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Psychology exam 1

Psychology Chaps. 1-2

What is Psychology? Systematic study of behavior and experiences.
Psychiatrist Can prescribe medicine (medical training)
Clinical Psychology research based
Developmental human behavior across life span
social psychology study of people's thoughts and behavior in their social enviornment.
cognitive studies thought patterns
psychometrics/psychometricians creating good/valid test
physiological/biological physical study of things in your body that impact behavior.
experimental sensation and perception, learning
ergonomics study of humans and objects they use, human response to objects.
4 research objectives desription: obtaining info.Prediction: taking info and trying to figure out wat is next.explanation: why does something happen.control: cam u control wat happens.
steps of scientific method 1. formulate problem2.decide how to gather empirical data (factual evidence)3. obtain data.4.test u hypothesis (has to falsifiable/testable)5.Communicate your results.
case study long in depth study of one person.
population anyone of research interest to you.
sample sub set of popultation of interest.
why is william wundt famous in psychology? He set up the first psychology labrotory in Germany.
why is psychology considered a science? Psychology forms theories that can be tested with a experiments and is falsifiable.
what is hypothesis? how is it different from theory? Hypothesis is an educated research guess while a theory is more than a guess, it is an explanation that fits observations.
parsimony? explanation using simplest assumptions, sticking to wat u believe.
representive sample mirrors population, demographs of importance
What is a variable? anything that can change in value and is measured, manipulated or controlled.
independent variable manipulated, under control of researcher. (cause)
dependent variable info. from participants under control of participants. (effect)
operational definition? definition that specifies the operations, used to produce or measure something.
experimental research method? only method that allows u to infer caueality b/t variables.
4 requirements for experiment 1.manipulate at least one IV and measure one DV2.Compare at least 2 groups. (control, experimental)3.randomly assign4.control for any systematic diff. b/t conditions except for manipulation of IV
experimental group? group that recieves IV
Control group that doesn't recieve IV
Placebo Effect happens when participants response to treatment is due to his or her expectations.
how is a blind experiment performed? the participants are unaware, and the experimentors are...or they both r unaware (double blind)
naturalistic observation? observation of what many people do under natural settings.
correlation? shows relationship between two variables.
ethical principles voluntary participation, informed consent, retraction of consent, physical & biological harm, deception, debriefing.
Created by: ejtaylo2
Popular Psychology sets




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