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Teres Major "lat's little helper", complete synergist w/ latissimus dorsi, superficial, located along the scapula's lateral border between the latissimus dorsi and teres minor. Interior angle & lower 1/3 of lateral border of scapula crest of lesser tubercle of humerus extend the sh, adduct the sh, medially rotate the sh
Rhomboid Major located between the scapula & vertebral column, named for geometric shape (major is larger), hard to distinguish individually, thin fibers lie deep to trap & superficial to erector spinae SP T2-5 medial border of the scapula between the spine of the scapula and inferior angle adduct the scapula, elebate the scapula, downwardly rotate the scapula
Rhomboid Minor located between the scapula & vertebral column, named for geometric shape (major is larger), hard to distinguish individually, thin fibers lie deep to trap & superficial to erector spinae SP of C7 & T1 upper portion of medial border of scapula, across from spine of scapula adduct the scapula, elevate the scapula, downwardly rotate the scapula
Levator Scapula located along lateral posterior sides of neck, inferior portion is deep,ascends the lateral side, fibers are superficial, belly is two fingers wide w/ fibers that twist, is accessible TP C1-4 medial border, between angle and superior portion of spine Uni- elevates the scapula, downwardly rotates scapula, laterally flex h/n, rotate h/n same side Bi- extend h/n
Supraspinatus located in the supraspinous fossa. belly runs underneath acromion and attaches to the humerus' greater tubercle. only muscle of the group not involved in shoulder rotation supraspinous fossa of scapula greater tubercle of humerus abduct shoulder @ g/h jt, stabilize head of humerus in glenoid cavity
Infraspinatus flat convergent belly. located in the infraspinous. belly is superficial w/ medial portion deep to the traps and a lateral portion beneath the deltoid. synergist w/ teres minor in lateral rotation of sh infraspinous fossa of scapula greater tubercle of humerus laterally rotate the sh @ g/h jt, adduct the sh @ g/h jt, stabilize the head of humerus in glenoid cavity.
Teres Minor small, squeezed between infraspinatus & teres major. located high in axulla, making it hard to grasp. antagonist in rotation of humerus upper 2/3 lateral border of scapula greater tubercle of humerus laterally rotate sh @ g/h jt, adduct sh @g/h jt, stabilize head of humerus in glenoid cavity
subscapularis deep, located on spacula's anterior surface. sandwiched between subscapular fossa & serratus anterior muscle. only rotator cuff muscle that attaches to humerus' lesser tubercle subscapular fossa of scapula lesser tubercle of humerus medially rotate sh, stabilize head of humerus in glenoid cavity
Pectoralis Major broad powerful muscle located in chest. divided into three segments: clavicular, sternal & costal fibers. the upper and lower fibers perform opposing actions @ sh jt -flexion & extension- making this muscle an antagonist to itself medial 1/2 of clavicle, sternum & cartilage of r 1-6 crest of greater tubercle of humerus all fibers: adduct sh @ g/h jt, medially rotate sh@ g/h jt, assist to elevate the thorax during forced inhalation w/ arms fixed. upper fibers: flex the sh @ g/h jt, horizontally adduct sh @ g/h jt. Lower fibers: extend sh @ g/h jt
Pectoralis Minor lies next to rib cage. fibers run perpendicular to pectoralis major from the scapula's coracoid process to upper ribs. palpate slowly, fibers are sensitive. r 3-5 medial surface of coracoid process of scapula depress the scapula, abduct scapula, downwardly rotate scapula. W/ scapula fixed: assist to elevate thorax during forced inhalation
Serratus anterior lies along the posterior and lateral rib cage. oblique fibers extend from ribs underneath the scapula and attach to its medial border. the portion below the axilla is superficial. antagonist to rhomboids external surface of upper 8 or 9 ribs anterior surface of medial of the scapula abduct scapula, upwardly rotate scapula, depress scapula, hold medial border of scapula against rib cage. W/ scapula fixed: may act to elevate thorax during forced inhalation
Biceps Brachii lies superficially on anterior arm. has a long & short head that merge to form a long oval belly. tendon of long head passes through intertubercular groove of humerus, helping stabilize the tendon as it rises over top of shoulder. short head: coracoid process of scapula. long head: supraglenoid tubercle of scapula tuberosity of radius & aponeurosis of biseps flex elbow @ hemoroulnar jt, supinate forearm @ radioular jt, flex shoulder @ g/h jt
Triceps brachii located @ posterior arm. creating extension @ elbow & shoulder, it is an antagonist @ both these jts to the biceps. 3 heads: long, lateral and medial. superficial and easily accessible (other than proximal portion) Long head: infraglenoid tubercle of scapula. Lateral head: posterior surface of proximal half of humerus. Medial head: posterior surface of distal half of humerus olecranon process of ulna All heads: extend elbow @ humerulnar jt. Long head: extend sh @ g/h jt, adduct sh @ g/h jt
Brachialis strong elbow flexor, lies deep to biceps on anterior arm. flat, yet thick belly. although it lies underneath biceps. portions are accessible. lateral edge, between biceps & triceps is superficial. distal aspect is also accessible. distal half of anterior surface of humerus tuberosity & coranoid process of ulna flex elbow @ h/u jt
Brachioradialis superficial on lateral side of forearm. muscle belly becomes tendinous halfway down forearm. only muscle that runs the length of forearm but does not cross wrist jt proximal 2/3 lateral supracondylar ridge of humerus styloid process of radius flex elbow @ h/u jt, assist to pronate & supinate forearm when theses movements are resisted.
Flexors located on forearm's anterior/ medial surface between the brachioradialis & ulnar shaft. as a group, are thicker and more pliable. common flexor tendon from medial epicondyle of humerus bases of 2nd & 3rd metacarpals, sides of middle phalanges 2-5, bases of distal phalanges 2-5 flex wrist, adduct wrist, abduct wrist, assist flex the elbow, flex 2nd - 5th fingers
Extensors between brachioradialis and shaft of ulna along the forearm's lateral, posterior surface. all muscles are superficial and accessible. become tendious approx. 2 in proximal to wrist jt. smaller and more sinewy common extensor tendon from the lateral epicondyle of humerus base of metacarpals 2,3 &5, base of phalanges 2-5 extend wrist, abduct wrist, adduct wrist
Pronator Teres located on anterior surface of forearm. tucked between brachioradialis & flexors. partially superficial. only muscle in area w/ oblique fibers. antagonist to biceps & supinator muscles. creates pronation of forearm. common flexor tendon from medial epicondyle of humerus & coranoid process of ulna middle lateral surface of radius pronate forearm radioulnar jt, assist to flex elbow @ h/u jt
Aconeus weak elbow extensor. located lateral to olecranon process. triangular shaped. superficial, yet can be difficult to differentiate from surrounding extensors. lateral epicondyle of humerus olecranon process & posterior proximal surface of ulna extend elbow @ h/u jt
Adductor Pollicis largest of thumb's short muscles. lies deep along the palmer surface. draws thumb toward the index & middle fingers. can be felt in web of hand. capitate, 2nd & 3rd metacarpals base of proximal phalanx of thumb adduct thumb, assist to flex thumb
Dorsal Interossei accessible between metacarpals from the hands dorsal surface adjacent sides of metacarpals base of proximal phalanx of the 2nd,3rd&4th fingers and extensors aponerousis abduct 2-4 fingers, assist to flex 2-4 fingers, assist to extend 2-4 fingers.
Deltoid Triangle shaped located on shoulder. Can be divided into three segments: anterior, middle, and posterior fibers. Anterior and posterior fibers are antagonists in both flexion/extension and medial/lateral rotation. S- Spine of scapula A- Acromion C- Clavicle (lateral 1/3) Deltoid tuberosity All fibers- abduct the sh @ g/h jt Anterior- flex the shoulder @ g/h jt, medially rotate the sh @ g/h jt, horizontally adduct the sh @ g/h jt Posterior- extend the sh @ g/h jt, laterally rotate the sh @ g/h jt, horizontally abduct the sh @ g/h jt
Trapezius Lies superficially along upper back & neck. Divided into three groups: upper, middle, lower. Upper and lower fibers are antagonists in elevation and depression of the scapula. L- ligamentum nuchae E- eop N- nuchal line- medial portion S- SP C7-T12 S- Spine of scapula A- Acromion C- Clavicle (lateral 1/3) Upper: Bi- extend h/n uni- laterally flex h/n to same side, rotate the h/n to opp side, elevate scapula, upwardly rotate the scapula middle fibers: adduct the scapula, stabilize the scapula Lower: depress the scapula, upwardly rotate scapula
Latissimus Dorsi broadest muscle of back, thin superficial fibers originate @ lower back, middle portion next to lateral border of scapula is easy to grasp. I- inferior angle of scapula R- ribs 9-12 S- SP T7-12 T- thorocolumbar aponeurosis P- posterior iliac crest intertubercular groove of humerus extend the sh @ g/h jt, adduct the sh @g/h jt, medically rotate the sh @ g/h jt
Created by: csandlin10
Popular Massage Therapy sets




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