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Question | Answer |
A structure, behavior, or trait that helps an organism survive | adaptation |
A large body or bubble of air that has the same temperature all the way through it | air mass |
an object's height above sea level | altitude |
a change in an object's speed | acceleration |
to examine the parts of | analyze |
the layer of air between Earth's surface and outer space | atmosphere |
an animal that lives in water when young and on land when an adult | amphibian |
a weather insturment that measures wind speed | anemometer |
an animal that has a hard outer skeleton and legs with joints | arthropod |
a large flat surface on the ocean floor | abyssal plain |
the presence of harmful substances in the air | air pollution |
the weight of air pushing on everything around it | air pressure |
a large space rock that orbits the sun | asteroid |
an imaginary line that passes from the North Pole to the South Pole through the center of Earth | axis |
a graph that uses bars to compare the same kind of data for different things | bar graph |
a weather instrument that measures air pressure | barometer |
something an organism does in response to its environment | behavior |
fuel that comes from plants and animals | biomass |
the boiling point of water in celsius | 100 degrees |
the boiling point of water in fahrenheit | 212 degrees |
the freezing point of water in celsius | 0 degrees |
the freezing point of water in fahrenheit | 32 degrees |
the upward push of a liquid or gas on an object | buoyant force |
the shape, color, or pattern of an animal that helps it blend in with its surroundings | camouflage |
a gas needed by plants for photosynthesis | carbon dioxide |
an animal that eats only meat | carnivore |
a graph that compares parts to the whole | circle or pie graph |
a closed path through which electricity travels | circuit |
all of the living things in an ecosystem | community |
the struggle between two organisms to obtain the same resource | competition |
a feature that helps an organism survive | characteristic |
a region in which particles are bunched together | compression |
a judgement supported by fact | conclusion |
when a substance changes from liquid to gas | condensation |
a material that allows energy to travel through it easily or quickly | conductor |
the careful use and protection of natural resources | conservation |
an organism that feeds on other organisms | consumer |
a feature that does not change in an experiment | control |
an enormous,slowly moving landmass that floats on Earth's surface | continent |
the flow of charges through a circuit | current |
the smallest living part of an organism | cell |
a green substance in plant leaves that captures the energy in sunlight | chlorophyll |
a high feathery cloud made of ice crystals | cirrus cloud |
the grouping of organisms based on their simliarities and differences | classification |
the leading side or edge of a moving mass of cooler air | cold front |
a mountain sized chunk of ice and dust that orbits the sun | comet |
populations of different kinds (species) of organisms that live in the same place at the same time | community |
a tool that uses a magnetized pointer to show north | compass |
a lens that is thinner in the center and thicker at the edges. It bends light outwards. | concave |
a lens that is thicker in the middle and thinner on the edges. It bends light inwards. | convex |
when a gas changes to a liquid | condensation |
The very center of earth. | inner core |
Earth's outer layer. | the crust |
a jellylike liquid that fills most of a cell | cytoplasm |
Information that is collected. | data |
an organism that gets energy by feeding on dead material and wastes | decomposer |
the amount of mass in a substance | density |
a biome with very little rain and few plants. May be hot or cold. | desert |
to disperse | to scatter |
to mix evenly and separate into particles too small to be seen. | dissolve |
something that can be measured using a ruler | distance |
a period of dryness | drought |
one object in space casting its shadow on another object in space | eclipse |
all of the living and nonliving things that interact with each other in an environment | ecoystem |
a magnet made by wrapping a wire around a metal object such as a nail and sending a current through it by attaching it to a battery | electromagnet |
what organisms get from food | energy |
an organism's surroundings | environment |
these are caused when earth's plate move | earthquakes |
when rocks or soil is worn away by wind, water, or ice | erosion |
when a liquid becomes a gas | evaporation |
no longer living on earth | extinct |
a flattened oval circle | ellipse |
a diagram that shows the amount of energy passed on at each level of a food chain | energy pyramid |
the surroundings an organism lives in | environment |
an imaginary line that circles earth halfway between the North and South poles | eguator |
a hard outer covering that protects an animal's soft body parts inside | exoskeleton |
a crack in earth's crust | fault |
a device used to separate the parts of a mixture by passing the mixture through it | filter |
a cloud that forms close to the ground | fog |
mountains that formed when land was squeezed together | folded mountain |
the path of food energy from one organism to another | food chain |
overlapping food chains that shows different paths the energy flows | food web |
a push or a pull | force |
the remains or traces of an organism that lived long ago | fossil |
a fuel formed from the decayed remains of ancient plants and animals | fossil fuel |
to change from a liquid to a solid when the temperature drops | freeze |
the largest planet in the solar system | Jupiter |
between Mars and Jupiter | asteroid belt |
how many times something occurs | frequency |
a force between two surfaces rubbing against each other | friction |
a place where one air mass meets anther air mass | front |
a structure that grows from a flower of any plant and contains seeds | fruit |
a material that is burned to produce heat energy | fuel |
a job that something does | function |
the growth or sprouting of a new plant from a seed | germination |
the force that causes attraction between objects | gravity |
a group of millions of stars | galaxy |
a state of matter which takes the shape and volume of its container | gas |
heat from melted rock deep below earth's surface used to heat buildings and produce electricity | geothermal energy |
structures in an organism that removes oxygen from water | gills |
a large body of moving ice that stays frozen all year | glacier |
the place where an organism lives | habitat |
anything that is dangerous | hazard |
the line at the bottom of a graph | horizontal axis |
water vapor in the air | humidity |
decaying plant and animal materil in soil | humus |
electricity that is produced from flowing water like that moving through a dam | hydroelectricity |
all the water on earth | hydrosphere |
a weather instrument that measures humidity | hygrometer |
a predicted answer to a scientific question | hypothesis |
a rock formed from cooled lava | igneous rock |
the tendency of an object at rest to remain at rest or of a moving object to keep moving | inertia |
an animal that eats only plants | herbivore |
a that cannot be used up | inexhaustible resource |
a characteristic passed from parent to offspring | inherited trait |
another word for an organism's children | offspring |
a behavior passed from parent to offspring | instinct |
to explain what you think certain information means | interpret |
the center of earth made of solid metal | inner core |
a material that does not let energy pass through it | insulator |
an animal that does not have a backbone | invertebrate |
the energy of motion | kinetic energy |
a natural feature on earth's surface like a mountain, valley, or plateau | landform |
the changed behavior of an organism because of practice or experience it has gained | learned behavior |
an object used to refract light | lens |
the stages of development an organism goes through as it grows and develops | life cycle |
the small wormlike stage in the life cycle of some insects | larva |
this energy is faster than sound and can be broken into a rainbow | light energy |
a graph used to show change | line graph |
a state of matter that takes the shape of its container but has a definite volume | liquid |
all the rocks on earth | lithosphere |
melted rock below earth's surface | magma |
an object that attracts iron | magnet |
an animal with a backbone, fur or hair, lungs, live birth, feeds mile | mammal |
earth's layer below the crust | mantle |
a diagram that show locatiions | map |
the amount of matter in something | mass |
the stuff or material that everything is made of: it has mass and takes up space | matter |
a rock that is formed when another kind of rock is squeezed and heated deep inside earth | metamorphic rock |
the changes in form some insect go through | metamorphosis |
the seasonal movement of some animals from one place to another | migration |
when one animal looks like another to help it survive | mimicry |
a combination of two or more substances that can be easily separated | mixture |
a picture or object that represents something else | model |
a natural object that orbits a planet | moon |
the role an organism has in its environment | niche |
a resource that can be used up | nonrenewable resource |
materials in the environment that are useful to people | natural resources |
a substance that an organism needs to survive and grow | nutrient |
an animal that eats plants and animals | omnivore |
the curved path an object follows around another | orbit |
a living thing | organism |
the layer of earth between the mantle and innercore | outer core |
a layer of gas high in earth's atmosphere that blocks some of the harmful radiation from the sun | ozone |
the changes in the way the moon looks as it orbits the earth | moon phases |
the process of plants making food | photosynthesis |
something that is done to prevent an accident | precaution |
any form of water that falls from the sky | precipitation |
an animal that hunts other animals | predator |
an animal that is hunted by others | prey |
an organism that can make its own food | producer |
a stage in metamorphosis when the larva is changing into an adult (in a cocoon) | pupa |
an electric circuit in which each device has its own separate loop or circle | parallel circuit |
how high or low a sound is | pitch |
a huge piece of earth's crust | plate |
all the organisms of the same species that live in the same place | population |
a glass bar that separates light into the color of the rainbow | prism |
red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet | what ROY G BIV stands for |
to reuse materials | recycle |
the bending of light when it moves from one material to another | refraction |
a resource that can be replaced in a short time | renewable resource |
any material an animal needs for survival and is availabe in its habitat | resource |
an animal that feeds on dead animals like a buzzard | scavenger |
a developing plant embryo | seed |
energy that comes from the sun | solar energy |
a type of mixture in which the ingredients dissolve into each other and cannot be easily separated | solution |
vibrations that can be heard | sound |
the changes that take place in an ecosystem over time | succession |
a medium sized star closest to earth | sun |
when both sides of an object are the same | symmetry |
when light rays bounce back from an object | reflection |
to make more of the same kind | reproduce |
an animal with a backbone, leathery skin or scales, lungs, lays eggs or gives birth to live young | reptile |
one complete trip around the sun | revolution |
plant structures that hold a plant in place and take in nutrients from the soil | roots |
the spinning of a planet on its axis | rotation |
the amount of salt in something | salinity |
a kind of grassland | savanna |
a rock formed when sediments are pressed together | sedimentary rock |
bits of rock , sand, shell, and the remains of organisms | sediment |
an electricity circuit where the devices are connected in one straight loop | series circuit |
solar energy | energy from the sun |
the state of matter with a definite shape and definite volume | solid |
the ability to dissolve | solubility |
solid, liquid , gas are | states of matter |
physical property related to heat | temperature |
if you can observe it and measure it you can | test it |
the roughness of a material | texture |
one complete investigation | trial |
a tool that measures temperature | thermometer |
a characteristic of an organism | trait |
a giant ocean wave caused by earthquake | tsunami |
validity means | truthful |
the part of an experiment that is different, the part that is being tested | variable |
a process that breaks down rocks | weathering |
a place that is airless space | vacuum |
an animal with a backbone | vertebrate |
the up and down line at the side of a graph | vertical axis |
the amount of space something takes up | volume |
the gas state of water | water vapor |
nothing can grow on the moon because there is no | atmosphere |
how long it takes earth to rotate on its axis one time | 24 hours |
how long it takes earth to revolve around the sun one time | 365 days |
how long it takes the moon to go through its cycle one time | 29 days |
a dog learning to sit is an example of a | learned behavior |
a dog getting immunity from rabies is an example of | acquired trait |
a dog being born with long ears like his mother is an example of a | inherited trait |
a bird building a nest is an example of | inherited behavior |
white on the right means the moon is | waxing |
black on the right means the moon is | waning |