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Mark Root Words

Mark test: prefixes, suffixes, root words

a- absent, without, away from
ab- away from
ad- to, toward
ambi- both
a-;an- without
anti- against
ante- before
auto- self
bi- two
bio- life
carcin-(o) cancer
circum- around
co- with, together
contra- against, counter to
de- down, from
di- two
dis- apart, away from
dors- back
dys- abnormal, impaired
e- out, from
ect- outside, without
end-(o) inside, within
epi- upon, over, in addition
ex- out of
extra- beyond, outside of, in addition
flex- bent
front- front, forehead
hemi- half
hetero- the other
hom- common, same
hydro- denoting water
hyper- above, extreme
hypo- under, below
in- within, into, not, negative
infra- beneath
inter- between
intra- inside
leuk-(o) white
macr-(o) large, long
mal- abnormal, bad
medi- middle, midline
mega- large, extreme
micr-(o) small
mon-(o) one, single
multi- many, multiple
narc- stupor, numbness
ne-(o) new
necr-(o) dead
nutri- nourish
para- next to, resembling, beside
path- pertaining to disease
per- through
peri- around
poly- many, much
post- after, later in time
pre-, pro- before in time
pseud-(o) false
quad- four
re- back, again
retro- backward
semi- half
sub- under, below
super- above, in addition
supra- over, above, upper
syn- together, along with
tri- three
trans- across
uni- single, one
-al;-ar pertaining to an area
-algia painful condition
-ase denoting an enzyme
-cyte cell
-desis a binding
-ectomy surgical removal of body part
-emia blood condition
-genic producing or causing
-gram a record
-graph write, draw, record
-ia a noun ending of a condition
-ic a noun/adjective ending
-ism condition
-ist one who does
-itis inflammation
-meter a device for measuring
-oid resembling
-ology study of, science of
-oma tumor
-osis abnormal condition
-ostomy forming an opening
-otomy incision, cutting into
-pathic diseased
-plegia paralysis
-phobia morbid fear of
-rrhea profuse flow
-scope examination instrument
-scopy a procedure using a scope
-tomy surgical procedure
abdomin abdomen
adren adrenal
arteri artery
aur ear
arth(ro) joint
brachi arm
bronch bronchial
cardi heart
cephal head
cerebr(o) brain
cervic neck
chondr(o) cartilage
cost rib
crani skull
cyst bladder, cyst
cyt cell
dent teeth
derm skin
encephal brain
entero intestine
fibr fiber
gastr(o) stomach
gyn woman
hem blood
hepat liver
hist tissue
hydr water
labi lip
mamm breast
my(o) muscle
nephr(o) kidney
neur(o) nerve
ocul eye
oss, ost(e) bone
ot ear
ped child, foot
phleb vein
pneum lung
pod foot
psych mind
pulmo lung
rhin nose
therm heat
thorac chest
throm clot
thyr thyroid
toxic poison
ur urine
uter uterus
vas vessel
ven vein
vertebr spine
Created by: smithra
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