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AP Psych Ch. 1 Vocab

Thinking Critically With Psychological Science - AP Psychology, Chapter 1

Psychology The scientific study of human and animal behavior and mental processes
APA ethical guidelines A code of conduct of experiments established by the American Psychological Association
Wilhelm Wundt Established the first psychology lab and founded structuralism
William James Pioneered functionalism
Structuralism A school of thought focusing on introspection
Functionalism A school of thought focusing on the functions of thoughts/feelings
Introspection Looking inward at your thoughts
Hindsight bias When something seems obvious after it happens
Response bias A range of biases that lead people away from providing accurate, truthful responses
Basic research Builds psychology's knowledge base
Applied research Applies psychology to practical problems
Biopsychosocial Considers biological, psychological, and social/cultural factors
Case study Studying one person in depth
Correlational study Looks at the relationship between two or more variables that aren't under the researchers' control
Cross sectional study Looks at a variable across age groups
Longitudinal study When a group is studied for several years
Naturalistic observation Observing organisms in their natural environment without trying to manipulate the situation
Survey/Interview/Questionnaire Survey - looks at many cases with less depth. Two types: interview (completed in-person) and questionnaire (involves a form to fill out and mail back)
Operational definition Defines research variables
Replication Repeating an experiment
Placebo effect When an individual's symptoms are reduced because of the belief that he or she is getting a treatment
Double-blind procedure Neither the participants nor the researcher knows which group receives treatment
Experimenter bias When the scientist influences the results to portray a certain outcome
Confounding variable A variable (other than the independent) that could influence the dependent
Content validity The extent to which a test measures what it is supposed to measure
Descriptive statistics Statistics used to summarize data
Inferential statistics Statistics used to make conclusions/inferences about an unknown aspect of a population
Factor analysis Identifies factors that seem to define a common ability
Empirically derived Something derived by testing a pool of items, then selecting factors that discriminate between groups
Illusory correlation A perceived relationship that doesn't truly exist
Correlation coefficient Measures the strength of a correlation between variables (r)
Normal distribuiton The expected outcome when a sample is drawn from a large population (will fall in the shape of a bell curve)
Standard deviation The average distance from the mean
Variance How far from the expected value an actual value is
Skewed distribution A set of data is skewed on the side where it's spread out (the tail)
Regression toward the mean Data that is much higher or lower than the mean and will likely be closer if measured a second time
Z-score Measures how many standard deviations away from the mean a certain value is
Null hypothesis States the opposite of the real hypothesis
Statistical significance A measure of how likely it is that an obtained result occurred by change
Split half reliablility If a test is split in half, and the scores are consistent, it is more reliable
Informed consent Participants in a study must know they are involved in research and give their permission
Debreifing Participants must be told the purpose/results of a study
Biological approach The applications of biological principles to psychology
Evolutionary approach Explains how psychological traits factor in to natural selection
Psychodynamic Focuses on getting in a person's head, says function is based on hidden thoughts and desires from childhood
Behavioral Aims to interpret psychology via the way we act and understand how we learn/can change observable responses
Cognative Studies the way we encode, process, store, and retrieve information
Humanistic Focuses on how our current environment affects our good and bad decisions, includes group therapy
Social-cultural Studies our interactions with others and focuses on how behavior varies across situations and cultures
Created by: emilyjane1221
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