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Chap 9

Social Class and Social Stratification

Caste System A system of stratification (characterized by by low social mobility) in which ones place in the stratification system is determined by birth
Class Consciousness the awareness that a class structure exists and the feeling of shared identification with others in ones class with whom one perceives common life changes
Class System a system of stratification in which location and rank can change according to individual achievements even though ones class is still strongly determined by social back ground
Culture of Poverty The argument that poverty is a way of life and like other cultures is passed on from generation to generation
Educational Attainment the total years of formal education
Estate System a system of stratification in which the ownership of property and the exercise of power is monopolized by an elite or noble class
False Consciousness the thought resulting from subordinate classes internalizing the view of the dominant class
Family Wage system a wage structure based on the assumption that men are the breadwinners for families
Feminization of Poverty the process whereby a growing proportion of the poor are women and children
Income the amount of money brought into a house hold from various sources during a given year
Life Chances The opportunities that people have in common by virtue to belonging to a particular class
Means of production the system by which goods are produced and distributed
Median Income the midpoint of all household incomes
Occupational Prestige the subjective evaluation people give to jobs as better or worse than others
Poverty Line the figure established by the government to figure the amount of money needed to support the basic needs of a household
Prestige the perceived value placed upon different groups or people
Social Class the social structure hierarchical position groups hold relative to the economic, social political and cultural resources of society
Social Differentiation the process by which different statuses in any group organization or society develop
Social Mobility a persons movement over time from class to another
Social stratification a relatively fixed hierarchical arrangement in society in which groups have different access to resources power and perceived social worth
Socioeconomic status (SES) a measure of class standing typically indicated by income, occupational prestige and educational attainment
Status an established position in a social structure that carries with it a degree of prestige
Status Attainment the process by which people end up in a given position in the stratification system
Temporary Assistance for Needy families (TANF) federal program by which grants are given to states to administer welfare
Underclass those with little or no opportunity for movement out of the worst poverty
Wealth the monetary value of what someone owns calculated by adding all financial assets and subtracting debt, also called net worth
Created by: 1611442666
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