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RBC live 120 days
hormone that decreases pain endorphines
attaches muscle to muscle fascia
carpal bone left hand lat to med/prox row scaphoid, lunate, triquetrium, pisiform
carpal bones left hand lat to med/distal row trapezium, trapezoid, capitate, hamate
how many tarsals 7 talus, calcaneus, navicular, 1st 2nd 3rd cuneiform, cuboid
biggest tarsal calcaneus
location of navicular in front of calcaneus, top of arch
location of talus top tarsal under tibia (TTT=talus top tibia)
cuneiform means wedge shaped
1st cuneiform 1st met
2nd cuneiform 2nd met
3rd cuneiform 3rd met
cuboid 4th and 5th met
pes anserinus goose foot, insertion of sartorious, gracilis, semitendinosis muscles, flexion and medial rotation
which side of heart oxygenated left (LOX)
how many phalanges 14
where does most of digestion occur small intestines
largest section of small intestines ileum
glycogen stored glucose in Liver and muscles
how many bones in vertebrae 26
how many bones in the body 206
what kind of bone is patella sesamoid,attaches to tendons not ligaments
ph balance 0 most acidic to 14 most alkaline, 7 neutral
insulin a hormone produced in the pancreas by the islets of Langerhans that regulates the amount of glucose in the blood. The lack of insulin causes a form of diabetes.
epinephrine and norepinephrine released by the adrenal medulla and nervous system. flight/fight hormones that are released when the body is under extreme stress.
norepinephrine made from dopamine in the adrenal medulla
epinephrine made from norepinephrine only released in times of stress
cortisol stress hormone
pepsin enzyme that breaks down protein in the stomach
glucagon Glucagon, made by islet cells (alpha cells) in the pancreas, controls the production of glucose and another fuel, ketones, in the liver.maintains sugar and fuel balance, breakdown of fats in fat cells
Hollow organs Yang organs
6 jaio Dark tai yin/greater yin
6 jaio total darkness Jue Yin/absolute yin
which muscle has largest percent of fast twitch fibers rectus femoris
ES group rotation ipsilateral
transverspinalis group rotation contralateral
non-inflammatory arthritis osteoarthritis
jt wear and tear osteoarthritis
friction of the medial epicondyle affects wrist flexors
damage to femoral nerve affects hip flexion
massage for RA in acute phase contraindicated
piriformis syndrome tightness impinges the sciatic nerve
ConVAnt Rule V shape muscles in front of the body perform contralateral rotation. all other muscles lateral SCM and External Obliques
scapulohumeral rhythm past 90 degrees of shoulder abduction for every 2 degrees of shoulder abduction the scapula rotates 1 degrees
V shape in back rotation ipsilateral
upside down V rotation contralateral UT
complete T2 spinal lesion flaccid paralysis
TRIPS Hip Flexors-TFL, rectus femoris, iliacus, psoas major, sartorius
FEET DF-fibularis tertius, extensor digitorum longus, extensor hallicus longus, tibialis anterior
muscle that flexes knee and laterally rotates thigh sartorious
lateral patellar tracking weak VMO
muscle that plantar flexes foot tibialis posterior
strong pf soleus
which two systems does massage benefit the best circulatory and lymphatic
gracilis adductor
muscle stretched in pf tibialis anterior
direction of effleurage strokes centripetal
massage pt with several irregular shaped moles haven't changed local avoidance
test for tight piriformis client supine internal rotation of thigh
piriformis action external rotation of thigh
test for tight ilipsoas thomas test
contagious skin conditions scabies, herpes, ring worm
inserts on lips of bicipital groove pectoralis major and latissimus dorsi and heres major
inserts on greater tubercle supraspinatus, teres minor, infraspinatus
inserts on coracoid process pec minor
inserts on medial border of scapulae rhomboids, levator scap
inserts on deltoid tuberosity deltoids
scap elevation levator scap, UT, rhomboids
shoulder flexion long head bicep brachia, anterior deltoid, coracobrachialis, upper pec major
shoulder ER infraspinatus, teres minor, posterior delt
shoulder Abd deltoid and supraspinatus
nerve that innervates Trapezius cranial nerve XI=spinal accessory nerve
nerve that innervates the supraspinatus and infraspinatus scapular nerve
origin of latissimus dorsi thoracolumbar fascia, ilium, sacrum, spinous processes, ribs and scapula
origin of trapezius spinous process of vert C7-T12 , nuchal line, EOP, nuchal ligament
origin of pec major sternum, clavicle and costal cartilage
origin of supraspinatus supraspinous fossa
origin of the infraspinatus infraspinous fossa
origin of the subscapularis supscapular fossa
origin of levator scap TP's CI-C4
origin of deltoid acromion process, clavicle and spine of scapula
origin of serrates anterior ribs 1-9
origin of coracobrachialis coracoid process
origin of teres major and minor later border of scap
subject areas approved for cont ed credits cpr, acupressure and myology
limiting your massage therapy practice to women only is discriminatory
HIPAA protect privacy of patients health care information
does not require massage therapy license in NYS alexander technique, feldencrais, reike
developed polarity therapy randolph stone
developed deep transverse friction or cross-fiber friction James Cyriax
german connective tissue massage Bindegeswebmassage
bindegeswebmassage german connective tissue massage uses reflex zone massage mainly through ANS via the dermatomes
made significant contributions to development of connective tissue massage techniques ida rolf and john barnes
5 elements of Ayurveda water, Fire, earth, ether and air
shiatsu means finger pressure
green is the color of which Chakra Heart
Colors of chakra VIBGYOR violet, indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange,red
violet chakra crown
indigo chakra third eye
blue chakra throat
yellow chakra solar plexus
orange chakra sacrum
red chakra root
randolph stone polarity therapy, holistic spiritual energy healing
janet travell known for recognizing myofascial pain and techniques like dry needling and trigger point
Mikao Usui founder of Reiki
John Barnes Myofascial Release
Elizabethe Dicke Bindegewebsmassage
James Cyriax deep transverse friction or cross-fiber friction
Albert Hoffa hoof's fat pad disease, under patella, rehabilitation massage for joint dysfunction and tissue pain syndromes, decrease pain
PNF proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation, flexibility therapy, contract-relax
muscle energy technique uses gentle muscle contraction of the client to relax and lengthen muscles and restore ROM, PIR=post isometric relaxation
structural intergration focuses on muscles and it protective fascia(connective tissue), lengthen, stretch and soften fascia
HIPAA health insurance portability and accountability act
acupressure chinese massage applying pressure to certain meridian points to relieve pain
Created by: mloft
Popular Massage Therapy sets




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