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Digestive System

Salivary Glands Glands that secrete a clear, viscous fluid, that helps keep oral mucosa moist as well as lubricating food so that it is easier to swallow.
Esophagus Muscular tube that extends from the pharynx to the stomach
Mastication Chewing
Deglutition Swallowing
Peritoneum Large serous membrane that envelopes the abdominal cavity and major digestive organs
Ingestion Process of orally taking materials into the body
Stomach Hollow organ located between the lower esophageal sphincter and pyloric sphincter
Defecation Process of eliminating indigestible or un absorbed material from the body
Peristalsis Rhythmic contraction that mixes and propel products of digestion along the gastrointestinal tract
Absorption Process by which molecules from the digestive tract move into the blood stream or lymph vessels and then into cells
GI tract or Alimentary Canal Long tube that starts at the mouth, extends through the body and ends at the anus
Digestion Mechanical and chemical processes that break food down into simple ,molecules.
Small intestine The longest portion of the GI tract. The coiled tube is bound at both ends by sphincters ; the pyloric sphincter and the ileocecal sphincter.
Plicae circulares Lumen of the small intestines possess circular folds.
villi Finger like projections that house blood and lymph capillaries.
Microvillii Present along the surface of the villi, giving the intestines a velvety appearance.
Goblet cells Found in the spaces between some of the villi
Lacteals Assist in the absorption of fat
Duodenum The shortest portion making up the first 10-12 inches. Contains ducts from the liver, gallbladder and pancreas.
Jejunum The walls of the jejunum are slightly thicker than those of the ileum and the jejunum possesses a smaller lumen.
Ileum The last 12 ft of the small intestine, stops at the ileocecal sphincter.
Brunners glands Secrete alkaline mucus
Enterocrinin Stimulates the flow of intestinal juice
Cholecystokinin Stimulates contraction of the gallbladder.
Secretin Stimulates the pancreas to secrete an alkaline liquid that neutralizes the acid chyme.
What is chyme? a semiliquid substance broken down by gastric juice and a bolus.
What does the stomach's lining contain? Rugae that enable it to expand as food is ingested.
Pharynx Throat
What is the nasopharynx? Contains openings to the eustachian tubes which help to equalize pressure in the head, nose, and pharynx.
Oropharynx Portion of the throat you can see that includes the tonsils
Laryngopharynx Begins at the hyoid bone and separates into the esophagus and larynx.
Sphincter A ring of muscle that remains contracted or closed until triggered to relax and open
What produces pepsinogen? Chief cells
What is pepsin? An inactive form to prevent the stomach's lining from eroding from pepsin'is protein digestion.
Large intestine The final route that undigested and unabsorbed food takes before it is eliminated by the body. Forms and stores feces.
Cecum The first portion of the colon. A small saclike structure located in the right lower quadrant of the abdomen.
Vermiform appendix Suspended from and opening into the inferior portion. It's 3 inches and contains lymphatic tissue
Ascending colon next segment of the colon
Hepatic flexure Continues from the cecum upward and curves toward the left just beneath the liver.
Transverse colon The colon moves horizontally from right to left draping to form
Descending colon Extends from the splenic flexure to about the top of the iliac crest
Sigmoid colon The s shaped begins at the flexure and continues to the middle of the abdomen where it joins the rectum,
Rectum Essentially a straight continuation of the sigmoid colon beginning at about the level of s3 and terminates at the anus,
Functions of the liver Metabolizes amino acids, breaks down fatty acids and stores the fat as fuel for later use, stores nutrients ; copper, iron, and vitamins A, b12, D, E, and K. Produces antibodies. Detoxifies the blood by removing, toxins, drugs, and hormones
Bile Physically breaks apart large fat globules into smaller ones which provides a larger surface area for the fat digesting enzyme to work. Gives urine and stool their color.
Gallbladder Pear shaped sac that lies on the inferior surface of the liver. Stores and concentrates bile produced by the liver
Pancreas A carrot shapes organ located behind the stomach, connected to the duodenum by ducts. Produces enzymes that break down all categories of digestible foods, including proteins, carbohydrates, and fats.
Pancreatic lipase Helps convert fats into fatty acids
Which digestive enzyme breaks down carbohydrates? Amylase
Which digestive enzyme breaks down lipids into glycerol and fatty acids! Lipase
Which digestive enzyme is produced by the stomachs chief cells that break down proteins? Pepsin
Created by: thebesttherapist
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