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Psychology exam1

Psychology ch. 4

What is Sensation? Process which u detect stimuli from body or surroundings.
Perception? Organizing stimulation into meaningful patterns.
Absoulute Sensory threshold? minumum amount of stimulation a person can detect 50% of the time.
what is signal detection theory? actual state of stimulus...(present:hit or false alarm. absent: miss or correct rejection)
What is sensory adaption? Stop noticing a constant level of stimulation.
Why doesnt sensory adaption work well for sight? b/c SACCADES: eye muscle movements movements that constantly refocus what your looking at.
Wave variation equals Variations of colors.
Rods? blk & white, take over dim light and peripheral vision.
cones? color 3 types (red, green, blue)
What frequencies appear as visible light? 400-700 nm)
Trichromatic theory of color vision? Each cone serves one color function (red, green and blue)
Opponent Process color recep> red-green, blue- yellow, black -white
retinex theory? we percieve color through the cerebal cortex's comparison of various retinal patterns.
Who would say "the whole is greater than the sum of it's parts" gestalt psychologist
top down processing and bottom up? Top:start off w/ expectation of wat u see Bottom-up: no preconcieved expectation of what u see (more difficult)
Gestalt principles 1.Figure ground2.Proximity: things that are close in distance percieved as same form.3.closure: eye will fill in small gaps in a figure.4.continuity:group things into simplest form.
Mixture of sound waves? timbre: quality of sound
What pitches can humans percieve? 20-20,000 hz
basilar membrane? Lines middle of cochlea..ha stiny hair cells that are sonsory receptors for pitch.
Binoclular cues? use 2 eyesconvergence: eye rotation w/t sockets, looking at something close eyes rotate in and a lot of musle tention.Binocular/retinal disperity: image being projected on retina.
monocular cues? interposition: when 1 obj partially covers another the one you see in entirity is closer.Relative size: when u kno size of obj u can judge size of objs aroundlinear perspective: parallel lines will appear to converge at a point in the distance.
Pitch perception theories place: 1000 and upfrequency: below 100 (entire membrane vibrates)volley: about 100 to 400 (particular spots vibrate times # of secs.)
How many basic tastes are there? 5 (sweet, sour, salty, bitter and msg)
What does the vestibular sense control? reports tilt of the head, acceleration of the head and orientation of the head.
how powerful is subliminal perception? is the idea that a stimulus can influence of behavior even when presented faintly that we do not percieve it consciencely.
Created by: ejtaylo2
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