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Section 1

Notes from CRC Exam Prep Book

Is rehabilitation counseling restricted to state VR agencies? No
What is the oldest and most successful public program that supports the employment and independence of PWD? State-federal VR program
What is considered the starting point of the public rehabilitation for people with disabilities Smith Fess Act of 1920 (Civilian Vocational Rehabilitation Act)
What year did state VR services expand to people with mental disabilities? 1943
What criteria do you need to meet to be qualified for state VR services? presence of a mental or physical impairment which for such individual constitutes a substantial impediment to employment and the individual can benefit from the services
How did the philosophy of rehab evolve in 1973? from economic return to disability rights
With what passage did the philosophy of rehab change? 1973 Rehabilitation Act Amendments
What did the 1973 Rehabilitation Act Amendments emphasize? services to people with severe disabilities
What are the goals of VR? Inclusion, Opportunity, Independence, Empowerment, Rehabilitation, Quality of Life
How has rehab counseling been described in the terms of counselor to client relationship? process in which the counselor works collaboratively with the client to understand existing problems, barriers, and potentials to facilitate the client’s use of personal and env. resources for adjustment following disability.
What is the Americans with Disability ACt of 1990 a federal civil rights law designed to prevent discrimination and enable individuals with disabilities to participate fully in all aspcets of society
What is Title I of the ADA? Guarantees equal opportunity for individuals with disabilities
What is Title II of the ADA? Public Services
What is Title III of the ADA? Public accommodations
What is Title IV of the ADA? Telecommunications
What is Title V of the ADA? Other miscellaneous provisions
How does the ADA define disability? a person with a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits a major life activity (cognitive, social, emotional, or physical)
How does the ADA define impairment? Sever, not temporary and must have a permanent or life-ling impact on the individual
How does someone qualify under the ADA? Must have a record of impairment or is regarded by others as a person with impairment
What did the ADA Amendments Act (ADAAA) of 2008 do? Overturns the controversial Supreme Court decisions in Sutton v. United airlines and Toyota v Williams
What was the ruling the the ADAAA oveturned? courts should interpret the definitions of disability strictly in order to create a demanding standard for qualifying as disabled, denying individuals with epilepsy, diabetes, cancer, HIV, and mental illness protection from disability discrimination
How does the ADAAA clarify and expand the meaning and application of the definition of disability ? Provided the definition of disability to be broad, prohibits consideration of mitigating measures when determining whether an impairment limits, and removes the "regarded as" prong of the disability definition
How can goals of rehab be better achieved? When there is a maximum consumer involvement in the development, implementation, and use of the rehab services
What is self advocacy? Advocating for disability rights by people with disabilities themselves
What is central to the philosophy of contemporary rehab services? empowerment, self-determination, and informed chjoice
What act helped change the philosophy of contemporary rehab services? Rehabilitation Act Amendments of 1992
What is empowerment? transfer of power and control of decisions, choices, and vlaues from external entities to the consumers of disability services
What is self determination? directing one's own course of action, which requires active personal agency in implementing informed choices
What is informed choice? the process by which consumers make insightful decisions about personal goals and necessary services
What acts must rehab counselors be prepared to do? assist in adapting to environment, assist environments in accommodating to the needs of the individual, work toward the full participation of individuals in all aspects of society
What settings do rehab counselors work? private practice, private non-profit rehab org, private-for-profit org., insurance companies, and hospitals
What year was the Commission on rehabilitation Counselor Certification incorporated and why? 1974 to conduct certification activities on a nationwide basis for rehab cousnelors
How do State VR counselors divide their time? counseling and guidance, clerical work/planning/placement, and professional growth
What are the seven major job functions of rehab counseling? vocational counselling, counseling interventions, community based rehab services activities, case management, research application, assessment, and professional advocacy
What are the six knowledge and skills domains? career counseling, assessment, and consultation; Counseling theories, techniques, and applications; Rehabilitation services and resources; case and caseload management; health care and disability systems; and med/Func/Env implications of disability
What is Patterson's Two Hats Theory? Psych counselors working with clients who need personal adjustment counseling OR Rehab counselors providing case management and vocational adjustment counseling
What is Whitehouse's Big Hat theory? Rehab counselors should be trained to work with the whole person and should have skills that encompass many roles includes therapist, guidance counselor, case manager, case coordinator, vocational eval., educator, advocate, and placement counselor.
What is ethics? Set of moral principles or values and principles of conduct governing an individual or group
What is the CRC Code of Professional ethics objectives? Promote welfare, establish principles that define ethical behavior, serve as an ethical guide for best service, and serve as the basis for alleged code violations
What are the 12 enforceable standards of the CRC Code of Ethics? Counseling rel.; Confidentiality; Advocacy/Accessibility; Rels with other Profs; Forensic / Indirect services; Eval and assessment; teaching and supervision; research /publication; tech and distance couns.; Business practices, and resolving ethical issues
What are the six principles of ethical behavior? Autonomy, beneficence, non-maleficence, justice, fidelity, and veracity
What is autonomy? To respect the rights of clients to be self governing within their social and cultural framework
What is beneficence? To do good to others and to promote the well-being of clients
What is fidelity? to be faithful, to keep promises, and to honor the trust placed in rehab counselors
What is Justice? : to be fair in the treatment of all clients and to provide appropriate services to all
What is Non-maleficence? to do no harm to others
What is veracity? To be honest
What is unethical behavior influenced by? Punishment orientation, institutional orientation, societal orientation, individual orientation, and principle or conscience orientation
What is punishment orientation? Following unbendingly social standards related to punishment
What is institutional orientation? Focusing on expectations of an institution or other higher authorities
What is societal orientation? Maintaining societal standards, getting approval from others, and avoiding difficulties
What is individual orientation? Promoting individual welfare without undermining laws and welfare of the society
What is principle or conscience orientation? Demonstrating concern for the client based on internal standards without regard for legal and social consequences
What should personal disclosure at the onset of the counseling relationship? Qualifications; Purposes/goals of services; Frequency/length; Confidentiality; Contingencies for continuation of services upon the incapacitation or death of the rehab counselor; fees; record preservation; risks on electronic; legal
What should culturally sensitive rehab counselors provide? Accommodation services when necessary to ensure comprehension by clients
What is privacy? The right of the individual to choose for him/her the time and the circumstances under which beliefs, behaviors, and opinions are shared or withheld from others
Who does the rights of privacy belong to? Clients, is for protecting the clients, and only clients can waive that right
What is confidentiality? ethical responsibility of the rehab counselor to safeguard clients from authorized disclosures of information given in the therapeutic relationship.
What is communication? The legal right that exists by statute and protects the client from having his or her confidences revealed publicly from the witness stand during legal proceedings without her or his permission.
According to the CRC code what should rehab counselors inform their clients of about limitations? rehab counselors must inform their clients of the limitations of confidentiality, including the qualification that they will not share confidential information without consent from clients or without sound legal or ethical justification.
When should clients be informed of the limits of confidentiality? at the onset of the counseling relationship
What is Tarasoff v. Regents? established that the counselor has the “duty to protect or duty to warn.”
What is duty to warn? the counselor to take some actions to prevent foreseeable harm to a third party (and identifiable victim) by the client and it may require to warn the intended victim, to notify the police, or to take whatever steps necessary
When clients disclose that they have a disease commonly known to be both communicable and life threatening what do rehab counselors do? rehabilitation counselors may be justified in disclosing information to identifiable third parties, if they are known to be at obvious and high risk of contracting the disease
What does the CRC Code say about sexual/romantic relationships? Rehab counselors cannot have relationships with former clients for 5 years following the last professional contact and cannot engage in relationships with clients with significant cognitive impairments no matter length of time since termination
What did the Smith Hughes Act of 1917 provide? Provided federal funding to states on a matching basis for vocational education programs
What is the Soldier's Rehab Act of 1918? Authorized VR services for WWI veterans
What is the Smith Fess Act of 1920? Expanded rehab services to civilians
What is the Social Security Act of 1935? Made the state-federal VR program permanent
What is the Randolph-Sheppard Act of 1936? Authorized people with blindness to operate vending stands in federal buildings.
What is the Wagnes-O'Day Act of 1938? Required the federal government to purchase designated products produced by persons with blindness in workshops.
What is the Barden-LaFollette Act of 1943? Expanded services included people with mental disabilities. and Established the state-federal program for individuals with blindness
What is Vocational Rehab Act Amendments of 1954? Provided funding to universities to train master’s level rehab counselors resulting in the professionalization of the rehab counseling profession.
What is the Vocational Rehab Amendments of 1965? Added extended evaluation in the vocational rehab process
What did the Rehab Act Amendments of 1973 do? Mandated services for people with severe disabilities, emphasized consumer involvement by requiring the IWRP; Guaranteed employment rights of people with disabilities; Affirmative Action in Federal Hiring/ Federal Contract Recipient;Equal Opportunities.
What is the Rehab Act Amendments of 1978? Mandated the provision of independent living
What is Rehab Act Amendments of 1984? Mandated the establishment of Client Assistance Programs
What is the The Rehab Act Amendments of 1986? Added the provision of rehab engineering services and established supported employment as an acceptable goal for rehab services.
What year was IDEA? 1990
What year was the ADA? 1990
What did the Rehab Act Amendments of 1992 do? Advanced the concepts of empowerment, self-determination and informed choice.
What did the Rehab Act Amendments of 1992 require? VR agencies to establish “qualified personnel” standards for counselors and mand the dev of the Comprehensive System of Personnel Development to ensure quality of personnel who provide VR services to assist PWDs to achieve employment
What did the Rehab Act Amendments of 1992 cover?  Presumption of ability  Career-based job placement  Improving services to minority groups  Client involvement  Determining eligibility within 60 days  Order of selection  Federal share 78.7%  Rehab engineering  Benefits
What year was the School-to-Work Opportunity Act? 1994
What did the Rehab Act Amendments of 1998 replace? the IWRP with the Individualized Plan for Employment (IPE) to support the exercise of informed choice of the individual in the selection of the IPE’s employment outcome, specific services, service providers, and the methods to procure the services
What did the Rehab Act Amendments of 1998 introduce? Introduced a new category of service, namely, the provision of technical assistance and consultation to individuals to pursue self-employment, telecommuting, or a small business operation
What did the Rehab Act Amendments of 1998 authorize? Authorized to provide this service to facilitate the transition of students with disabilities from school to post-school activities, including employment
What year was the Ticket To Work and Work Incentive Improvement Act? 1999
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