactions in areas far removed from the site of application of massage? True
A yellow discoloration of mucous membrane as a result of liver dysfunction? Jaundice
A type of skin carcer that spreads rapidly? Melanoma
A condition where the cells of the epidermis migrate to the surface more rapidly than normal? Psoriasis
A condition where there is a dysfunction of melanocytes? Vitiligo
A condition where the skin takes on a bluish tinge? Cyanosis
A solid elevation of epidermis and dermis? Papule
Loss of epidermis? Ulcer
Touch that conveys sexuality is considered? Erotic
There are no intervertebral discs nor transverse canals in which one region of the vertebral column? Sacral
Ribs usually articulate with the? Thoracic body and thoracic transverse process
Spinal nerves and vessels emerge throughthe ? Intervertebral Foramen
Is rib 6 a true rib? YES
The acromion is a process of the? Scapula
The head of the humerus articulates with the? Glenoid Fossa
The lateral styloid process of the wrist is a process of ? Ulna
The only joint between the axial skeleton and the upper limb is the? Sternoclavicular
What has no cartilaginous attachment to the sternum? The false ribs
The large superficial muscle of the back of the neck and shoulder is? Trapezius
The flexor muscles of the forearm have a common origin which is? Medial epicondyle of the humerus
A groove-the intertubercular Sulcus (Bicipital groove)
A large rough eminence-the deltoid? Tuberosity
An abrupt or pointed projection- The styloid process of the radius
A smooth flat, articular surface? Facet (of the vertebrae)
A depression- the olecranon? Fossa (of the humerus)
What bone does the corocoid process go with? Scapula
What bone does the greater tubercle go with? Humerus
What bone does the Epicondyle-insertion lateral surface go with? Radius
What bone does the olecranon process go with? Ulna
What bone does the Pedicle-Lamina go with? Thoracic vertebrae
What bone does the deltoid tuberosity go with? Humerus
The nerve that could be considered the extensor nerve is the? Radial
The nerve that innervates the anterior compartment of the arm is the? Musculocutaneous Nerve
If you cannot flex the thumb, you may have lost the? Radial nerve
The tingling in the little finger when the elbow is hit is caused by injury to the ? Ulnar Nerve
The nerve innervating the posterior compartment of the arm and traveling around the humerus mid-shaft is the? Radial
The radial nervie is comprised of? Cervical nerve roots 6, 7 , 8
Where we concentrate our awareness? Energy flows
If you are tense during energy work? Energy flow is stopped
ITB stands for? Iliotibial band
When fully elongated a muscle has reached a position known as? Passive insufficiency
What is the spreading of Pathogenic particles in the air? Transmission by inhalation
Sanitary procedures prevent the spread of pathogenic organism by what method of antispetic protocol? Hand washing
A client coughs into their hands during a session. They cannot wash. What sanitary procedures need to be followed before the next client? Disinfect any object touched by client
What is a good safety rule for a new therapist? Do not work in a dark room
pain-spasm-pain cycle? This is often a result of overuse of muscles
Organs that have the same function are grouped together as a? System
Protein synthesis and physical brain changes in the temporal lobes suuport long-term memory with? ENGRAMS
Which brain area functions to regulate vital life functions such as heart rate, blood pressure & breathing? Medulla Oblongata
What is the portion of the brain that develops in the thalamus, Hipothalamus and associated structures all of which make up the hindbrain in the adult. Dicencephalon
What part of the brainstem is the middle region of the brain that serves primarily for precessing date from the eyes & ears The midbrain
To palpate the sciatic notch you would find it where? Gluteus Maximus
What muscle extends & laterally rotates the thigh? Gluteus Maximus
What are, Suprespinatis, infraspinatus, teres minor and sub-scapularus? Muscles fo the rotator cuff
What nutrient is beneficial in the formation of teeth, bones, nervous system and aids in sleeping? Calcium
What is tprobably the symptom or cause of lordosis? Anterior Pelvic Tilt
What micro-nutrient is necessary for hemoglobin? Iron
When is gastrocnemiusin the isometic position? Standing position
Watching a client from behind you notice the left or right hip is higher. What muscle may be shortened? Quadratus Lumborum
What is the best treatment for a client who has constipation adn what area would you address? Use gliding stokes clockwise on the abdomen
Is massage indicated for scars? YES
Which condition involves the inflammation of the tibial tuberosity? Osgood-Schlatter Disease
What form does two massage therapists that work together need to keep their taxes separate? K-1 Form
What is the first doucment usually used during an initial session? Medical History
What would you do if a client came in with a recent injury with red, swelling & inflammation? Apply Ice Pack
How would you work the Anterior Serratus? AB=duct the arm
Scar tissue formation is called? Fibrosis
An athlete complains of pain in the patella after an event. What wouldyou massage to best help him? Quadriceps
If a woman has gone through Menopause she may have? Thinning of Epithelial cell walls
When palpating th insertion of the iliopsoas muscle what structure should be avoided? Femoral Nerve
A client shows loss of mobility, tension & elevation in her right shoulder. What could be the possible cause? Dislocation of the lateral clavicle
Which hormone is secreted by the Pyloric Antrum? Gastrin
What is the stage that occurs during the first few days of injury when there is pain, redness & swelling? Acute
Which nerve stems from the Brachial Plexus? Radial Nerve
Can you do friction on Bursitis? NO
Can massage be contraindicated for a recent myocardial infarcton? YES
What mucous membrane lines the abdominal cavity to preent friction? Peritoneum
What is center of Genetic Activity? Cell Nucleus
What holds RNA Cell Nucleus
What specifies message for synthesizing proteins for operation of different cells? Cell Nucleus
What have 46 chromosomes (except sex & blood cells) Cell Nucleus
What is a collection of cells & products organized to perform a certain function? Tissue
How may types of tissue are there? 4=Epithelia-Connective-Muscle-Neural
What is the origin of the lower Trapizius Occipital ridge T-12
What is the insertion of the lower trapizius Root of the spine of the scapula
What is the action of the lower trapzius? Depression, upward rotation
What is the principle abductor of the arm? Deltoid
Created by: Studyhelper
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