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Question | Answer |
Activation-synthesis hypothesis | An attempt to explain how dream content is affected by motor commands in the brain that occur during sleep but are not carried out. |
Alpha waves | Large, slow brainwaves associated with relaxation and falling asleep. |
Altered state of consciousness (ASC) | A condition of awareness distinctly different in quality or pattern from waking consciousness. |
Anhedonia | An inability to feel pleasure. |
Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) | A behavioral problem characterized by short attention span, restless movement, and impaired learning capacity. |
Basic suggestion effect | The tendency of hypnotized persons to carry out suggested actions as if they were involuntary. |
Beta waves | Small, fast brainwaves associated with being awake and alert. |
Binge drinking | Consuming five or more drinks in a short time (four for women). |
Biological rhythm | Any repeating cycle of biological activity, such as sleep and waking cycles or changes in body temperature. |
Caffeinism | Excessive consumption of caffeine, leading to dependence and a variety of physical and psychological complaints. |
Cataplexy | A sudden temporary paralysis of the muscles. |
Concentrative meditation | Mental exercise based on attending to a single object or thought. |
Condensation | Combining several people, objects, or events into a single dream image. |
Consciousness | Mental awareness of sensations and perceptions of external events as well as self-awareness of internal events including thoughts, memories, and feelings about experiences and the self. |
Deep sleep | Stage 4 sleep; the deepest form of normal sleep. |
Delta waves | Large, slow brainwaves that occur in deeper sleep (stages 3 and 4). |
Depressant | A substance that decreases activity in the body and nervous system. |
Detoxification | In the treatment of alcoholism, the withdrawal of the patient from alcohol. |
Displacement | Directing emotions or actions toward safe or unimportant dream images. |
Dream processes | Mental filters that hide the true meanings of dreams. |
Dream symbols | Images in dreams that serve as visible signs of hidden ideas, desires, impulses, emotions, relationships, and so forth. |
Drug interaction | A combined effect of two drugs that exceeds the addition of one drug’s effects to the other. |
Drug tolerance | A reduction in the body’s response to a drug. |
Electroencephalograph (EEG) | A device designed to detect, amplify, and record electrical activity in the brain. |
Hallucinogen | A substance that alters or distorts sensory impressions. |
Hidden observer | A detached part of the hypnotized person’s awareness that silently observes events. |
Hypnosis | An altered state of consciousness characterized by narrowed attention and increased suggestibility. |
Hypnotic susceptibility | One’s capacity for becoming hypnotized. |
Insomnia | Difficulty in getting to sleep or staying asleep. |
Light sleep | Stage 1 sleep, marked by small, irregular brainwaves and some alpha waves. |
Long sleeper | A person averaging 9 hours of sleep or more per night. |
Lucid dream | A dream in which the dreamer feels awake and capable of normal thought and action. |
Meditation | A mental exercise for producing relaxation or heightened awareness. |
Microsleep | A brief shift in brainwave patterns to those of sleep. |
Mindfulness | A state of open, nonjudgmental awareness of current experience. |
Mindfulness meditation | Mental exercise based on widening attention to become aware of everything experienced at any given moment. |
Narcolepsy | A sudden, irresistible sleep attack. |
Neurocognitive dream theory | Proposal that dreams reflect everyday waking thoughts and emotions. |
Night terror | A state of panic during NREM sleep. |
Nightmare | A bad dream that occurs during REM sleep. |
Non-REM (NREM) sleep | Non–rapid eye movement sleep characteristic of stages 1, 2, 3, and 4. |
Physical dependence | Physical addiction, as indicated by the presence of drug tolerance and withdrawal symptoms. |
Psychoactive drug | A substance capable of altering attention, memory, judgment, time sense, self-control, mood, or perception. |
Psychodynamic theory | Any theory of behavior that emphasizes internal conflicts, motives, and unconscious forces. |
Psychological dependence | Drug dependence that is based primarily on emotional or psychological needs. |
Rapid eye movements (REMs) | Swift eye movements during sleep. |
Relaxation response | The pattern of internal bodily changes that occurs at times of relaxation. |
REM rebound | The occurrence of extra rapid eye movement sleep following REM sleep deprivation. |
REM sleep | Sleep marked by rapid eye movements and a return to stage 1 EEG patterns. |
Restricted Environmental Stimulation Therapy (REST) | A form of sensory deprivation that results in a variety of psychological benefits. |
Secondary elaboration | Making a dream more logical and complete while remembering it. |
Sensory deprivation (SD) | Any major reduction in the amount or variety of sensory stimulation. |
Short sleeper | A person averaging 5 hours of sleep or less per night. |
Sleep apnea | Repeated interruption of breathing during sleep. |
Sleep deprivation | Being prevented from getting desired or needed amounts of sleep. |
Sleep spindles | Distinctive bursts of brainwave activity that indicate a person is asleep. |
Sleep stages | Levels of sleep identified by brainwave patterns and behavioral changes. |
Sleep-deprivation psychosis | A major disruption of mental and emotional functioning brought about by sleep loss. |
Somnambulism | Sleepwalking; occurs during NREM sleep. |
Stage hypnosis | Use of hypnosis to entertain; often, merely a simulation of hypnosis for that purpose. |
Stimulant | A substance that increases activity in the body and nervous system. |
Stimulus control | Linking a particular response with specific stimuli. |
Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) | The sudden, unexplained death of an apparently healthy infant. |
Symbolization | The nonliteral expression of dream content. |
Tranquilizer | A drug that lowers anxiety and reduces tension. |
Waking consciousness | A state of clear, organized alertness. |
Withdrawal symptoms | Physical illness and discomfort following the withdrawal of a drug. |