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Question | Answer |
hazard | anything dangerous |
precaution | something done to prevent an accident |
conservation | the careful use and protection of natural resources |
recycle | to reuse |
scientific method | the way scientists learn about the world around them |
hypothesis | a prediction about what will happen |
variable | the part that is different, it is the part that is being tested |
testable | if you can observe it and measure it in some way it is this- |
control | the part or parts of an experiment that are the same |
observation | you can make these with your senses |
procedures | step by step plan |
data | information that is collected |
mass | grams are used to measure this- |
volume | liters are used to measure this- |
distance | a meter is used to measure this- |
kilogram | this is 1000 grams |
symmetry | when both sides are mirror images (they are the same on both sides) |
line graph | this graph shows data that changes- |
circle graph | this graph compares a part to the whole thing |
conclusion | the last part of the scientific method that answers the question you started with (what you learned) |
trial | a single complete investigation |
buoyancy | the upward push of a liquid or a gas on an object |
meter | Used to measure distance |
gram | used to measure mass |
liter | used to measure volume |
celsius | used to measure temperature |
kiloliter | 1000 liters makes one- |
centimeter | 10 millimeters make one- |
kilometer | equal to 1000 m |
horizontal axis | the line on a graph that goes from side to side |
vertical axis | the line on a graph that goes up and down on the side |
meter | there are 100 centimeters in one- |
kilo | this prefix means 1000 |
viscosity | the resistance of a fluid |
mixture | a collection of materials in which the materials do not join together |
solution | a type of mixture in which the substances mix or dissolve so evenly you can't tell them apart |
soluble | capable of being dissolved |
orbit | a curved path around an object |
Mercury | planet closest to the sun |
Venus | Almost the same size as Earth |
Earth | The only planet with life on it |
Mars | the 4th planet |
Jupiter | The largest planet |
Ceres | Largest Asteroid in the asteroid belt |
Saturn | Comes after Jupiter |
Uranus | Between Saturn and Neptune |
Neptune | Between Uranus and Pluto |
Charon | Goes around Pluto |
Eris | Past Pluto |
Sun | in the center of the solar system |
iron | a magnet will stick to this metal |
solubility | Because salt will dissolve in water it has this trait |
liquid | the state of matter that takes the shape of its container and has a definite volume |
gas | the state of matter that has no definite volume and expands to fill its container |
solid | has a definite shape and volume |
matter | anything that has mass and takes up space |
conductor | allows electricity to flow through it |
insulator | will not allow electricity to flow through it |
copper | a metal that will not stick to a magnet |
density | mass / volume |
100 | boiling in celsius |
0 | freezing in celsius |
212 | boiling in fahrenheit |
32 | freezing in fahrenheit |
current | the flow of charges through a circuit |
electromagnet | a magnet made by wrapping a wire around a piece of iron and attaching to an electrical source like a battery |
energy | the ability to cause change or make something happen |
force | a push or a pull |
parallel | an electric circuit in which each device has it own separate lookloop |
series | an electric circuit where the device are connected in one straight loop |
365 | how many days it takes earth to revolve around the sun once |
24 | how many hours it takes earth to rotate once on its axis |
29 | approximately how long in days it takes the moon to go through its phases once |
sedimentary rock | a rock fromed when sediments are pressed together |
sediment | bits of rock, sand, shell, and the remains of organismsmagma |
magma | melted rock below earth's surface |
igneous rock | a rock formed from coooled lava |
metamorphic rock | rock that is fromed when another kind of rock is squeezed and heated deep inside earth |
fossil | the remains of an organism that lived long ago |
function | a job that something does |
inertia | the tendency of an object at rest to remain at rest or of a moving object to keep moving |
kinetic energy | the energy of motion |
concave lens | when the surface of the lens curves in on both sides |
convex | when the surface of the lens curves out on both sides |
acceleration | change in an object's speed |
biomass | fuel that comes from plants and animals |
inner core | the very center of earth |
the crust | earth's outer layer |
fault | a crack in earth's crust |
fossil fuel | a fuel formed from the decayed remains of ancient plants and animals |
fuel | a material burned to produce heat energy |
geothermal energy | heat from melted rock deep below earth's surface used to heat buildings and produce electricity |
hydroelectricty | electricity that is produced from flowing water like that moving through a dam |
anemometer | If Mary wants to know how fast the wind is blowing she should use a |
continent | an enormous slowly moving landmass that floats on Earth's surface |
cirrus | a high feathery cloud made of ice crystals |
cold front | the leading edge of a moving mass of cooler air |
fog | a cloud that forms next to the ground |
glacier | a large body of moving ice that stays frozen all year |
humidity | You would use a hygrometer to measure this |
ozone | a layer of gas high in earth's atmosphere that blocks some of the harmful radiation from the sun |
precipitation | any form of water that falls from the sky |
plate | a huge piece of earth's crust |
cumulonimbus | huge thunderclouds |
cumulus | puffy, white fair weather clouds |
stratus cloud | flat, gray low |
barometer | measures air pressure |
wind vane | measures wind direction |
rain gauge | how much it has rained in a given period of time |
warmer | at the equator is it warmer or cooler |
runoff | when water gathers and comes down a mountain or hill |
condensate | when water in a cloud turns into liquid |
evaporated | when the sun heats up water and turns it into a gas it has ______________it |
transpiration | when water leaves a plants leaves and enters the atmosphere |
seven | how many continents there are |