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Trouble terms
Basic Medical terminology-trouble terms
Question | Answer |
Kerat- | Horny layer of skin (keratin) |
Melan/o | Black |
Trich/o | Hair |
Burs/o | Sac of fluid near joint (bursa) |
Erg/o | Work |
Synovial/i | Synovial fluid; used as lubricant in joint, tendon sheath or bursa |
Ton/o | Pressure / tone |
Phren/o | Diaphragm |
Phrenic/o | Phrenic nerve |
Spir/o | Breathing |
Lymph/o | Lymph or lymphatic system |
Lymphaden/o | Lymph node |
Lymphangi/o | Lymphatic vessel |
Thrombocyt/o | Platelet/ thrombocyte |
Thym/o | Thymus gland |
Chol/e, Chol/o | Bile,gall |
Cholangi/o | Bile duct |
Cholecyst/o | Gall bladder |
Choledoch/o | Common bile duct |
Lab/i | Lip |
Sial/o | Saliva |
Proct/o | Rectum |
Cali/a | Calyx |
Glomerul/o | Glomerulus |
Pyel/o | Renal pelvis |
Vesic/o | Urinary bladder |
Epididym/o | Epididymis |
Osche/o | Scrotum |
Semin/o | Semen |
Sperm/o, spermat/o | Semen, spermatozoa |
Vas/o | Vas deferens, ductus deferens, also vessel/duct |
Vesicul/o | Seminal vesicle |
Colp/o | Vagina |
Episi/o | Vagina |
Metr/o or metr/i | Uterus |
Ov/o or ovul/o | Egg cell (ovum) |
Adrenocortic/o | Adrenal cortex |
Hypophys/o | Pituitary gland |
Insul/o | Pancreatic islets |
Cortic/o | Cerebral cortex or outer portion |
Gangli/o, ganglion/o | Ganglion |
Gli/o | Neuroglia cells; means glue like |
Medull/o | Inner section,middle,soft,marrow (medulla) |
Narc/o | Stupor, numbness, sleep |
Radical/o | Spinal nerve root |
Dextr/o | Right |
Dacryocyst/o | Lacrimal sac |
Myring/o | Tympanic membrane |
Phak/o, phac/o | Lens |
Tympan/o | Middle ear (tympanic cavity or membrane) |
-desis | Binding, fusion |
-tome | Instrument for incision |
-tripsy | Crushing |
Proximal | Nearer the point of attachment or to a given reference point |
Superficial (external) | Closer to the body's surface |
Cell membrane | Forms boundary of the cell |
Cytoplasm | Body of cell |
Chromosones | Located in nucleus, contains genes |
Epithelial tissue | Found in skin, lining if the blood vessels,intestinal, urinary tracts, and other body tissue |
RNA | Ribonucleic acid; located in nucleus, is transcribed from DNA, and plays crucial role in protein synthesis |
Mitosis | Cells divide and multiply to form two cells |
Dorsal cavity | Contains cranial and spinal cavities |
Mucous membrane | Line the interior walls of organs and tubes opening to the outside of the body; composed of epithelium and laminate propria |
Serous membrane | Lines cavities including the thoracic cavity and internal organs (including abdomen and heart) |
Synovial membrane | Lines joint cavities and secretes synovial fluid to lubricate the joint |
Meninges | Found in dorsal cavity and serves as protective covering of brain and spinal cord |
Cutaneous membrane | Lines the outside of the body; the skin |
Integumentary system | Hair, skin, and nails; work as protection, temp regulation, fluid balance, and sensation |
Musculoskeletal system | Muscles, bones, tendons, joints, and ligaments; provide movement, form, strength and protection |
Cardiovascular system | Heart and blood vessels; moves blood throughout the body providing nutrients and oxygen to all organs |
Lymphatic system | Lymph vessels and lymph nodes; collects excess fluid from in between tissues and returns it to the heart |
Respiratory system | Nose, nasal cavities, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, and their smaller branches, lungs, and alveoli |
Digestive system | Feeding tube from mouth to anus; mechanically and chemically breaks down food for absorption into the blood stream |
Urinary system | Key structures are kidneys, ureters, urinary bladder, and urethra; produces urine for excretion of metabolic waste, and fluid/electrolyte balance |
Reproduction system (male) | Testes, epididymis, scrotum, penis, prostrate gland, seminal vesicles, Cowper's glands, vas deferens, ejaculatory duct, and urethra; AIDS in production and travel of sperm |
Reproduction system (female) | Vulva, labia majora and minora, clitoris, external opening of vagina (introitus), urinary meatus, Skene's glands, Bartholin's glands, vagina, uterus, Fallopian tubes, and ovaries; ovum production and houses, feeds, and protects growing fetus |
Nervous system | Central and peripheral nervous systems; regulates body functions and provides internal communication between brain and organs and between organism and environment. |
Endocrine system | Glands; secretes directly into blood stream; each gland has a unique job |
Hematologic system | Red and white blood cells, plasma, and platelets; blood fight infection, carry oxygen, control bleeding, while plasma carries blood cells, nutrients, enzymes, and hormones |
Immune system | B-cells and T-cells, neutrophils, lymphocytes, monocytes, eosinophils, and basophils; the body's defense system |
Stratus granulosum | Granular layer of cells (they accumulate keratohyaline and lamellated cells |
Stratum spinosum | Composed of prickled cells |
Stratum basale (stratum germinativum) | Deepest of the five layers, made of basal cells |
Stratum corneum | Outermost layer; also called horny layer |
Stratum lucidum | Clear layer (palms and soles) |
Stratum papillare | Thin superficial layer interlocked with epidermis |
Stratum reticulare | Thick layer of dense, irregular connective tissue |
Superficial fascia | Fibrous connective tissue |
Decubitus | Bed sore/pressure ulcer |
Ecchymosis | Condition in which blood seeps through skin; causes discoloration |
Melanin | Pigment giving skin its color |
Pediculous | Live infestation |
Tinea | Ringworm; fungal infection of the skin |
Papilla | Bulb-like projection at base of a hair follicle containing blood supply to the root |
3 layers of keratin | Medulla, cortex, and cuticle |
Closed fracture | Does not break skin |
Compound fracture | Projects through skin with possible infection |
Communicated fracture | More than 2 separate components-segmental fracture, bony fragments |
Transverse fracture | Breaks shaft of bone across longitudinal axis |
Green stick fracture | Only one side of shaft is broken, other is bent; common in children |
Spiral fracture | Spread along length of bone and produced by twisting stress |
Colles' fracture | Occurs in wrist and affects distal radius bone |
Compression fracture | Vertebrae collapse due to trauma, tumor or osteoporosis |
Epiphyseal fracture | Occurs when matrix is calcifying and chondrocytes are dying; usually seen in children |