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EUP ch14 mod 44text

Essentials of Understanding Psychology 7th ed. ch 14 questions from text mod 44

Who is Solomon Asch? Carried out studies on conformity
4 significant findings about conformity more attractive the group-greater conformity,higher conformity public response, ambiguous tasks and questions more susceptible to social pressure, unanimity of a group shows the most pronounced conformity pressures
What is the role of a social supporter? in a group a person with a dissenting view -has ally in the group-agrees-can reduce conformity pressure in the group
True or false: Groupthink group members share a weak motivation to achieve consensus False (strong motivation)
Name 1 of the 5 listed conditions for the phenomenon of groupthink to occur: group appears invulnerable and incapable of making major errors in judgement
Name 1 of the 5 listed conditions for the phenomenon of groupthink to occur: group members feel pressure to conform to the majority view
Name 1 of the 5 listed conditions for the phenomenon of groupthink to occur: information contradictory to the dominant group is ignored, discounted or minimized
Name 1 of the 5 listed conditions for the phenomenon of groupthink to occur: pressure to conform discourages minority viewpoints from coming before the group-group appears to be unanimous even if it is not
Name 1 of the 5 listed conditions for the phenomenon of groupthink to occur: group views itself as representing something just and moral, leading members to assume that any judgment the group reaches will also be just and moral
Does groupthink usually produce positive or negative consequences? negative
What is the term that is used by social psychologists for the type of behavior that occurs in response to direct social pressure compliance
What is foot in the door tecnique accept a small sample first leads to larger request thus hard to turn down
What is door in the face technique ask for more that really want first..refuse...leads to smaller more reasonable request
What is the That's not all technique Offered deal at an inflated price then offer add ons to make the offer better
What is the not so free sample technique treat others as they treat you meaning if offered a sample we should make a purchase
What is the norm of reciprocity? well-accepted societal standard dictating that we should treat other people as they treat us
Who is Stanley Milgram a social psychologist from the 1960's who conducted experiments with shock treatments -trying to understand obedience
Created by: durr5
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