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Cyndi's Chapter 21

Cyndi's Chapter 21 -Nationals

Massage manipulations are skillful use of the hands and forearms to affect the soft tissue directly
Massage to increase alertness brisk and specfic
Massage to increase circulation and ROM Mechanical methods focused on the area
A choppy massage lacks rhythm
Massage to incourage fecal movementin the large intestine efflurage and gliding - abdominal
Massage that lifts tissue away from underlying structures kneading
Massage technique NOT used with out lubricant gliding
Massage to produce a parasympathetic responce gliding, rocking, passive joint movement
Muscle Energy used to assist in ROM
Tapotement used to stimulate nervous system at the end of a massage tapping
Osteokinematic movement produced voluntary
Essential for effective application of joint movement stablilzation to isolate the movement to the target joint
Recipolcal inhibition making use of the antagonist contracting, by passing the tendency to cramp
Approximation uses direct application by the massage professional to affect the receptors and does not require that the client actively contract muscle groups
Ticklish client- technique to use compression
Most effective position for client to be in for neck and upper shoulder work side-lying
Method to stimulate lymphatic movement pumping compression
Massage technique for lifting fascia skin rolling
Massage technique for client with excessive body hair compression
Massage for client with thrombophlebitis A contraindication to massage of the legs
Client complains of back pain but focus on the back doesnt help massage chest
Lubrication is always used during efflurage
Facial massage pathogens can be transmitted through what mucus membranes
Which body part is massaged more than it is effective back
30 minute relaxation massage- what should the focus be on face hands feet
Torsion a massage application that twists tissue
Friction creates shear force
Kneading is effective if creeating bend and torsion force
Created by: 19cyndi65
Popular Massage Therapy sets




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