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Medical Terminology
Chapters 7-13 quiz questions
Question | Answer |
Which is the correct breakdown and translation of the medical term myxedema? | myx (mucus) + edema (swelling) = swelling of the skin caused by deposits under the skin |
Translate the medical term adenopathy as literally as possible. | "Gland disease" |
Which medical term means "pain in the pancreas"? | Pancreatalgia |
Which of the following statements is true regarding the abbreviation TFT? | All of these. 1-It is a test performed to evaluate the function of the thyroid 2-It is a part of the treatment and therapies that assist in getting a patient euthyroid 3-It stands for thyroid function test. |
Choose the correct translation for the root cortic/o. | Outer surface |
Identify and define the root in the medical term hypoparathyroidism. | thyroid - thyroid |
Which is the correct breakdown and translation of the medical term endocrine? | endo (inside) + crine (secretion) = to secrete internally (i.e., into the bloodstream) |
Which medical term means "calcium in the urine"? | Calciuria |
Which medical term means "removal of the thymus"? | Thymectomy |
Choose the correct translation for the roots adren/o, adrenal/o. | Adrenal gland |
Which is the correct breakdown and translation of the medical term acromegaly? | acro (extremities) + megaly (abnormally large) = abnormally large extremities |
Which medical term means "abnormal enlargement of a gland"? | Adenomegaly |
Which of the following roots refer to sex organs? | gonad/o |
Pituitary dwarfism and pituitary gigantism are both caused by improper secretions from the pituitary gland and primarily affect a person's: | height. |
Translate the medical term hypoglycemic as literally as possible | Pertaining to low blood sugar |
A metabolic disease characterized by excessive urination and hyperglycemia is known as: | diabetes mellitus. |
Which of the following roots means "sugar"? | all of these 1-glucos/o 2-gluc/o 3-glyc/o |
Translate the medical term adrenomegaly as literally as possible. | Adrenal enlargement |
Which is the correct breakdown and translation of the medical term pancreatolithiasis? | pancreato (pancreas) + lith (stone) + iasis (presence) = presence of a stone in the pancreas |
Which medical term means "gland condition"? | Adenosis |
Identify the correct pronunciation of the term glycolysis. | glai-KAW-lih-sis |
The abbreviations BS and FBS both have to do with: | blood sugar |
Which medical term means "inflammation of the thyroid"? | thyroiditis |
Translate the medical term adenocarcinoma as literally as possible. | "Gland cancer tumor," cancerous tumor of a gland |
Which medical term means "incision into the thyroid"? | Thyroidotomy |
Choose the correct translation of the root hemat/o. | blood |
Build a medical term that means "spleen pain." | splenalgia |
Choose the correct translation of the suffix -penia. | deficiency |
Which root is used to refer to a vein? | ven/o |
Which is the correct breakdown and translation of the medical term hematopoiesis? | hemato (blood) + poiesis (formation) = formation of blood cells |
Which is the correct breakdown and translation of the medical term leukocytosis? | leuko (white) + cyt (cell) + osis (condition) = "white cell condition" : abnormal increase in the number of white blood cells |
Build a medical term that means "surgical removal of the thymus." | thymectomy |
An instrument used to measure blood pressure is called a(n): | sphygmomanometer. |
What are the three main types of cells in the blood? | Erythrocytes, leukocytes, and thrombocytes |
A process in which a certain type of white blood cells destroys (or "eats") foreign microorganisms or cell debris is called: | phagocytosis. |
Translate the term hepatosplenomegaly as literally as possible. | Liver spleen enlargement |
Which word part refers to the blood’s ability to form clots? | coagul/o |
What is the correct abbreviation for thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura? | TTP |
A specialist in drawing blood is called a: | phlebotomist |
Build a medical term that means "white cell" and refers to white blood cells. | Leukocyte |
Which term comes from the Greek "to pour out," and refers to a large bruise? | Ecchymosis |
Choose the correct translation of the root phleb/o. | vein |
Build a medical term that means "inflammation of a tonsil." | tonsillitis |
Translate the term tonsillectomy. | Surgical removal of a tonsil |
Identify the correct pronunciation of the medical term lymphangitis. | LIM-fan-JAI-tis |
Translate the term lymphadenectomy. | Surgical removal of a lymph node |
Build a medical term that means "inflammation of a lymph gland (node)." | Lymphadenitis |
Build a medical term that means "blood tumor" and refers to a mass of blood within an organ, cavity, or tissue. | Hematoma |
What is the correct definition for the abbreviation BMT? | Bone marrow transplant |
Translate the term hemorrhage. | Excessive blood loss |
Which term describes a hardening of an artery due to build-up of fatty plaque? | Atherosclerosis |
Which statement is true about the root sept/o? | It stands for "septum," comes from a Latin word meaning "partition or dividing structure," and can refer to any wall dividing two cavities. |
Which medical term means "the surgical reconstruction of a vessel"? | angioplasty |
Which medical term means "an incision into the heart muscle"? | Cardiomyotomy |
Identify and define the root in the medical term venospasm. | veno - vein |
Translate the medical term aneurysmectomy. | Surgical removal of a bulge in a blood vessel |
Which is NOT a root used to refer to vessels? | All of these refer to vessels. 1-angi/o 2-vas/o 3-vascul/o 4-arteri/o |
Translate the root phleb/o. | vein |
The superior vena cava is: | a large-diameter vein that gathers blood from the upper portion of the body and returns it to the heart. |
Which medical term means a loss of blood? | Hemorrhage |
The force exerted by blood on the wall of blood vessels is: | All of these. 1-called blood pressure 2-abbreviated BP. 3-determined by both diastolic pressure, pressure exerted on blood vessels when the heart is relaxed, and systolic pressure, pressure exerted on blood vessels when the heart is contracted. |
Which is the correct breakdown and translation of the medical term pericardiocentesis? | peri (around) + cardio (heart) + centesis (puncture) = puncture of the tissue around the heart |
Translate the medical term phlebotomy as literally as possible. | Vein incision procedure" - the technical term for drawing blood |
Identify and define the root in the medical term arteriosclerosis. | arterio - artery |
Identify the correct definition for diaphoresis. | Profuse sweating |
Translate the root ather/o. | fatty plaque |
What is the correct definition for ASD? | A flaw in the septum that divides the two upper chambers of the heart |
Translate the medical term embolectomy. | Surgical removal of a mass of matter present in the blood |
Which medical term means "inflammation of the blood vessels"? | Vasculitis |
Translate the medical term cardiotonic as literally as possible. | "Heart tone agent"; a drug that increases the strength of heart contractions |
Which root literally means "crown," and refers to the way the blood vessels that supply the heart descend and support the heart like a crown? | coron/o |
What is the correct pronunciation of the medical term venogram? | VEE-noh-gram |
Translate the medical term vasospasm as literally as possible. | Involuntary contraction of a blood vessel |
Which is the correct breakdown and translation of the medical term angiography? | angio (vessel) + graph (writing) + y (procedure) = procedure to describe the blood vessels |
What does the abbreviation HTN stand for? | Hypertension |
Which is the correct translation and definition for the abbreviation CT? | Computed tomography - an imaging procedure using a computer to cut |
Translate the term pleuralgia as literally as possible. | pleura pain |
Build a medical term that means "chest pain." | Thoracalgia |
Translate the term pneumohemothorax. | Air and blood in the chest |
Which is the correct breakdown and translation of the term rhinorrhagia? | rhino (nose) + rrhagia (excessive bleeding) = excessive bleeding from the nose (another term for nosebleed) |
Which is the correct breakdown and translation of the term tracheostomy? | tracheo (windpipe) + stomy (creation of an opening) = creation of an opening in the windpipe |
Which is the correct breakdown and translation of the term empyema? | em (in) + py (pus) + ema (condition) = pus inside the chest |
OSA involves: | a condition where the patient ceases to breathe while asleep. |
Build a medical term that means "blood in the chest." | Hemothorax |
Identify the correct translation for the root phren/o. | Diaphragm |
What is the term used to describe hoarseness and literally means "bad voice condition"? | Dysphonia |
Identify the correct translation for the root bronchiol/o. | Subdivision of the bronchial tubes |
Which term refers to the main branches from the trachea into each lung? | bronch/o |
Build a medical term that means "slow breathing." | Bradypnea |
Translate the term thoracentesis as literally as possible. | Chest puncture |
Build a medical term that means "incision into the windpipe." | Tracheotomy |
Identify the correct translation for the root nas/o. | nose |
Translate the term rhinitis as literally as possible. | nasal inflammation |
Build a medical term that means "inflammation in the lung." | Pneumonitis |
Which is the correct breakdown and translation of the term laryngectomy? | laryng (larynx) + ectomy (removal) = removal of the larynx |
Build a medical term that means "creation of an opening in the chest." | Thoracostomy |
Identify the correct translation for the root or/o. | mouth |
Identify the correct translation for the root pneumat/o. | lungs or air |
Which terms means "the voice box"? | laryng/o |
Identify the correct translation for the root capn/o. | Carbon dioxide |
Translate the root proct/o. | anus and rectum |
Identify and define the root in the term gingivectomy. | gingiv - gums |
Identify the correct pronunciation for the medical term cholecystogram. | KOH-lay-SIS-toh-gram |
Translate the medical term eupepsia as literally as possible. | 'Good digestion condition"; normal digestion |
Translate the medical term abdominocentesis as literally as possible. | Abdomen puncture |
What is the correct meaning of the abbreviation N&V? | Nausea and vomiting |
GERD | Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease |
NPO | Nothing by Mouth |
GI | Gastrointestional |
PUD | Peptic Ulcer Disease |
Which medical term means "surgical fixation of the liver"? | Hepatopexy |
Which of the following roots is part of the lower gastrointestinal tract? | enter/o |
Translate the root enter/o. | intestines |
Translate the root odont/o. | tooth |
Which medical term means "gallbladder pain"? | Cholecystalgia |
Translate the root stomat/o. | mouth |
Translate the root sigmoid/o. | The portion of the large intestine at the end before the rectum |
Which medical term means "pain in the intestines"? | enterodynia |
The left hypochondriac region of the abdomen is in which quadrant of the abdomen? | LUQ |
What medical term refers to an abnormal opening between the rectum and the exterior perianal skin? | anal fistula |
Which of the following statements is true about the abbreviation NPO? | It stands for nihil per os and means "nothing by mouth." |
Colonoscopy confirm ulcerative colitis. 1yr ago got toxic megacolon led 2 surg inter. well until 3mnth ago, report fatigue, gen pruritis, pain RUQ. prime doc referred 4 evaluation. report history of steatorrhea,denies bright red blood. Which NOT true? | The patient has experienced some hematemesis. |
Which is the correct breakdown and translation of the medical term hepatomalacia? | hepato (liver) + malacia (softening) = softening of the liver |
Translate the root an/o. | The sphincter or muscle at the end of the intestines that allows for the passage of feces |
Which term describes the crushing of gallstones? | Cholelithotripsy |
Why does a urologist deal with both urinary tract problems and male genital problems? | The male reproductive system shares structures with the urinary system. |
Build a medical term that means "downward displacement of the bladder." | Cystoptosis |
Build a medical term that means "painful urination." | Dysuria |
Which is a root that refers to sperm? | sperm/i |
Which is the correct breakdown and translation of the medical term cystorrhexis? | cysto (bladder) + rrhexis (rupture) = rupture of the bladder |
Translate the root vesic/o. | bladder |
Translate the medical term cystourethrocele as literally as possible. | Hernia of the bladder and urethra (long tube that connects bladder to outside world) |
Which root is used to refer to the bladder? | cyst/o |
Identify and define the root in the medical term uremia. | ur - urine |
Build a medical term that means "inflammation of the prostate and bladder." | Prostatocystitis |
Translate the medical term nephrohypertrophy as literally as possible. | "Kidney over nourishment condition" - overdevelopment of the kidney |
What is the correct breakdown and translation of the abbreviation IVP? | intra (inside) + ven (vein) + ous (pertaining to) + pyelo (renal pelvis) + gram (record) = image of the urinary system through the injection of a contrast dye into the veins |
Which root is used to refer to the tubes that carry the urine from the kidneys to the bladder? | ureter/o |
Which of the following is NOT true about the abbreviation BPH? | It can effect both men and women. |
Translate the root ren/o. | kidney |
What is the function of the vas deferens? | Carries sperm from the testicles |
Which medical term means "involuntary urination"? | Enuresis |
Identify and define the root in the medical term heminephrectomy. | nephr– kidney |
What is the abbreviation used by medical professionals to refer to the kidneys, ureters, and bladder? | KUB |
Which of the following statements is NOT true about the root glomerul/o? | It is the basic working unit of the kidney. |
Translate the root balan/o. | penis |
Build a medical term that means "a hardening of the blood vessels within the kidney that filter the blood." | Glomerulosclerosis |
Which is the correct breakdown and translation of the medical term nephropexy? | nephro (kidney) + pexy (fixation) = surgical fixation of a kidney |
Translate the medical term anorchidism as literally as possible. | No testicle condition |
Identify and define the root in the medical term orchidotomy. | orchido- testicle |
Identify and define the suffix in the medical term pseudocyesis. | cyesis - pregnancy |
What is the correct definition for the abbreviation IVF? | The fertilization of an egg done in a test tube |
Which medical term means "procedure for examining the vagina"? | Colposcopy |
The terms teratogenic and teratology both deal with: | birth defects |
Translate the root salping/o. | fallopian tube |
The roots gyn/o and gynec/o both mean: | woman |
Identify and define the root in the medical term ovarialgia. | ovari-ovary |
What is the correct pronunciation for the medical term salpingitis? | SAL-pin-JAI-tis |
Which is the correct breakdown of the medical term hysterosalpingectomy into its component parts? | hystero/salping/ec/tomy |
Identify the correct definition for the medical term obstetrics. | Branch of medicine dealing with pregnancy, labor, and delivery of newborns |
The roots mast/o and mamm/o both mean: | breast |
Translate the root lact/o. | milk |
Which is the correct breakdown and translation of the medical term colpopexy? | colpo (vagina) + pexy (fixation) = surgical fixation of the vagina |
The surgical removal of a tumor in the muscle (usually the muscle of the uterine wall) is called a(n): | myomectomy. |
Which root means "to be born" and focuses on the baby? | nat/o |
Which root comes from a Latin word that means "offspring" and in current medical usage refers to an unborn child after the eighth week of pregnancy? | fet/o |
Which root is used for the opening between the uterus and the vagina? | cervic/o |
Which is the correct breakdown and translation of the medical term mammoplasty? | mammo (breast) + plasty (reconstruction) = surgical reconstruction of a breast |
What is a hernia or prolapse of the urethra into the vagina? | Urethrocele |
Translate the root oophor/o. | ovary |
Which root means "give birth" and focuses on the mother? | part/o |
Translate the root colp/o. | vagina |
Translate the root episi/o. | vulva |
The roots metr/o and hyster/o both mean: | uterus |
Translate the medical term lactogenic as literally as possible. | "Pertaining to milk creation" - causing the formation of milk |