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Social Psych Stangor

Chp 1

Behavioral measures Measured variables designed to directly measure and individuals actions.
Collectivism A social norm, found primarily in Eastern cultures, that values other-concern and connections with others.
Common-causing variable In correlational design, a variable that is not part of the research hypothesis but which caused the variables of interest to be correlated, thus producing a correlation b/w them.
Cover story false or misleading statement by experimenter about what is being studies to reduce possibility of demand characteristics.
culture group of people who have a geographic heritage in common and who share religious and family values and/or other moral beliefs
deception practice of not completely and fully informing research participants about the nature of a research project, used when research couldn't be conducted if participants knew.
Dependent variable in an experiment, the variable that is assumed to be caused by the independent variable, and the one that is measured by researchers.
empirical based on the collection and systematic analysis of observable data
evolutionary adaptation belief that human nature is determined by evolution
experimental research includes the manipulation of a given situation or experience for two or more groups of individuals who are initially created to be equivalent, followed by a measurement of the effect of that experience.
external validity extent to which the results of a research design can be generalized beyond the specific settings and participants used in the experiments to other places, people and time
falsifiability characteristic of research hypothesis indicating that the variables of interest can be adequately measured and that the expected relationship between the variables can be shown through research to be false
field experiments experimental research that is conducted in natural environment like a school or factory
hidsight bias tendency to think we could have predicted something that we probably would not have been able to, once we know the information
independent variable in an experiment, the variable that is manipulated by the researcher
individualism a social norm, found primarily in Western cultures, that values self-concern and independence
ingroup the people with whom we feel connected--thos who are familiar and similar to us
interactionism the joint influence of the person and social situation on behavior (person-situation interaction: Lewin's formula)
internal validity the extent to which changes in the dependent variable in an experiment can confidently be attributed to changes in the independent variable
kin selection behaviors, performed by humans and other animals, that favor the reproductive success of their relatives
meta-analysis statistical procedure in which results of existing studies are integrated to draw new conclusions about a research hypothesis
observational research research that involves making observations of behavior, and recording them in an objective manner
operational definition method used to measure a variable of interest...turns an idea into a measurable thing
outgroup people who we do not see as part of our group
pearson correlation coefficient statistic used to assess the strength and size of a relationship between 2 variables
random assignment to conditions most common method of creating equivalence among the experimental conditions before experiment begins
replication the repeating of research
research hypothesis specific ad falsifiable prediction regarding the relationship b/w 2 or more variables
self-report measures measures in which individuals are asked to respond to questions posed by an interviewer or on a questionnaire
social group collection of individual people who are perceived, by themselves or others, to have something in common with eachother
social influence processes thru which other people change our thoughts, feelings and behaviors, and thru which we change theirs
social norms ways of thinking, feeling or behaving shared by group members and perceived by them as appropriate
social psychology the scientific study of how we think about, feel about and behave towards others; and how our thoughts, feelings and behaviors influence and are influenced by other people
social situation the other people around us who influence our behavior
variable any attribution that can assume different values
Created by: mpolm
Popular Psychology sets




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