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VB 20
gregariousness is applauded here
Question | Answer |
quality of being unsophisticated | naivete |
pertaining to birth | natal |
swimming | natation |
cause to become sick; fill with disgust | nauseate |
main body of a church | nave |
cloudy; hazy | nebulous |
black magic; dealings with the dead | necromancy |
very wicked | nefarious |
denial | negation |
revenging agent | nemesis |
recent convert; beginner | neophyte |
favoritism (to relative) | nepotism |
annoy; vex | nettle |
connection | nexus |
beak; pen point | nib |
precison; minute distinction | nicety |
meanly stingy; parsimonious | niggardly |
done at night | nocturnal |
foul smelling; unwholesome | noisome |
wandering | nomadic |
indifference; lack of interest | nonchalance |
neutral; unpledged; undecided | noncomittal |
nonexistence; person of no importance | nonentity |
a conclusion that does not follow from the facts stated | non sequitur |
fragrant bouquet | nosegay |
homesickness; longing for the past | nostalgia |
outstandingly bad; unfavorably kknown | notorious |
beginner | novice |
harmful | noxious |
futile; worthless | nugatory |
person who collects coins | numismatist |
bring up; feed; educate | nurture |
providing nourishment | nutrient |
stupid awkward person | oaf |
stubborn | obdurate |
bow | obeisance |
tall column tapering and ending in a pyramid | obelisk |
fat | obese |
confuse; muddle | obfuscate |
death notice | obituary |
scold; rebuke severly | objurgate |
slanting; deviating from the perpendicular or from a straight line | oblique |
departure from right principles; perversity | obliquity |
destroy completely | obliterate |
forgetfulness | oblivion |
slander; disgrace; infamy | obloquy |
offensive | obnoxious |
slavishly attentive; servile; sycophantic | obsequious |
fixed idea; continued brooding | obsession |
outmoded | obsolete |
push into prominence | obtrude |
pushing forward | obtrusive |
blunt; stupid | obtuse |
make unecessary; get rid of | obviate |
mysterious; secret; supernatural | occult |
physician who specializes in treatment of eyes | oculist |
hateful | odious |
giving off an odor | odoriferous |
having an odor | odorous |
meddlesome; excessively trying to please | officious |
glance coquettishly at; make eyes at | ogle |
concerning the sense of smell | olfactory |
government by a few | oligarchy |
threatening | ominous |
all-powerful | omnipotent |
all-knowing | omniscient |
eating both plant and animal food; devouring everything | omnivorous |
burdensome | onerous |
words formed in imitation of natural sounds | onomatopoeia |
viscious assault | onslaught |
iridescent | opalescent |
dark; not transparent | opaque |
sleep producer; deadener of pain | opiate |
timely; well chosen | opportune |
disgraceful | opprobrious |
maker and seller of eyeglasses | optician |
one who fits glasses to remedy visual defects | optometrist |