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AP Psych LMHS U1

2015-2016 AP Psychology Unit 1 Flashcards

Psychology study of behavior & mental processes
Empiricism knowledge originates in experience
Structuralism looks at the basic elements of consciousness (what you are sensing, what you are feeling); uses introspection
Functionalism looks at the function of the elements of consciousness (WHY you are sensing, WHY you are feeling that way)
Gestalt Psychology The whole is greater than the sum of the parts (looking at the whole person is more effective than its basic elements or why they feel those things)
Psychoanalysis Early school of psychology; Freud; emphasis on unconscious motives/desires
Behaviorism Early school of psychology; Watson, Pavlov, Skinner; emphasis on learned behaviors
Natural Selection Best genes get passed on
Basic Research research for the sake of knowledge
Applied Research Problem solving with psychology
Clinical Psychologist studies, assesses, and treats people with psychological disorders
Psychiatrist medical doctor; can give prescriptions
Pseudo-psychologies NO EVIDENCE!
Hindsight bias "I knew it all along"
Overconfidence believe in something being better than actuality
Critical Thinking does not blindly accept arguments and conclusions
Scientific Method Structure for psychological research
Hypothesis A testable prediction
Operational Definition define research variables
Replication Repeating an experiment (hoping to get similar results)
Case Study unique situation (1 or few ppl)
Survey self-reported attitudes or behaviors of people
False Consensus Effect overestimate extent to which others share our beliefs
Population Whole group results should apply to
Random, Representative Sample Large, randomly chosen group of people, mirroring population
Naturalistic Observation Watching people in normal/natural situation
Observer Bias observers see what they wanted to see
Correlation relationship between variables
Correlation Coefficient r; describes strength of relationship (-1 to +1)
Scatterplot Dots representing data for correlation purposes
Experiment used to show cause and effect between variables
Independent variable What the research manipulates
Dependent variable What the researcher measures
Confounding variables other variables that might accidentally impact results
Experimental group group that receives the condition(treatment)
Control group group that DOES NOT receive condition
Random Assignment randomly putting participants into groups (Exp or Control)
Placebo Effect Experimental results caused by expectations alone
Expectancy effects experimenter accidentally gives away purpose; participant acts as they think they should act
Single-Blind Experiment participant doesn't know if they're exp or control
Double-Blind Experiment participant AND researcher don't know if participant is exp or control
Descriptive Statistics describes sets of data.
Mean average
Median Middle number (if even, find average of the 2 middle #s)
Mode number appearing most
Range highest # minus lowest #
Standard Deviation average spreadness of data away from the mean
Inferential Statistics can we apply our sample to the population?
Statistical Significance how likely results occurred by chance
Reliability are results consistent?
Validity does the test measure what it's supposed to
Introspection looking inward at feelings, sensations, and images
Socrates & Plato separate mind & body; mind lives after body dies; thoughts are innate; dualists
Aristotle connected mind & body; body dies, mind dies; thoughts come from experience; monist
Francis Bacon founded experimental method
Descartes separate mind & body; animal spirits allow mind & body to communicate; dualist
John Locke "Tabula Rasa" mind is a blank sheet on which experience writes; monist
Mary Whiton Calkins first female APA president
Margaret Floy Washburn first female to receive Ph.D in Psychology
Charles Darwin "survival of the fittest;" his ideas helped William James create functionalism
Sigmund Freud founder of psychoanalysis; focused on unconcsious
William James founder of functionalism; wrote first psychology textbook "The Principles of Psychology"
Ivan Pavlov Behaviorist; used dogs to test learning principles
B.F. Skinner Behaviorist; used pigeons to test learning principles
John B. Watson Behaviorist: with Rosalie Rayner conducted "Little Albert" experiment on learning fears
Wilhelm Wundt "Father of Psychology;" Opened first psychology lab in Leipzig, Germany (1879); structuralist; student was Titchener
Edward Titchener structuralist; student of Wundt's
Created by: deleted user
Popular Psychology sets




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