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Treatments, Modalities, and Findings. Abbr

abbreviationlong hand
AAS active assisted stretching
AC acupuncture, acupressure
AKS arthroscope knee surgery
aroma aromatherapy
AT adjunctive therapy
bal balance
B&B bowel and bladder
BM bowel movement
BJE bone and joint movement
BP blood pressure
BRS breath sounds
BV steam bath
C&E consultation and examination
chak chakra
contra contraindicated
coord coordinate
CP cold packs
CST craniosacral therapy
DB deep breathing
DBE deep breathing exercise
detox detoxification
DP direct pressure
DT deep tissue
eff effleurage
erg ergonomics consultation
EW energy work
Ex exercise
exam examination
FS facilitated stretching.
FWB full weight bearing
Fx friction
HARPPS signs of infection: heat, absense of use, redness, pain, pus, swelling,
H&C hot and cold
HEP home exercise person
HMP hot moist packs
HP hot packs
HW homework
hydro hydrotherapy
ICES ice, compression, elevation, support
IDM indirect method
immob immobilize
JM joint mobility
jos jostling
LAM laminectomy
LAP laproscopy
LBPQ low back pain questionnaire
LDT lymphatic drainage technique
LT light touch
(M) massage
man manipulation
mer meridian
MET muscle energy technique
MFT muscle function test
MFR myofascial release
MH moist heat
MLD manual lymphatic drainage
MT manual therapy
NA not attempted
N/A not applicable
NMT neuromuscular therapy
NP not palpable
NWB non weight bearing
OBE out-of-body experience
obs observation
O&E observation and examination
OE orthopedic examination
os adj osseus adjustment
OTB off the body
PA postural analysis or assessment
palp palpation
PB parafin bath, postural balancing
pet petrissage
PMP pain management program
PNF proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation
PPR passive positional release
PR postural reeducation
PRE progressive resistive exercise
prev prevention
proc procedure
PT physical therapy
PU props utilized
PVD percussion, vibration, drainage
PWB partial weightbearing
R&E rest and exercise
re-ed reeducation
reflex reflexology
re-x reexamination
ROS review of symptoms, review of systems
RR respiratory rate
RT recreational therapy
RTW return to work
SA skeletal alignment
SAE specific action exercise
SC self care
SDTx sleeps during treatment
SE somatic education
SER somato-emotional release
SET subtle energy techniques
SLR straight leg raise
S&S stretching and straightening
str stretching
SU supports utilized
TENS transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation
Tx treatment
tx traction
Ptx pelvic traction
Ltx lumbar traction
Ttx thoracic traction
Ctx cervical traction
VAPS visual analog pain scale
VS vascular flush
WB weight bearing
XFF cross-fiber friction
Created by: 100005891470206
Popular Massage Therapy sets




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