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DP-Crime Prevention
Domestic Policy
Term | Definition |
Domestic Policy | Administrative decisions made to directly effect a conflict or issue within the nations borders. |
LBJs War On Crime | A time during his presidency where he set law enforcement and crime as a focus of his and attacked the increasing crime rates. Established gov involvement with state police and state prisons |
Gun Control | Sets of laws and policies that limit gun laws and their freedom. |
Federal Spending on crime initiatives | the amount of money the government spends on funding crime prevention such as police officers and prisons. |
Harsher Punishments | Punishments instituted by the federal government. Included longer prison sentences and the death penalty became more popular with this new institution. |
Three strikes law | Increases the sentence of a person who has previously committed a felony. Makes it easier for them to get a life sentence. |
"War on drugs" | Nixon declared in 1971 that drug abuse was our number 1 enemy and instituted policies to limit the trafficking of these drugs and increased the punishment for having said drugs. |