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Chapter 1

The Science of Human Development

Science of human development Seeks to understand how and why people of all ages and circumstances change or remain the same over time
Scientific method A way to answer questions that requires empirical research and databased conclusions
Hypothesis A specific prediction that can be tested
Empirical evidence Evidence based on data from a scientific observation or experiment; not theoretical
Replication The repetition of a study, using different participants
Nature Traits, capacities, and limitations that each individuals inherits genetically from his or her parents at the moment of conception
Nurture All the environmental influences that affect development after conception
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) An infants unexpected death; when a seemingly healthy baby, usually between 2 and 6 months old, suddenly stops breathing and dies unexpectedly while asleep.
Life-span perspective The study of human development that takes into account all phases of life, not just childhood or adulthood
Multidirectional Multiple changes, in every direction, which characterize the life span
Critical period Time when a type of developmental growth, in body or behavior, must happen if it is ever going to happen
Sensitive period Time when a certain type of development is most likely to happen or happens most easily, although it may still happen later with more difficulty. (Ex. Early childhood is a sensitive period for language learning)
Multicontextual Takes place within many contexts such as physical surroundings (climate, noise, population) and family configurations (married couple, single parent, extended family).
Ecological-systems approach The person should be considered in all e contexts and interactions that constitute life. AKA bioecological theory.
Microsystems Each persons immediate surroundings such as family and peers
Exosystems Institutions such as school and church
Macrosystems Larger social setting such as cultural values, economic policies, and political processes.
Chronosystem Time system
Mesosystem Consists of the connections among the other systems
Cohort Group defined by the shared age of its members, who, because they were born at about the same time, move through life together, experiencing the same historical events and cultural shifts.
Socioeconomic status Person's position in society as determined by income, wealth, occupation, education, and place of residence. AKA social class
Multicultural All kinds of people, everywhere, at every age.
Culture System of shared beliefs, norms, behaviors, and expectations that persist over time and prescribe social behavior and assumptions
Social construction Idea that is based on shared perceptions, not objective reality. Many age related terms (childhood, adolescence, yuppie, senior citizen) are social constructions.
Difference-Equals-Deficit Error Mistaken belief that a deviation from some norm is necessarily inferior to behavior or characteristics that meet the standard
Guided participation Belief that a universal process used by mentors could teach cultural knowledge, skills, and habits (Vygotsky).
Ethnic group People whose ancestors were born in the same region and who often share a language, culture, and religion
Race Group of people who are regarded by themselves or by others as distinct from other groups on the basis of physical appearance.
Multidisciplinary How numerous academic fields, as well as other people, contribute insights.
Epigenetic The effects of environmental forces on the expression of an individual's, or a species', genetic inheritance.
Plasticity Every individual, and every trait within each individual, can be altered at any point in the life span.
Dynamic systems approach View of human development as an ongoing, ever changing interaction between a person's physical and emotional being and between the person and every aspect of his or her environment, including the family and society.
Differential sensitivity Idea that some people are more vulnerable than others are to certain experiences, usually because of genetic diffences
Developmental theory Gropd of ideas, assumptions, and generalizations that interpret and illuminate the thousands of observations that have been made about human growth.
Psychoanalytical theory Theory of human development that holds that irrational, unconscious drives and motives, often originating in childhood, underlie human behavior
Behaviorism Theory of human development that studies observable behavior. Behaviorism is also called learning theory because it describes the laws and processes by which behavior is learned.
Conditioning Process by which responses become linked to particular stimuli and learning takes place. The word conditioning is used to emphasize the importance of repeated practice, as when an athelete conditions his or her body to preform well by training for awhile
Classical conditioning Learning process in which a meaningful stimulus gradually comes go be conected with a neutral stimulis that had no special meaning before the learning process began.
Operant conditioning Learning process in which a particular action is followed either by something desired or by something unwanted. AKA instrumental conditioning
Behaviorism Theory of human development that studies observable behavior. Behaviorism is also called learning theory because it describes the laws and processes by which behavior is learned.
Conditioning Process by which responses become linked to particular stimuli and learning takes place. The word conditioning is used to emphasize the importance of repeated practice, as when an athelete conditions his or her body to preform well by training for awhile
Classical conditioning Learning process in which a meaningful stimulus gradually comes go be conected with a neutral stimulis that had no special meaning before the learning process began.
Operant conditioning Learning process in which a particular action is followed either by something desired or by something unwanted. AKA instrumental conditioning
Social learning theory Extension of behaviorism that emphasizes the influence that other people have over a person's behavior, involving learning by observation and imitation.
Modeling People learn by observing other people and then copying them
Cognitive theory Focuses on changes on how people think over time
Selective adaptation Genes that enhance survival and reproductive ability are selected by
Scientific observation Method of testing a hypothesis by unobtrusively watching and cording participants' behavior in a systematic and objective manner.
Independent variable Variable that is introduced to see what affect it has on the dependent variable
Dependent variable Variable that may change as a result of whatever new condition or situation the experimenter adds
Cross sectional research Compares groups of people who differ in age but are similar in other important characteristics
Longitudinal research Same individuals are followed over time and their development is repeatedly assessed
Cross sequential research (Hybrid) researches first study several groups of people of different ages and then follow these groups over the year
Correlation Indicates the degree of relationship between two variable, expressed in therms of their likelihood that one variable will or will not occur when the other variable does or does not.
Created by: mtk17
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