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hazard anything that can be dangerous
precaution anything done to prevent an accident
conservation the careful use and protection of natural resources
recycle to reuse materials
steps of the scientific method question, hypothesis, experiment, analysis, conclusion
hypothesis a predicted answer
experiment includes materials, procedures, and recording data
analysis means to examine
conclusion comes at the end, answers the question, is suppported by the data
data collected information
variable the part that is tested and it is the part that is different
testable anything that is observable and measurable
control the part that is not changed or different in an experiment
five senses hearing, tasting, touching, smelling, seeing
data collected information
symmetry when opposite sides of an object are the same
mass the amount of matter in an object
volume the amount of space something takes up
interpret explain what the data means
trial a single complete investigation
map used to display locations
table used to display large amounts of information
line graph this graph show change
circle graph this graph compares a part to the whole
inference a decision based on observations and reasoning
consumer eats other organisms
validity means truthfulness
model a representation of something in the world
characteristics also known as traits or features
producer makes its own food
photosynthesis the process by which plants make their own food
inherited traits passed from parent to offspring
behavior a response of an organism to its environment
instinctive behavior inherited from the parents
learned behaviors develop as an organism interacts with its environment - like tying a shoe
life cycle the stages of development an organism goes through
seed a developing plant embryo
germination when a seed sprouts from a seed
fertilization when the male sex cell in the pollen joins with the female sex cell
dispersed another word for scattered by wind, animals, or water
mature the final stage of development where an organism is able to produce offspring
metamorphosis a change in body form
larva the early, immature stage in the life cycle of some animals
pupa stage when the larva is changing into an adult
ecosystem all of the living and nonliving things in an area
habitat the place an organism lives
resources the materials an organism needs for survival
competition when two organisms are struggling for the same resource
succession the changes that take place in an ecosystem over time
community all of the living organisms in an ecosystem
pollution when harmful substances are released into an environment
environment an organism's surroundings
desert a biome that is hot or cold and dry
rainforest a biome that has more insects, plants, and animal species than any other biome
aquatic biome includes marine and freshwater ecosystems
coniferous biome the trees in this biome have needle like leaves and stay green all year
deciduous biome we live in this biome and have 4 seasons
herbivore eats only plants
carnivore eats only meat
omnivore eats plants and meat
food chain a diagram that uses arrows to show the flow of energy from one organism to another
species a group of organisms that can mate and produce offspring
decomposer breaks down the remains of dead organisms
scavenger feeds on left over dead animals
food web overlapping food chains
modify this word means to change
inexhaustible resource a resource that can not be used up
renewable resource a resource that can be replaced in a short time
nonrenewable resource a resource that can be used up
absorbent able to take in
nocturnal active at night
evaporation when a substance changes from a liquid to a gas
condensation when a gas changes to a liquid
precipitation any form of water that falls from clouds to earth
runoff when water flows down a hill or mountain into a stream or river
six the number of legs an insect has
three the number of body parts an insect has
asteroid belt this is between mars and jupiter
cycle something that happens over and over again
leaf the part of a plant that takes in sunlight and makes food and gives off oxygen
root the part of a plant that takes in the most water
fossil fuel substance formed many years ago and used as a fuel
carbon dioxide a gas given off when fossil fuels are burned causes global warming
global warming an increase in earth's temperature caused by greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide
drought a period of no rain
flood too much rain
species organisms that can mate and produce fertile offspring
extinct no longer alive
variation differences in members of a species like coat patterns
energy the ability to cause change in matter
heat caused by the movement of particles in matter
solar energy comes from the sun
refraction when light is bent as it is transmitted through a substance
reflection the bouncing of light from a surface
circuit a closed path through which electricity travels
electric circuit the flow of electric charges through a circuit
vibration the back and forth motion of an object
sound this is made up of vibrations that we can hear
compression an area where air particles are pushed together
motion a change in position
force a push or a pull
gravity the force of attraction between objects
friction opposes motion and can slow objects
inertia the tendency of a moving object to keep moving or of a still object to stay still
matter anything that has mass and takes up space
physical properties properties that you can see like size and shape
characteristic properties properties that do not change like freezing and boiling points
mixture a collection of materials that the atoms or different pieces can be separated
solution where the ingredients are so mixed together or dissolved they cannot be separated
erosion occurs when wind, water, or ice move rock or soil
weathering a process that breaks down rocks and wears down earth's surface
atmosphere a layer of air between earth and outer space
altitude an object's height above sea level
kilo this prefix means one thousand of something
millimeter is as thick as a piece of paper
centimeter is a wide as you little pinky
weather the temperature and precipitation of the atmosphere at a certain place at a certain time
moon phases the different shapes the moon appears to have each month
waxing phase the white part of the moon is on the right and is getting bigger
waning phase the white part is on the left and is getting smaller
sun the closest star to earth
solar system the sun, planets, moons, asteroids, meteors, comets
fossil fuels include coal, natural gas , and oil
igneous rock is made from cooled lava
humus decayed plant and animal material in the ground
Created by: kemberlian
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