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DV read assign L14
Dean Vaugn Reading Assignment Lesson 14
Term | Definition |
Apophysis | A "growth away from"; and outgrowth, especially a bony outgrowth |
Apogeny | Lack of the power to reproduce |
Blastoma | A tumor formed from tissues the same as those in the location in which it arises, as contrasted to a tumor composed of tissues in addition to or other than those in the area from which it develops |
Angioblastoma | A blood vessel tumor |
Diglossia | Double tongue |
Dihysteria | Condition of having double uterus |
Diarrhea | A "flowing through"; an excessive flow of loose matter from the bowels |
Dialysis | A "loosening apart"; a process by which substances in solution are separated from each other; especially the separation of impurities from the blood during kidney failure |
Dislocation | "apart or away from its place"; Specifically to displace a bone from its correct location |
Disesthesia | The "opposite feeling"; discomfort |
Aneurysm | A sac formed by the local enlargement of the weakened of an artery, caused by disease or injury |
Eurycephalous | Having a wide head |
Leptodactyly | Abnormal slenderness of fingers and toes |
Leptodermic | Thin skinned |
Lymphaden | Referring to a lymph gland or lymph node |
Mesentery | A membranous fold attaching the small intestine to the base of the abdominal wall |
Mesonasal | Situated in the middle of the nose |
Mediastinum | "occurring in the middle"; A membranous partition between two cavities of the body; especially the membrane separating the lungs |
Metamorphosis | "form change"; Change in shape or structure |
Metaplasia | "development change"; Abnormal change of one type of tissue to another; also, conversion of one tissue into another, as the cartilage of the infant into the bone of the adult |
Osteomiosis | "bone lessening"; Disintegration of a bone |
Rhinomiosis | "nose lessening"; Surgery for the reduction of the size of the nose |
Monomorphous | "single shape"; Existing in one form only; having the same form throughout all stages of development isomorphic |
Amorphous | "no shape"; Without definite form; shapeless |
Necrosis | Death of tissue |
Necrectomy | The cutting away (excision) of dead material |
Expectorate | "out of chest"; To cough and spit out |
Pectoralgia | Pain in chest |
Pernasal | "through the nose"; Performed through the nose |
Percutaneous | "through the skin"; Performed through the skin as an injection |
Proximal | Nearest; closer to any point of reference; opposed to distal (farther) |
Proximate | Next or nearest |
Hemorrhage | A substantial flow of blood; bleeding |
Enterorrhagia | Intestinal blood flow |
Metrorrhagia | Uterine bleeding |
Otorrhea | "ear flow"; A discharge from the ear |
Catarrh | "flow down"; Shortened from catarrh; inflammation of mucous membrane with a free discharge of mucus; runny (that is, flowing) nose |
Rachiscoliosis | Curvature of the spine; more frequently shortened to scoliosis without the preceeding rachi- |
Scolecoid | Worm-shaped |
Splanchnectopia | Out of place internal organ |
Eusplanchnia | A normal (good) condition of the internal organs |
Stasis | A stoppage of the flow of blood or other body fluid in any body part |
Diastasis | "standing apart"; A form of bone dislocation |
Hemostasis | The arrest of the escape of blood; the checking of the flow of blood |
Tentanus | Lockjaw; An acute infectious disease characterized by spasmodic contractions and rigidity of some or all of the voluntary muscles |
Bronchotetany | Bronchospasm; Contraction of the bronchial tubes due to excessive constriction of the muscles surrounding them |
Volvulus | Intestinal obstruction due to a knotting and twisting of the bowel |
Volvulate | To twist or form a knot |
Convolution | "rolled together"; A twisting. coiling, or winding together; specifically, any of the folds or ridges on the surface of the brain |
Involution | Failure of a part to return to its normal size and condition after enlargement |
Xerosis | Abnormal dryness as of the eye or skin |
Xerocheilia | "dry lips"; Dryness of the lips |