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Greek.2 -> Romanian
Filoglossia - Chapter 2/Genders and Articles/Words from exercises
Greek | English |
Πέτρος | Petru (Peter) |
απόγευμα | Dupa-amiaza (afternoon) |
μεσημέρι | Amiaza (noon) |
απόφαση | decizie (decision) |
ερώτηση | intrebare (question) |
πόρτα | usa (door) |
φωτιά | foc (fire) |
δάσκαλος | invatator (teacher) |
μαθητής | student (student) |
κουτί | cutie (box) |
ντουλάπα | dulap (closet) |
ψαλίδι | foarfece (shears) |
σπίρτο | chibrit (match -> for fire :) |
βροχή | ploaie (rain) |
παιρνω | iau (take) |
η πρωτεύουσα (i protévousa) | capitala (capital city) |
προσγειώνονται | aterizeaza (land) |
απογειώνονται | decoleaza (take off) |
νησί | insula (island) |
αγαπά | iubeste (he loves) |
για | pentru, la, despre (for, to, about) |
Το δώρο είναι για τον Κώστα. | Cadoul este pentru Costelus. (This present is for Costas.) |
πάνω, επάνω | pe, sus, deasupra (on, up, above) |
Αγόρασα | am cumparat (i bought) |
αρχαία | antic, vechi (ancient) |
τραπέζι | masa(table) |
τραπέζα | banca (bank) |
συναυλία | concert |
συνάντησα | m-am intalnit ( met, ran into ) |
σε όλους | to everyone |
λέει | spune, zice (he says) |
μόλις μπαίνει στο γραφείο. | Imediat/Odata/, ce intra in birou. Once he enters the office. |
μπαίνει | intra (enters) |
βράδυ | seara (night) |
εχθές το βράδυ | aseara (last night) |
Περάσαμε | am trecut, am petrecut, (passed) (Look it up on google because it's a hard word and the context is really important :) Example: Περάσαμε καλά εχθές το βράδυ. / We had a good time last night. |
Πέρυσι | anul trecut |
πρώτο όροφο | primul etaj (first floor) |
βρέχει | ploua, rains |
συνήθως | de obicei (usually) |
Μάλιστα | Intr-adevar (truth) |
Νάτος/ νάτη | iata-l/ iat-o! (there he is/ there she is) |
ο καινούριος | noul (the new) |
αληθεια | Adevarat, real (truth, reality) |
Φώναξε | striga (shout) genul vocativ |
πόλεμος | war |
σχεδιάζω | a planui, desen, schita (design, sketch, draw) |
τουριστικό οδηγό | ghid turistic (touristic guide) |
φέτος | anul acesta (this year) |
πέρυσι | anul trecut (last year) |
Διακοπές | concediu (vacation) |
Τέλεια | perfect |
Μετά | dupa (after, then) |
θάλασσα | mare (sea) |
Παραλία | plaja (beach) |
μπάνιο | swim (swimming) |
ηλιοθεραπεία | bronzare (sunbathing) |
Καταπληκτικά | uimitor |
βέβαια | desigur, cu siguranta (of course) |
διασκεδάζω | chefui, petrec (revel) |
φανταστικά! | fantastic |
αμέσως | imediat (right away, immediately, instantly, at once ) |
κλείνω | inchid, rezerv (close, close down, book) |
δωμάτιο | camera, apartament (room) |
πότε | cand (when) |
ποτέ | niciodata (never) |
μήνας | luna (month) |
ακριβώς | exact, precis (exactly, precisely) |
σε έναν/μία/ένα | intr-o (in one) |
Βρήκα | am gasit (i found) |
ήρθε | a venit (came) |
ασθενοφόρο | ambulanta (ambulance) |
Ευτυχώς | din fericire (Fortunately) |
περίπατο | plimbare (walk) |
σίγουρος | sigur (sure) |
φαγητό | masa, mancare (food, meal) |
ντισκοτέκ | discoteca (disco) |
περπατάει | merge (walks) |
κακό | rau (bad, ill, wrong) |
Μεταξύ | between |
θα | vom o sa, ar trebui sa, vom (will, shall) |
κύμα | val (wave) |
απόψε | diseara, asta seara, la noapte (tonight) |
ξαπλώνω | ma intind (i lie down) |