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Models: Abnorm.Behav

Ch. 2

Definition of psychopathology Abnormal behavior
Mental disorders and biological make-up Genetics, nerve cell activities, CNS and psychology, brain activity and structure
Frontal lobe controls Planning of movements, recent memory, some emotion
Parietal lobe controls(top) body sensations
Occipital lobe controls (back of brain) vision
Temporal lobe (bottom) hearing, advanced visual processing.
The forebrain controls controls higher mental functions. Most advanced
Thalamus controls relay station
Hypothalamus controls (Four F's) Drives fluid (thirst), food (hunger), feel (temperature), Fucking (sex)
Hippocampus controls memory
Midbrain controls Vision and hearing
Hindbrain controls (Mike the headless chicken) Heart rate, sleep, respiration.
Chemical imbalances (lack/excess serotonin, dipomine, etc.) underlie mental disorders
Criticisms of biological models Diathesis- Stress theory (nature vs. nurture), environmental, societal, cultural influences, helplessness.
Freud believed Psychodynamic models (Adult disorders stemmed from childhood experiences) psychoanalysis
Id Pleasure principle (child)
Ego Reality principle. Balance; mediator, psychosexual stage
Superego Society values; morals
Stages and fixations (5 Stages) Oral (0-1; alcoholism, ciggs), anal stage (2; control), Phallic stage (3-6), Latency (6-12), Genital (puberty +)
Defence Mechanisms Denial, projection, reaction formation, rationalization, regression, displacement, repression, sumblimination
Projective tests include Ambiguous stimuli, Rorschach, TAT (Thematic Apperception Test)
Post-Freudian Perspectives include Less emphasis on sex, freedom of choice and goals, social forces, treatment of seriously disturbed people
Classical conditioning: UCS Unconditioned stimuli
Classical conditioning: UCR Unconditioned response
Classical conditioning: CR Conditioned response
Classical conditioning: CS Conditioned stimulus
Observational learning model Behaviors acquired by watching someone perform those behaviors.
Humanistic and existential approaches Explore healty personalities, "reality" is subjective, free choice/personal responsibility, positive view of individual (Carl Rogers)
Existential Approach Quest for meaning of life, Individual in context of human condition, Responsibilities to others and oneself
Difference between existential and humanistic approach Less optimistic than humanistic
Created by: baugust
Popular Psychology sets




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