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Chapter 1-11


Your client had a cold last week and has painful-looking lesion on lip. When asked she stated fever blister, what is this Herpes Simplex
What is the best description of a fungal infection of the skin Dermatophytes find a rich growth medium on the skin
What does MRSA stand for Methicillian resistant Staphylococcus aureus
What is the best description of critical thinking Using carefully evaluated information to guide decisions and actions
Your client is a 19 y/o man with acne scare on chest and back, but no currently infected lesions, what should you do Work normally; no special accommodations
Your client arrives with active oral herpes simplex lesions, you should Reschedule appointment
Client recently exposed to scabies, how soon are the communicable to you? Anytime after exposer
Client has staph infection with lesion on forearm, wound is covered with dry bandage and almost healed she is on last day of antibiotics what do you do. Work with her normally, locally avoiding the wound
Massage for someone with a fungal infecton Is safe if lesions are localized, treated and covered
A client has been diagnosed with eczema, skin on her knuckles is red, dry adn flaky, what do you do. Use hypoallergenic lotion, work normally
Which of the following inflammatory states systemically contraindicates circulatory massage Blood poisioning
In which of the following situation is massage therapy most likely to be safe Hay fever, asthma, postacute sprain
What are the most common signs of inflammation Pain, heat, redness, swelling
Keloid scars occur when Permanent scar tissue doesn't stay withing the boundaries of the skin injury
The "ABCDE" of melanoma is Asymmetrical, boarders, color, diameter, elevation
A client who is an ambitious and competitive runner badly hurt his ankle this am and wants to run marathon in 2 days , he took painkiller what do you do Ask him to return when painkiller is not active so he can give feedback
List animal parasites Crabs, head lice, mites
What are the goal of inflammation Limit the spread of infection, perpare area for healing
What is the best definition of standard precautions A set of guidelines on how to avoid exposure to potentially infectious body fluids
What are the components of evidence-informed practice Practicioner expertise, client values, best research
Your 62 y/o client has sore on scalp, it has a small crust in middle and its surrounded by a pink, pearly boarder, she is aware of it when combing hair and it doesnt hurt, what do you do Inform her that she has a lesion that should be seen by DR before she comes to next visit adn continue with massage
Your client has just finished his antibiotics to treat a strep infection, he wound has no symptoms of inflammation, he is exercising daily what do you do Provide a massage as usual there are not special risks.
You found information about a"cleansing course" to share with a client who has rheumatoid arthritis, it claims to detoxify arthritic joints the article is from someone selling product what is the principle that you do you dismiss this product Critical thinking
A client has be diagnosed with eczema skin on palms is itchy and has fluid filled blisters what do you do. Locally avoid the area to reduce the risk of infection
Define inflamation Response to damage or threat of invasion by antigens
Your client has periodic acute and painful spasms of the paraspinals, you should Work to reduce pain and unnecessary tightness in the affected muscles
You are at a chair massage event adn a frail looking 83 y/o lady 5'2" adn says she used to by 5'6" what accommodation should you do Gentle massage that does not put her at risk for bone fracture on the spine or ribs
What is a realistic predicton for how massage therapy might be able to help someone with a long-term postural deviation Massage maybe able to help with muscle tension adn pain but is unlikely to reverse long-term changes in bony adaptation
Your client has hip dysplasia bilaterally, what accommodations does she need Any stretching of hip flexors or extensor must be done very conservatively
What are the major signs and symptoms of osteoarthristis Deep pain and stiffness, crepitus
Whish is the best description of spondylosis Degenerative inflammation of the spinal joints and structures
What is a realistic claim about how massage therapy might affect sprains Massage therapy can work with ligaments and other connective tissues in the post acute phase of inflammation to improve mobility and help impact proprioception for better stability.
What is a reasonable claim about the role of massage therapy in the TMJ disorder treatmement Massage may help with myofascial component of TMJ disorder especially if no cartilage or bone damage has occurred
Your client has plantar fascitis and is hoping to travel she wants to be able tow walk without pain what do you do Work with her foot and lower leg muscles with pain tolerance suggest she gets good walking shoes
Massage therapy for a client with carpal tunnel syndrome is safe if The treatment can be done without exacerbating symptoms
What is the accommodation you can expect tot make for a client with disc problems Bolstering to avoid hyperextension of the back
Your client has painful trigger points all over his right shoulder, back and chest, the pain prevents him from training what treatment strategy might help him Direct pulsing pressure to the spots that elicit pain, alternated with release and kneading strokes
What are the most likely contributing factors to thoracic outlet syndrome Muscular imbalance, connective tissue bands, cervical ribs
The loss of ROM seen wit bursitis is usually due to Muscle splinting to protect the perceived injury
Your 62 y/o has never had a massage was in a MVA 6 mo ago. Has whiplash and her chiropractor wants to see if massage with help it residual pain and limited ROM, what do you do Because new work slowly for incremental changes in her pain and ROM
Is massage therapy recommended or not for person with a post acute tendon injury Recommended, appears to have a positive impact on tendinopathy healing, although the mechanism isn't clear
You are at the finish line of a 10 km race on hot, humid day. The athlete on your table is having a cramp in her calf, what do you do Passively dorsiflex the foot and work the Achilles tendon until the cramp has passed
Which muscle are most likely to be affected by whiplash Sternocleidomastoid, scalene, splenis cervicis
What are the signs and symptoms of active trigger points Local and referred pain; twitch response
Your client has been diagnosed with thoracic outlet syndrome on the right side, this wakes him out of sound sleep, he wants less pain and better ROM what do you do Work to establish balance between scapula protractors and retractors
Client has spasmotic torticollis, wants to see if massage with help with pain and motor control what muscle do you focus on Sternocleidomastoid, trapezius
Someone who is having a stroke will probably show some combination of the following Unilateral weakness; blurred vision; clumsiness, headache
Client is 61 y/o with Parkinson, he shuffles when walks hunched over and doesn't sleep well what accommodations will he need Help getting on and off the table
What are some consequences of prolonged sleep deprevation Risk of diabetes, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome
If a person with depression also has a chronic underlying condition what is likely to happen Underlying condition will worsen as depression often leads to poor self care
What re the most common primary symptoms of Parkinson disease Resting tremor, bradykinesia, rigidity
Client DX with Bell palsy she has seen neurologist, taking meds, wants to see if massage would help what do you do Consult the research to see what others have done for this situation design a protocol that focuses on musculature of the affected side of her face as mobile and pliable during her recovery
Your client has trigeminal neuralgia what accommodation might you have to make Not be comfortable lying prone, offer another option
Most massage therapist are probably protected from contracting herpes zoster from a client why Most people have been exposed to varicella zoster virus by the time we reach adulthood so alreay immune
People with Parkinson's seek out massage why MT can help with insomnia, depression, rigidity and other symptoms of Parkinsons
Your client arrives with headache as she was driving to see you, traffic bad and she was afraid of being late and she is stressed, is MT appropriate for her? Yes MT can have a positive impact on the stress and muscular activity that have contributed to the situation
Which situation are most likely to lead to peripheral neuropath Carpal tunnel syndrome, herpes zoster, lupus
52 y/o client has peripheral neuropathy in her feet and hands that is a complication of treatment for cancer, so sever she had to delay her next chemo tx, wonders if MT will help what do you do Work extremely gently with her always within pain tolerance checking frequently that touch is ok.
Client is an addict and alcoholic, last time used was 6 years ago. He is 45 y/o good helat and wants to add MT for his bodybuilding competition what accommodations do you do No special accommodations in relation to his addition but may need adjustment sto help him ready his bodybuliding goals
28 y/o client has was long term user of alcohol, cocaine, meth adn other drugs, she is 6 mo. sober her dr. wants her to do massage, what can you anticipate Risk of underlying diseases, including contagious infections
92 y/o with Alzheimer disease is friendly, lucid and happy to see you, what are main risk for working with this person. Alzheimer disease is rarely seen alone, elders often have multiple conditions that require adaptation for massage.
Client tells you that she had panic attack last week so she is sure she has panic disorder, she wants massage whats your best response Assure her that massage therapy is unlikely to do any harm and will probably help but that she should consult dr about diagnosis
82 y/o client who had stroke 10 years ago, today has weakness on her right side she sis 5'5 and 110 lbs she wants massage due to back pain,and she has osteoporosis what is your option Accommodate her fragility and possible weakness in getting on and off the table make sure sure she is comfortably supported while she is lying down
Client with bipolar and managed with medications, she is athlete and getting ready for 3rd triathlon, she has sprained ankle what accommodation do you need to make for her Clients bipolar disorder does not impact choices for massage work with her to improve her ankle stability
What feature distinguishes dystonia from other essential tremor or Parkinson disease Dystonia leads to muscle spasms in multiple planes; other tremors typically occur on a single plane of movement
What is the key factor that determines whether massage therapy is safe for a person with anemial Whether the underlying cause of anemia carries risk for massage therapy
What is the difference between an embolism and a thrombus A thrombus is a lodge obstructions and embolism has traveled from elsewhere
Why is pallor a sign of anemia Less oxygen or less hemoglobin means the blood is less read, this can show in the skin
How does the pathophysiology of leukemia lead to its major signs and sypmtoms The production of healthy WBC, RBC and platelets is suppressed by the production of non functioning leudocytes
Your client is being treated fore leukemia, her disease was caught early, and chemo wears her out she is in the middle of her series and wants to see if massage will help what do you do Consult with her health care team and work within her tolerance for adaptation with the goal of reducing anxiety and fatigue and improving stamina.
What is the most likely adverse event that could happen f a person with sickle cell disease revives a rigorous massage A sickle cell crisis, damaged erythrocyctes block a small artery or capillary prevent blood for to the straving tissue
What is the defining feature of sickle cell disease Hemoglobin production is abnormal RBC collaps
your new client has DVT last yar and has recovered. He went on a hike and would like to receive massage for his aching, tired legs, what is your best option Determine what his normal activity levels are then work within his capacity for adaptaions
How can thrombophlebitis contribute to DVT Perforate veins allow clots to travel from superficial to deep veings
Client has been dx with atherosclerosis and hypertension. He is on beta-blockers and blood thinner. The is also training for a triathlon next month so he runs 3 miles/day and swims 5 times /week can you work with him Yes persons condition is under control and he is physically capable of keeping up with the adaptive stressor of massage therapy
Why is atherosclerosis often asymptomatic during it's early phast The body grows new arteries to make up for the lost function of the clogged ones.
Hypertension is marked by what major symptom None is its the silent killer
Your client has hypertension adn he is trying to manage without medications. He is now exercising and eating better adn want to see if MT will help, what can he expect Result 0f MT research on lowering PB have been of mixed quality but most experss agree that it is a safe choice that often has good results
72 y/o client has large, twisting , distorted and elevated varicose veins on her legs, in other areas her skin is clearly compromised with tiny sore and & flaking on top of the veins, she wants massage and dr agree what is your best option This client needs to receive only very light work on her legs through the sheet to avoid the risk of infection but standard massage therapy is appropriate elswheres.
This term describes permanently distended, twisted, ropy veins that are close to the skin Varicose veins
Your client had a heart attack 2 years ago, he is young, thin and physically active, he monitors BP and takes med to reduce his cholesterol, can he get massage Yes massage therapy is not liekly to challenge his body any more than his typical daily activities
Your client has pulmonary embolism 8 weeks ago, she supplements O2 and informs you that she has a filter in her vena cava,what accommodations does she need This client will be safest with gentle touch that does not intend to impact fluid flow
What is the key factor that determines whether a person who has had a heart attack is safe to receive massage therapy His general resilience and capacity for adaptation
What is the best description of heart failure The heart muscle wears out besoms distended adn thin and cannot pump enough blood to meet daily needs.
Your client arrives to appt, with O2 tank, she gasps for air as the arrives her legs are like tree trunks her ankles lap down over her shoes, she needs massage for neck pain & headache, you review her fom & she has COPD and heartfailure what do you do Create a session in which she can be comfortable and choose massage techniques that dones't emphasize fluid flow to focus on her neck and headache pain
This condition involves the retention of excess interstitial fluid either in a local area or systemically, it can have variety of causes from minor injury to allergic reaction to heart failure what is it Edema
Client is 73 y/o man dx with non-Hodgkin lymphoma, prognosis is unclear and is not responding well to tx. what is reasonable suggestion for what MT will do for him MT will help with anxiety, depression and pain due to CA but won't cue the disease but can make living with it easier
What is best description of lymphoma A blood cancer that begins with mutations in lymphatic tissue
Your client has a history of extreme allergic reactions, she is nervous about bees adn wasps and she avoids being outside during pollen season adn she has to use special nonirritating laundry detergent, what accommodation does she need to receive MT Hypoallergenic lotion or lubricant, she might want to provide her own
What is an allergic reaction An immune system reaction against the stimulus that is not inherentl y hazardous
The name of this condition was coined to cover many different s/s adn is a multifactoral situation involving stressful events, neuroendocrine dysfunction adn possibly infectious agents what is it Chronic fatigue syndrome
Your client is 41 y/o woman who works FT adn has 3 children at home and volunteers, he has been dx with chronic fatigue syndrome and his hoping that MR will help what is your best option Giver her a massage session the fits within her capacity for adaptation adn encourage her to take other steps for a good self-care
76 y/o man with end stage AIDS, frail, pneumonia and not gonna live a week, family is requesting MT what is your best option Work with him within his limits for frailty adn resilience offer to teach family/friends simple adn safe techniques for comfort
Acquired immune deficiency syndrome is often identified by its indicator disease or complications what are complications for AIDS Pneumoncystitis, jiroveci, cytomegalovirus, Kaposi sarcoma
Client is 39 y/o woman with Crohn disease that was dx in mid 20's. Since she has had 4 surgeries ro remove the section of her small intestine last one was 6 mo ago, Uses meds and goes to gym 4 times a week what is your best options Good candidate for massage therapy and work the emphasizes stress relief and digestive comfort is appropriate.
This disease is a progressive inflammatory disorder that causes disconnected patches of damage tissue in any part of the GI tract what is it Chrohn disease
Many autoimmune disaeses target one particular kind of tissue for attack, This one does not: many different types of tissue can be damaged with this disease what is it Lupus
39 y/o client is active woman dx with Lupus, it is upsetting to her, she wants MT to decrease stress, notice her nose and cheeks are inflamed adn has painful ulcers in mouth and throat, what is your best option Give her gentle massage therapy session that focuses on stress relief but avoid irritating the red areas on her face remind her to update you about her tx options as she moves forward
Your client with MS experiences occasional painful and unpredictable muscle spasms in shoulder and arms, want to know if MT with help what is your answer Most experts agree that massage therapy is safe choice for people with multiple sclerosis and you are will ing to work with her to see if you can make a difference in her muschle spasm
MS is an autoimmune disease marked by attacks against what tissue Myelin sheathes in CNS
This condition involves the accelerated replication of skin cells that pile into itchy, scaly plaques, what is it Psoriasis
Your client with psoriasis has occasional outbreaks on her elbows and knees but nothing recent, she wants MT because she overdid it while hiking and her knees are sore what is your best option Provide a massage therapy session as requested this situation calls for no accommodation s other that using a hypoallergenic lotion if she prefers it
In this condition the synovial membranes are attacked by immune system cells leading to joint deformation and painful inflammation what is it Rheumatoid arthritis
Your client is 76 y/o woman who has had rheumatoid arthritis for 50 years. Her hands are gnarled and distorted adn ache all the time, has few other symptoms wanders if MT will help with Chronic pain Offer gentle massage to her hands with emphasis on warming and comfortable passive ROM exercises, deliver firmer massage for her arms and shoulders this is shown to be helpful for pain and function in the hands.
Your client has a low fever, chest pain and keep hacking productive cough, has been sick for at least a week what condition Acute bronchitis
Your client had bronchitis last week her fever is gone and back to work but still coughing and little weak what is your best option Work with her within her capacity for adaptation keep tissues handy in case she needs to cough or blow her nose
Symptoms of a cold vary from those of the flu in that Cold is shorter infection with lower fever and symptoms are limited to the respiratory tract.
Your client is recovery from a cold, she isn't contagious but still coughing and blowing nose a lot wasn't a massage what your best option Giver her a massage and add extra focus on helping her sinuses to clear
Your client is coughing and sneezing uncomfortable adn slight fever although denies it says it's allergies, states she got flu shot yesterday what is your best option Inform her that she is howing signs of a contagoius respiratory tract infection adn you cannot work with her today; offer to reschedule in 2 weeks
Flu is typically marked by what symptoms in addition to fever, headache and sinus congestion body aches and pains possibly nausea
What are the major signs ans symptoms of pneumonia High fever, SOB, cyanosis
Your client is 92 y/o in hospice, recently developed pneumonia and caregivers agree this is end o her life it's your day for her massage what do you do Give her a very gentle session if she wants it take precautions against getting sick yourself
You are doing volunteer chair massage in a clinic for people who a homeless guy has been waiting and when it's his turn he begins to cough deeply and expels blood tinged sputum what do you do Require him to consult with a clinic supervisor before recieving MT he needs to receive care for chest infection
This condition does not create symptoms in 90% of the people who have it when if does become symptomatic it contagious and dangerous what is it TB
76 y/o lady with chronic bronchitis and osteoporosis, smoked for 60 years repeated efforts to quit not successful, now struggling to breath has pneumonia twice a year want MR for fatigue and resilience what accommodations might she need `Give her gently tx with extra bolstering that helps her be comfortable include some focused work on the muscles of inhalation and exhalation to try and improve efficiency therew
S/S of chronic bronchitis Subtle with slow onset easy to ignore in early stages.
What is the best description of emphysema Genetic anomalies adn/or exposure to pollutants cause irreversible damage to alveoli
Client with emphysema has recently started using O2 what accommodations does this require If using O2 during massage positon in a way to make comfortable may not be able to be prone but side lying with bolsters should be relaxing
Your client has asthma attack mid session whats your best option Pause the session adn ask her how you can help her be comfortable
What is the best description of asthma an airway disorder triggered by environmental irritants and emotional stress.
A formerly healthy physically active client dx withe limited small cell lung caner in stage II.. Know lucky to find early and wants to include MR along with diet,exercise, mediation and meds after research what is your best stratagy Work as part of health care team to support her through this challenge design sessions to match her goals which may change day to day
The most dependable early signs of lung cancer include Nothing this disease is usually silent until it is advanced
What is the best description of sinusistis Inflammation of mucus producing membranes that line hollow areas in the facial bones
Clients waiting several weeks to see you, on his appt day dealing with recent cold that has blocked sinus, uncomfortable but no time and has returned to work what is your best option Give massage but make sure he is comfortable with the face cradle; he may need to avoid being prone for this session
Clien has esophageal caner 2 years ago and treated with surgery, chem and radiation, he is CA clear and has checkups q 6 mo, now he wants MT to deal with surgical scars what do you do Agree to work with him and provide any treatment that fits within his capacity for adaptation adn may hlep him meet his goals
What is a typical early symptom of esophageal cancer? Nothing; this disease is usually silent until later stages
What is the best description of gastroenteritis? Inflammation of the stomach and small intestine brought about by infection
client has recently returned from a nightmarish vacation in which she was exposed to an intestinal virus that caused drastic gastroenteritis. She is no longer vomiting or having nausea, but she feels tired and worn out, & she would like to receive an MT. Yes; gentle and relaxing work that does not challenge her capacity for adaptation may help her to feel better.
Which signs and symptoms are most closely associated with gastroesophageal reflux disorder? A bitter taste in the back of the throat, chest pain; symptoms are aggravated by lying down.
She has chronic heartburns for 3 months even after massage therapy, she wants your suggestion. What should you say? Encourage her to consult her doctor; this may not be a big deal, but it's important for her to pursue it.
What is the best description of a peptic ulcer? An open sore in the stomach or duodenum.
your 37-year-old has been diagnosed with multiple peptic ulcers, some of which sometimes bleed into his stomach. In addiction to treating his ulcers medically, he is trying to change some habits: he is now incorporating exercise, meditation and a health This client may not be comfortable lying flat on a table; offer to work for him on a recliner or chair and an other warm support on his abdomen
At what point does colorectal cancer begin to create symptoms When enough slow blood loss results in unexplained iron deficiency anemia
Long-time client is in the middle of treatment for colorectal cancer, and chemotherapy is wearing her out. She wonders if massage therapy might improve her energy. Best response? Tell her that massage therapy is often used for pain, anxiety, and fatigue with cancer patients and that you look forward to helping her.
What is the best description of diverticular disease? The gastrointestinal tract, usually the colon, develops pouches that may become infected.
Your client with diverticular disease has low back pain, and would like to receive a massage. She is not currently in flare. What is your best option? Good candidate for massage therapy, but any work that involves her abdominal muscles must be done with awareness because her colon is compressed.
Irritable bowel syndrome involves Disorganized and inefficient contractions in the colons.
Client has irritable bowel syndrome (unpredictable diarrhea/constipation, bloating and gas) She would like a massage, but worried about needing to use the bathroom. What can you tell her? Tell her that you can create a session that will help her feel comfortable, and if she needs to use the toilet you will find a solution.
Early signs and symptoms of cirrhosis include... Nausea, weight loss, skin rashes
What is a major factor that determines the safety of massage therapy for a person with cirrhosis Whether the disease has affected the health of the skin
Client reports sharp stabbing pain at the midline of the right costal angle. Also sharp pain between scapulae, which is a new pattern for her. She would like a massage for her back, but she's not sure she can make it through an hour. What is best option? Recommend that she reschedule her massage, and tell her that she needs pursue these symptoms with her doctor as soon as possible.
In this condition, the liver is inflamed, usually due to infection. What is it? Hepatitis
Client ate at a restaurant where an outbreak of hepatitis a was traced. She has no symptoms, and she is nervous as she anticipates going for a gamma globulin shot. She would like her massage, What is your best option? Work with her, but her abdominal massage should be only light touch.
Most cases of hepatitis in the united states are the result of Viral infection
Typical signs and symptoms of liver cancer include Increasing abdominal pain, muscle wasting
You have been called to provide massage therapy for a gentelman who is dying of liver cancer. His doctor suggested that your work might provide some pain relief and easing of his anxiety. What is your best option? Agree to provide a massage session that is specifically geared for the frailty of this client.
Early signs and symptoms of pancreatic cancer include Midback pain, food aversion, weight loss
CLient has done something remarkable; she survived pancreatic cancer. Her bout with this disease was over 7 years ago, and she is now cancer free, she is checked for signs of the disease every 6 months. She wants a neck massage, can you work with her? Yes; at this point, her history of pancreatic cancer does not need to influence decisions about massage therapy.
Diabetes develops when this hormone is in short supply, or when targeted cells are no longer sensitive to it. What is the hormone? Insulin
Client has just been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. She intends to manage it with diet, exercise, and massage therapy. What can she realistically expect from massage therapy for this goal? Massage therapy has been seeing to help with dropping blood glucose, but the duration of effect is not clear.
In this common condition, blood glucose levels are consistently higher than normal but fall short of typical diagnostic criterion. What is it? Pre diabetes.
Client has type 2 diabetes, which she manages with insulin inections. She is on vacation and would like to receive a massage for a special treat. What accommodations might she need? Ask her to schedule her appointment for when her insulin is in the middle of its cycle; ask for her to preference for managing a hypoglycemic episode.
The secretion of too much thyroid hormone is usually caused by Autoimmune disease, iflammation, or overactive thyroid nodules.
Your client has hyperthyroidism, and she wonders if massage therapy might help her feel more relaxed. What are two cautions to bear in mind about working with this client? This condition can involve damaged skin, and if she has a goiter, work to the anterior neck is contraindicated.
The signs and symptoms of hypothyroidism is weight gain, fatigue, sluggish digestion
Client has hypothyroidism that she manages with synthetic T4, She is moderately overweight and mostly sedentry, but she is working to become heatlhier. Massage therapy is her reward for meeting some important goals. What accommodations does she need? None; this client is a good candidate for massage therapy and can enjoy the same benefits as the rest of the population.
What is the best description of metabolic syndrome? A group of problems that together raise the risk for some serious but preventable diseases.
Client has been diagnosed with metablic syndrome. He is prediabetic and has high blood pressure. Before committing to a drug regimen, his docotr wants him to try diet and exercise changes to bring his numbers into a healthy range. Can you work with him? Yes; with accommodations for his ability to adapt to changes that massage therapy brings about. massage therapy is a safe choice in addition to diet and exercise.
What factor is the main contributor to most kidney stones diagnosed in the united states dehydration
YOur client is trying to pass a kidney stone. His doctor sent him home from the hospital telling him it's olny a matter of time, and he can pass the stone on his own. He is in a lot of pain, and he wonders if massage therapy might help What is best option This client needs to delay his massage therapy session until after his stone is passed.
Major signs and symptoms of acute pyelonephritis include Fever, burning and frequency of urination, back pain, nausea
Client informs you that hse had a urinary tract infection last week and she's feeling much better, so she stopped takingher antibiotics. Midsession she reveals that she still has some burning during urniation, what is best option Since you're halfway through the massage, finish the session with light and relaxing work and then commend that your client go back to her doctor.
What is best description of renal failure? The kidneys cannot keep up with the body's demands.
Which is the list of symptoms of renal failure? Reduced urine output, pruritis, headache.
You have been invited to offer a massage therapy at a low income dialysis outpatient clinic. Is this a good idea?> Yes; gentle massage to the hands and feet of people undergoing dialysis may help with pain and anxiety associated with this condition.
Client is an organ transplant recipient; he received a kdiney 3 years ago, He has to be careful about his activity. He hurt his elbow while playing golf, and wonders if it might be a good idea to receive massage therapy in general, and for his elbow? You can work with him to help rehabilitate his elbow and any other massage therapy that he might like to receive can be gauged to his resilience.
What is the best description of a urinary tract infection? An infection anywhere in the urethra or urinary bladder.
Client had a urinary tract infection last week. She took a full prescription of antibiotics and is now pain and symptom free. She would like to receive her regularly sechduled massage. Is this appropriate? Yes; this client can receive any kind of massage therapy that fits within her capacity for adaption.
What is the best describtion of cerical cancer the growth of milignant cells in the neck of the uterus
your client has been diagnosed with stage II cancer and she had a full hysterectomy 6 mouths ago her lymph nodes appear to be clear and her that she is probably cancer free this is a good canadidate for any kind of message therapy that fits within her capacity for adaption my be lingering pain
your client has painful menstrual cramps on the day oh her appointment how does this impact your message choices This client will benifet soft work on her abdomen and gentle work on her sacral area this is a referred pain site
when a person has painful menstrual cramps heavy periods painful sexual activity and infertility what is likely scenario endometriosis
If a woman has a history of serve endorsements and multiple laparoscopies to treat it what are the implications for massage therapy This person has a high risk of blood clotting and exempt from process it is important that she consult with her primary care physician before receiving massage therapy
what are the major signs and symptoms connected to uterine fibroid usually none unless they press other tissues
your 44 year old client was diagnosed with fibroid tumors for 20 years ago she never received treatment how does this impact her have on the safety of message therapy on her none message therapy is unlikely to change the uterine fibroid and this client can receive any kind of body work that helps meet her needs
what is the best description of breast cancer development of malignant cells in the tissues of the breast
your 77 year old client is a very active gardener and community volunteer she had breast cancer 45 years ago while treating it she was scared and lost her breast what is the your best option for message therapy give her message that is gauged for the strength of her bones and lingering risk of lymphedema her breast cancer is no longer a factor in this decision process
what is the best description of benign prstatic hyperplasia the prostate of a mature man grows new cells and becomes enlarged
your client is 72 and had prostate cancer last year. His treatment was successful and did not involve serious side effects or complications now he would like to receive message therapy for his neck from a car accident base your message choices on the situation with his neck injury and his history of prostate cancer isn't a major factor
what is the best description of prostatitis a situation in which the prostate gland is painful and may be in flamed
what is the best description of menopause the moment the ovaries stops secreting enough hormones to initiate a menstrual cycle
your client is 49 year old and has very extreme perimenonopausal symptoms she is hoping message therapy might help with her mood swings and hot flashes what can u tell her message therapy has shown to be helpful for mood issues but it is unlikely to have any significant impact on her other symptoms
what are some of the symptoms of pregnancy that message therapy can help address loose ligaments changing preconception fatigue
your 42 year old client informs you mid-session that after years of trying she is 6 weeks pregnant what is your best option continue the session but don't do specifics focused work in the lower abdomen
your 26 year old client is 8 months pregnant it has been a difficult pregancy and she is looking to labor and delivery today she reports that one calf feels heavy and achy and she looking forward to having you work it out what is your best option tell her this is a sign of a potential problem and needs to go to the hospital right away offer her a cab
what is the best description of sexually transmitted infections infection with a pathogen that is spread most easily through intimate contact
sexually transmitted infections are often silent so they can be unknowing transmitted form one person to another what is another frequent complication of sexually transmitted infections infertility for men and woman
your client wrote on his intake from under medications list when you ask why he informs you that he is recovering from gonorrhea and will be finished with his prescription in 3 days he has no symptoms what does this change about your choices Nothing this situation does not influence massage therapy choices at all
Created by: Protire
Popular Massage Therapy sets




Use these flashcards to help memorize information. Look at the large card and try to recall what is on the other side. Then click the card to flip it. If you knew the answer, click the green Know box. Otherwise, click the red Don't know box.

When you've placed seven or more cards in the Don't know box, click "retry" to try those cards again.

If you've accidentally put the card in the wrong box, just click on the card to take it out of the box.

You can also use your keyboard to move the cards as follows:

If you are logged in to your account, this website will remember which cards you know and don't know so that they are in the same box the next time you log in.

When you need a break, try one of the other activities listed below the flashcards like Matching, Snowman, or Hungry Bug. Although it may feel like you're playing a game, your brain is still making more connections with the information to help you out.

To see how well you know the information, try the Quiz or Test activity.

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