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Trouble terms

Basic Medical terminology-trouble terms

Kerat- Horny layer of skin (keratin)
Melan/o Black
Trich/o Hair
Burs/o Sac of fluid near joint (bursa)
Erg/o Work
Synovial/i Synovial fluid; used as lubricant in joint, tendon sheath or bursa
Ton/o Pressure / tone
Phren/o Diaphragm
Phrenic/o Phrenic nerve
Spir/o Breathing
Lymph/o Lymph or lymphatic system
Lymphaden/o Lymph node
Lymphangi/o Lymphatic vessel
Thrombocyt/o Platelet/ thrombocyte
Thym/o Thymus gland
Chol/e, Chol/o Bile,gall
Cholangi/o Bile duct
Cholecyst/o Gall bladder
Choledoch/o Common bile duct
Lab/i Lip
Sial/o Saliva
Proct/o Rectum
Cali/a Calyx
Glomerul/o Glomerulus
Pyel/o Renal pelvis
Vesic/o Urinary bladder
Epididym/o Epididymis
Osche/o Scrotum
Semin/o Semen
Sperm/o, spermat/o Semen, spermatozoa
Vas/o Vas deferens, ductus deferens, also vessel/duct
Vesicul/o Seminal vesicle
Colp/o Vagina
Episi/o Vagina
Metr/o or metr/i Uterus
Ov/o or ovul/o Egg cell (ovum)
Adrenocortic/o Adrenal cortex
Hypophys/o Pituitary gland
Insul/o Pancreatic islets
Cortic/o Cerebral cortex or outer portion
Gangli/o, ganglion/o Ganglion
Gli/o Neuroglia cells; means glue like
Medull/o Inner section,middle,soft,marrow (medulla)
Narc/o Stupor, numbness, sleep
Radical/o Spinal nerve root
Dextr/o Right
Dacryocyst/o Lacrimal sac
Myring/o Tympanic membrane
Phak/o, phac/o Lens
Tympan/o Middle ear (tympanic cavity or membrane)
-desis Binding, fusion
-tome Instrument for incision
-tripsy Crushing
Proximal Nearer the point of attachment or to a given reference point
Superficial (external) Closer to the body's surface
Cell membrane Forms boundary of the cell
Cytoplasm Body of cell
Chromosones Located in nucleus, contains genes
Epithelial tissue Found in skin, lining if the blood vessels,intestinal, urinary tracts, and other body tissue
RNA Ribonucleic acid; located in nucleus, is transcribed from DNA, and plays crucial role in protein synthesis
Mitosis Cells divide and multiply to form two cells
Dorsal cavity Contains cranial and spinal cavities
Mucous membrane Line the interior walls of organs and tubes opening to the outside of the body; composed of epithelium and laminate propria
Serous membrane Lines cavities including the thoracic cavity and internal organs (including abdomen and heart)
Synovial membrane Lines joint cavities and secretes synovial fluid to lubricate the joint
Meninges Found in dorsal cavity and serves as protective covering of brain and spinal cord
Cutaneous membrane Lines the outside of the body; the skin
Integumentary system Hair, skin, and nails; work as protection, temp regulation, fluid balance, and sensation
Musculoskeletal system Muscles, bones, tendons, joints, and ligaments; provide movement, form, strength and protection
Cardiovascular system Heart and blood vessels; moves blood throughout the body providing nutrients and oxygen to all organs
Lymphatic system Lymph vessels and lymph nodes; collects excess fluid from in between tissues and returns it to the heart
Respiratory system Nose, nasal cavities, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, and their smaller branches, lungs, and alveoli
Digestive system Feeding tube from mouth to anus; mechanically and chemically breaks down food for absorption into the blood stream
Urinary system Key structures are kidneys, ureters, urinary bladder, and urethra; produces urine for excretion of metabolic waste, and fluid/electrolyte balance
Reproduction system (male) Testes, epididymis, scrotum, penis, prostrate gland, seminal vesicles, Cowper's glands, vas deferens, ejaculatory duct, and urethra; AIDS in production and travel of sperm
Reproduction system (female) Vulva, labia majora and minora, clitoris, external opening of vagina (introitus), urinary meatus, Skene's glands, Bartholin's glands, vagina, uterus, Fallopian tubes, and ovaries; ovum production and houses, feeds, and protects growing fetus
Nervous system Central and peripheral nervous systems; regulates body functions and provides internal communication between brain and organs and between organism and environment.
Endocrine system Glands; secretes directly into blood stream; each gland has a unique job
Hematologic system Red and white blood cells, plasma, and platelets; blood fight infection, carry oxygen, control bleeding, while plasma carries blood cells, nutrients, enzymes, and hormones
Immune system B-cells and T-cells, neutrophils, lymphocytes, monocytes, eosinophils, and basophils; the body's defense system
Stratus granulosum Granular layer of cells (they accumulate keratohyaline and lamellated cells
Stratum spinosum Composed of prickled cells
Stratum basale (stratum germinativum) Deepest of the five layers, made of basal cells
Stratum corneum Outermost layer; also called horny layer
Stratum lucidum Clear layer (palms and soles)
Stratum papillare Thin superficial layer interlocked with epidermis
Stratum reticulare Thick layer of dense, irregular connective tissue
Superficial fascia Fibrous connective tissue
Decubitus Bed sore/pressure ulcer
Ecchymosis Condition in which blood seeps through skin; causes discoloration
Melanin Pigment giving skin its color
Pediculous Live infestation
Tinea Ringworm; fungal infection of the skin
Papilla Bulb-like projection at base of a hair follicle containing blood supply to the root
3 layers of keratin Medulla, cortex, and cuticle
Closed fracture Does not break skin
Compound fracture Projects through skin with possible infection
Communicated fracture More than 2 separate components-segmental fracture, bony fragments
Transverse fracture Breaks shaft of bone across longitudinal axis
Green stick fracture Only one side of shaft is broken, other is bent; common in children
Spiral fracture Spread along length of bone and produced by twisting stress
Colles' fracture Occurs in wrist and affects distal radius bone
Compression fracture Vertebrae collapse due to trauma, tumor or osteoporosis
Epiphyseal fracture Occurs when matrix is calcifying and chondrocytes are dying; usually seen in children
Created by: Flutterby_05
Popular Medical sets




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