Chapters 7-13 quiz questions
Quiz yourself by thinking what should be in
each of the black spaces below before clicking
on it to display the answer.
show | myx (mucus) + edema (swelling) = swelling of the skin caused by deposits under the skin
Translate the medical term adenopathy as literally as possible. | show 🗑
Which medical term means "pain in the pancreas"? | show 🗑
show | All of these.
1-It is a test performed to evaluate the function of the thyroid
2-It is a part of the treatment and therapies that assist in getting a patient euthyroid
3-It stands for thyroid function test.
show | Outer surface
show | thyroid - thyroid
show | endo (inside) + crine (secretion) = to secrete internally (i.e., into the bloodstream)
show | Calciuria
show | Thymectomy
show | Adrenal gland
show | acro (extremities) + megaly (abnormally large) = abnormally large extremities
Which medical term means "abnormal enlargement of a gland"? | show 🗑
show | gonad/o
show | height.
Translate the medical term hypoglycemic as literally as possible | show 🗑
A metabolic disease characterized by excessive urination and hyperglycemia is known as: | show 🗑
Which of the following roots means "sugar"? | show 🗑
show | Adrenal enlargement
Which is the correct breakdown and translation of the medical term pancreatolithiasis? | show 🗑
show | Adenosis
show | glai-KAW-lih-sis
show | blood sugar
show | thyroiditis
Translate the medical term adenocarcinoma as literally as possible. | show 🗑
show | Thyroidotomy
Choose the correct translation of the root hemat/o. | show 🗑
Build a medical term that means "spleen pain." | show 🗑
Choose the correct translation of the suffix -penia. | show 🗑
show | ven/o
show | hemato (blood) + poiesis (formation) = formation of blood cells
show | leuko (white) + cyt (cell) + osis (condition) = "white cell condition" : abnormal increase in the number of white blood cells
Build a medical term that means "surgical removal of the thymus." | show 🗑
An instrument used to measure blood pressure is called a(n): | show 🗑
show | Erythrocytes, leukocytes, and thrombocytes
A process in which a certain type of white blood cells destroys (or "eats") foreign microorganisms or cell debris is called: | show 🗑
Translate the term hepatosplenomegaly as literally as possible. | show 🗑
Which word part refers to the blood’s ability to form clots? | show 🗑
show | TTP
A specialist in drawing blood is called a: | show 🗑
show | Leukocyte
show | Ecchymosis
Choose the correct translation of the root phleb/o. | show 🗑
Build a medical term that means "inflammation of a tonsil." | show 🗑
Translate the term tonsillectomy. | show 🗑
Identify the correct pronunciation of the medical term lymphangitis. | show 🗑
show | Surgical removal of a lymph node
Build a medical term that means "inflammation of a lymph gland (node)." | show 🗑
Build a medical term that means "blood tumor" and refers to a mass of blood within an organ, cavity, or tissue. | show 🗑
What is the correct definition for the abbreviation BMT? | show 🗑
Translate the term hemorrhage. | show 🗑
show | Atherosclerosis
Which statement is true about the root sept/o? | show 🗑
Which medical term means "the surgical reconstruction of a vessel"? | show 🗑
show | Cardiomyotomy
show | veno - vein
Translate the medical term aneurysmectomy. | show 🗑
show | All of these refer to vessels.
show | vein
The superior vena cava is: | show 🗑
show | Hemorrhage
show | All of these.
1-called blood pressure
2-abbreviated BP.
3-determined by both diastolic pressure, pressure exerted on blood vessels when the heart is relaxed, and systolic pressure, pressure exerted on blood vessels when the heart is contracted.
Which is the correct breakdown and translation of the medical term pericardiocentesis? | show 🗑
show | Vein incision procedure" - the technical term for drawing blood
Identify and define the root in the medical term arteriosclerosis. | show 🗑
Identify the correct definition for diaphoresis. | show 🗑
Translate the root ather/o. | show 🗑
show | A flaw in the septum that divides the two upper chambers of the heart
Translate the medical term embolectomy. | show 🗑
Which medical term means "inflammation of the blood vessels"? | show 🗑
Translate the medical term cardiotonic as literally as possible. | show 🗑
Which root literally means "crown," and refers to the way the blood vessels that supply the heart descend and support the heart like a crown? | show 🗑
show | VEE-noh-gram
show | Involuntary contraction of a blood vessel
show | angio (vessel) + graph (writing) + y (procedure) = procedure to describe the blood vessels
What does the abbreviation HTN stand for? | show 🗑
Which is the correct translation and definition for the abbreviation CT? | show 🗑
Translate the term pleuralgia as literally as possible. | show 🗑
Build a medical term that means "chest pain." | show 🗑
show | Air and blood in the chest
Which is the correct breakdown and translation of the term rhinorrhagia? | show 🗑
show | tracheo (windpipe) + stomy (creation of an opening) = creation of an opening in the windpipe
Which is the correct breakdown and translation of the term empyema? | show 🗑
show | a condition where the patient ceases to breathe while asleep.
Build a medical term that means "blood in the chest." | show 🗑
show | Diaphragm
What is the term used to describe hoarseness and literally means "bad voice condition"? | show 🗑
Identify the correct translation for the root bronchiol/o. | show 🗑
show | bronch/o
show | Bradypnea
show | Chest puncture
show | Tracheotomy
Identify the correct translation for the root nas/o. | show 🗑
Translate the term rhinitis as literally as possible. | show 🗑
Build a medical term that means "inflammation in the lung." | show 🗑
Which is the correct breakdown and translation of the term laryngectomy? | show 🗑
Build a medical term that means "creation of an opening in the chest." | show 🗑
show | mouth
show | lungs or air
Which terms means "the voice box"? | show 🗑
show | Carbon dioxide
show | anus and rectum
show | gingiv - gums
Identify the correct pronunciation for the medical term cholecystogram. | show 🗑
show | 'Good digestion condition"; normal digestion
show | Abdomen puncture
What is the correct meaning of the abbreviation N&V? | show 🗑
GERD | show 🗑
NPO | show 🗑
show | Gastrointestional
PUD | show 🗑
Which medical term means "surgical fixation of the liver"? | show 🗑
Which of the following roots is part of the lower gastrointestinal tract? | show 🗑
Translate the root enter/o. | show 🗑
show | tooth
show | Cholecystalgia
Translate the root stomat/o. | show 🗑
show | The portion of the large intestine at the end before the rectum
Which medical term means "pain in the intestines"? | show 🗑
show | LUQ
show | anal fistula
Which of the following statements is true about the abbreviation NPO? | show 🗑
Colonoscopy confirm ulcerative colitis. 1yr ago got toxic megacolon led 2 surg inter. well until 3mnth ago, report fatigue, gen pruritis, pain RUQ. prime doc referred 4 evaluation. report history of steatorrhea,denies bright red blood. Which NOT true? | show 🗑
show |
hepato (liver) + malacia (softening) = softening of the liver
Translate the root an/o. | show 🗑
show | Cholelithotripsy
Why does a urologist deal with both urinary tract problems and male genital problems? | show 🗑
Build a medical term that means "downward displacement of the bladder." | show 🗑
Build a medical term that means "painful urination." | show 🗑
Which is a root that refers to sperm? | show 🗑
show |
cysto (bladder) + rrhexis (rupture) = rupture of the bladder
Translate the root vesic/o. | show 🗑
Translate the medical term cystourethrocele as literally as possible. | show 🗑
Which root is used to refer to the bladder? | show 🗑
Identify and define the root in the medical term uremia. | show 🗑
show | Prostatocystitis
Translate the medical term nephrohypertrophy as literally as possible. | show 🗑
show | intra (inside) + ven (vein) + ous (pertaining to) + pyelo (renal pelvis) + gram (record) = image of the urinary system through the injection of a contrast dye into the veins
Which root is used to refer to the tubes that carry the urine from the kidneys to the bladder? | show 🗑
show | It can effect both men and women.
show | kidney
What is the function of the vas deferens? | show 🗑
Which medical term means "involuntary urination"? | show 🗑
show | nephr– kidney
What is the abbreviation used by medical professionals to refer to the kidneys, ureters, and bladder? | show 🗑
Which of the following statements is NOT true about the root glomerul/o? | show 🗑
show | penis
Build a medical term that means "a hardening of the blood vessels within the kidney that filter the blood." | show 🗑
show |
nephro (kidney) + pexy (fixation) = surgical fixation of a kidney
Translate the medical term anorchidism as literally as possible. | show 🗑
Identify and define the root in the medical term orchidotomy. | show 🗑
Identify and define the suffix in the medical term pseudocyesis. | show 🗑
What is the correct definition for the abbreviation IVF? | show 🗑
Which medical term means "procedure for examining the vagina"? | show 🗑
The terms teratogenic and teratology both deal with: | show 🗑
show | fallopian tube
The roots gyn/o and gynec/o both mean: | show 🗑
Identify and define the root in the medical term ovarialgia. | show 🗑
What is the correct pronunciation for the medical term salpingitis? | show 🗑
show | hystero/salping/ec/tomy
show |
Branch of medicine dealing with pregnancy, labor, and delivery of newborns
The roots mast/o and mamm/o both mean: | show 🗑
show | milk
show |
colpo (vagina) + pexy (fixation) = surgical fixation of the vagina
show | myomectomy.
show | nat/o
Which root comes from a Latin word that means "offspring" and in current medical usage refers to an unborn child after the eighth week of pregnancy? | show 🗑
Which root is used for the opening between the uterus and the vagina? | show 🗑
show |
mammo (breast) + plasty (reconstruction) = surgical reconstruction of a breast
What is a hernia or prolapse of the urethra into the vagina? | show 🗑
Translate the root oophor/o. | show 🗑
show | part/o
show | vagina
Translate the root episi/o. | show 🗑
show | uterus
show | "Pertaining to milk creation" - causing the formation of milk
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Popular Medical sets