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Unit 3: Chapter 8
Interest Groups {ChasityTaswell}
Term | Definition |
InterestGroups... | are organizations designed to represent the shared goal of a group of people. InterestGroups often put pressure on elected officials through use of lobbyists. |
Factions... | were deemed a "necessary evil" by James Madison and consist of political parties and InterestGroups. |
PoliticalActionCommittees... | are a way for InterestGroups to support candidates through monetary campaign contributions in return for the candidates support of their interest. |
ElitistTheory... | concludes that there is a small "elite" group of people that have obtained a substantial amount of power, and through an extensive system of directiories, they maintain power to preserve their own interests. |
PluralistTheory... | deduces that InterestGroups are a vital part of America's democratic system by providing equal representation to a broader stretch of people. |
HyperPluralistTheory... | concludes that InterestGroups breed chaos, because there are too many groups attempting to influence the political process and have their voice heard. |
InstitutionalInterests... | represent a group of corporations or businesses, but they can include universities or foundations. |
IndividualInterests... | have a membership of individual people rather than individual groups, and represent a common interest of its members, such as NOW or NAACP. |
EconomicGroups... | concern themselves with the country's economic situations and how the government can effect profits, prices, and wages. |
LaborUnions... | are a type of EconomicGroup and focus on improving both working conditions and wages. |
UnionShops... | were established by members of LaborUnions to ensure that new employees join their respective union. |
RightToWorkLaws... | have the support of employers and assert that joining a LaborUnion should be optional rather than required. |
AgricultureGroups... | have lost their power over the years, but they deal with farmers and more specifically with acreage controls, price supports, and import quotas. |
BusinessGroups... | include, not only large corporations, but small businesses as well as trade associations. |
ProfessionalGroups... | are broad and include various occupations. Examples are the American Bar Association, the National Education Association, and the American Medical Association. |
PublicInterestGroups... | represent general interests dealing with issues such as the environment, safe energy, consumer protection, and good government. |
EnvironmentalInterests... | focus on pollution control, wilderness protection, and population control. |
Lobbying... | is practiced by most, if not all, InterestGroups and consists of a representative from the InterestGroup trying to persuade government officials in Washington to support their interest. |
Electioneering... | mostly handled by PoliticalActionCommittees, is the act of InterestGroups financially supporting candidates who are sympathetic to their cause. |
AmicusCuriaeBriefs... | {"friends of the court"} allow InterestGroups influence court decisions by submitting arguments in support of one side of the case or the other. |
ClassActionLawsuits... | are when individuals with similar complaints can join together in a single suit. |
FoundationGrants... | are funds made available to InterestGroups by prominent families or corporations. |
FederalGrants... | are made available to fund large projects that InterestGroups begin. |
DirectSolicitation... | is funding that comes from individuals, it can come from paper mail, e-mail, or websites that encourage individuals to donate. |
RevolvingDoor... | a metaphor representing the cycle of government officials leaving their position to be employed by an InterestGroup in return for "favors" that that particular official may perform in the InterestGroup. |
FreeRiderProblem... | addresses how having too many members can result in a lack of work ethic, because of the individual's belief that someone else will do it. |