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Stack #194501

Massage Test Ch 3&9

Define Oma Tumor
Define Myo muscle
Define Hyper excessive too much high
Define Neuro nerve
To phyically change soft tissue mechanical
Define Petrissage done by lifting seperating the underlying tissue
Define Itis inflamation
Define fibro fiber, fiberous
What is Physiological effects of Massage Massage methods use external sensory info to either stimulate or inhibit General-fast specific applications = stimulates:Slow, specifice applications-Inhibits:Combined can be relaxing
how do these restore us to homeostatis puts us in balance: Our of balance, too much or not enough. Muscle is too short or too long. Connective tissues can be too soft, hard, thick, thin circulation rushing flow, sluggish flow:Nervous System, over under-active.Hyper-Hypo
Effects: Mechanical Manipulation/Techniques mechanical changes soft tissue, realigns fibers, makes it more pliable alters structure. Stretch pull
Effects: Reflexive Manipulation/Techniques stimulates the nervous systems(nerve endings) compression, stay within the skin, move the body, move through the skin and underlying tissue
Effects: Chemical Manipulation/Techniques Stimulates the release of endorphens and other body chemicals. Rocking stimulates the bodys Vestibular system(Balance) controlled by inflammatory response(scar tissue breakup)
COmponents of massage manipulations deep pressure, drag(amount of pull on tissue) slow and deep stroke amount of glide in lubricant
Direction centrifugal- from center out direction centripetal-from extremities towards center(distal to proximal) efferage=with the fiberstransverse=against the fibers/across: circular
Speed: fast, slow, variable be where the client is . if a client is hyped up, start massage fast and the strokes down to bring them down. if client is fairly relaxed, so a fast stroke massage
Rhythm-regularity of application want to be even or rhythmic with your strokes. disjointed or uneven strokes are irritating frequency-rate at which the method repeats itself in a given time frame (3X is the norm) Duration: length of time a method last or the therapist stays in one area
What must goals be for record keeping Quantifiable=able to measure in terms of objective criteria(time)scale 1-10, increase decrease ability to perform activity, pain, sensation etc Qualifiable=how will we know when the goal is reached and plan what does the client do after goal is reached
what is vibration =applies to tendon for 30seconds. place hand on client apply lgt compression, back and forth motion. MT keep upper arm/shoulders relaxed very powerful stroke if done long enough with enough intensity. 0-10 because of energy need to do this stroke. used in short periods the effect=reflexive, relaxes antagonist due to reciprocal inhibition. stimuste nerve activity, confuses and shifts muscle/joint pain perception.
What effect does rocking have both a reflexive and chemical-works throught the vestibular system of the inner ear. applies with a flowing shythmic side to side movement or up and down
what amount of time does it take for tapotment to get stimulated 0-10 sec = iniciates tap10-60sec sustaing60 +sec= exhaust muscle
heavy tapotment never done over Kidneys or anywhere ther is pain or discomfort types are hacking, cupping(loosens mucus) beating/pounding=lg muscle groups soft fist, with knuckles or vertical side of ulnar palm slapping=whole palm of flattened hand(bottom of feet) tapping =palmer surface of fingers tap with a light to medium pressure. can be used on joints, tendons face and head(might be anoying on face/head)
what is the axcill area called armpit
What does SOAP stand for written record of intake procedures, informed consent, obtaining release of info, charting S=Subjective O=Objective A= Analysis/assess P= Plan
Created by: tmputnam
Popular Massage Therapy sets




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