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Ch.2 Freud
Theories of Personality
Term | Definition |
Altruistic Surrender | An ego-defense mechanism postulated by Anna Freud by which a person internalizes the values of another person and lives his or her life in accordance with those values |
Anal-expulsive character | Character type that results from a fixation at the early anal stage. Such a person may have trouble with bowel control and may be overly generous. |
Anal-retentive character | character type that results from a fixation at the late anal stage. Such a person may suffer from constipation and may be stingy. |
Anal Stage | Second psychosexual stage that occurs about the second year of life during which time the anal area is the primary erogenous zone. |
Athicathexis | Expenditure of enery to prevent a cathexis that would cause anxiety |
Anxiety | The general feeling of inpending danger. |
Bernheim, Hippolyte | French Neurologist from who Freud learned that one's behavior can be determined by ieas of which he or she is unaware. He also learned from Bernheim that persons could become aware of inconscious ideas if pressured to do so. |
Breuer, Josef | Physician who became Freud's close frined and coauthored Studies on Hysteria. Breuer was the first to use the talking cure while treating hysteria which later evolved into Freud's technique of free association. |
Castration anxiety | Boys fear that he is going to lose his sex organs because they are regarded as the souce of difficulty between the boy and his father |
Catharsis | Emotional relief that results when a person is able to ponder pathogenic ideas consciously. Physical disorders are often relieved following catharsis. |
Cathexis | Investment of psychic energy in the image of an object that will satisfy a need. |
Charcot, Jean-Martin | French neurologist whom Freud learned that psychical disorders could have a pscyhological origin and that hyteria must therefore be taken seriously as a disease |
Condensation | Form of dream distortion in which one dream element represents several ideas at the same time |
Conscience | That part of the superage that results from the internalized experiences for which a child had been punished. This conponet of the psersonlity is reponsible for the experience of guilt. |
Countertransference | Phenomenon that sometimes occurs during therapy in which the therapoist becomes emotionally involved with a patient |
Denial of reality | some otentially anxiety provoking aspect of reality is denied despite abundant information testifying to its existence. |
Displaced aggression | aggression deirected toward a person or object less threaening thatn the one causing the aggressive impulse |
Displacement | substitution of one cathexis that is anciety provoking with one that is not. Also a form of fream distortion in which an acceptable image is substituted for an unacceptable one |
Dream Work | Various mechanisms that distort a dreams latent content |
Ego | Executive of the personality whose job it is to satisfy the needs of both the id and the superego by engaging in appropriate enviornmental activities. The eho is governed by the reality principle. |
Ego defense mechanisms | unconscious processes that falsify or distort reality to reduce of prevent anxiety. |
ego ideal | that portion of the superago that results from the internalized experiences for which a child has been rewarded. This conponet of the personality is responsible for the experience of success and pride. |
Erogenous Zone | area of the body that is a source of pleasure. |
Eros | all the life instrincts taken collectively |
fixation | arrested development at one of the psychosexual stages because of the undergratification or overgratification of a need. fixation determines the point to which an adult regresses under stress. |
Free association | called by Freud that fundamental rule of psychoanalysis, it entails instructing the patient to say whatever comes to his or her mind no matter how irrelevant, threatining, or nonsensical it may seem. |
Freudian slip | verbal "accident" that is thought to reveal the speakers true feelings. |
Genital Stage | final psychosexual stage and the one that follows puberty. It is a time when the full adult personality emerges and when the experiences that occured during the pregenital stages manifest themselves. |
Humor | according to Freud, humor is a socially acceptable way of experessing repressed, anxiety provoking thoughts, for example, thoughts involving sex or aggression. |
Hysteria | general term describing disorders such as paralysis of the arms or legs, loss of sensation, disturbances of sight and speech, neuasea and general confusion. Because hysteria has no known organic cause, its root is assumed to be psychological. |
Id | Componet of the personality that is completely unconscious and contains all the instincts. It is the animalistic portion of the personality that is goverend by the pleasure principle |
Identification | A term used in two ways by Freud: 1 the matching of an idinal image with its psychical counterpart 2: the incorporation of anothers persons values or characteristics either to enhance ones self esteem or to minimize that person as a threat |
Idenficiation with the agressor | an ago defense mechanism postulated by Anna Freud by which the fear caused by a person is reduced or elinimated by internalizing the feared person's values and mannerisms. |
Inheritance of acquired characteristics | Lamarcks contention that the information learned during a persons lifetime can be passed on to that persons offspring |
Instinct | For Freud, instincts were the stuff from which personality is shaped. An instinct is the cognitive reflection of a biological deifiency. Instincts have four characteristics. |