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Chapter 8-The Pelvis

Wed. nite class

What is the Primary Action of Psoas Major? Hip Flexor
What is the Function of Gluteus Medius Stabalize Hip/Pelvis While Walking
What Muscle is the Primary Lateral Rotater of the hip? Piriformis
Which Muscle has the Capacity to Entrap the Sciatic Nerve? Piriformis
What is the Common Lateral Attachment of the Deep 6 Lateral Hip Rotaters? Greater Trochanter
In how many people is the Psoas Minor Absent? 40%
The Pelvic Diaphragm is formed by which 3 Muscles? also known as Levator Ani. Pubococcygeus, Illiococcygeus & Puborectalis
How many Deep Lateral Hip rotaters are there Unilaterly? 6
Which Muscle is the Principal Stabalizer of the Hip Joint and also an Abductor? Piriformis
What is the Common Medial Attachment of the Deep Lateral Hip Rotaters? Ishium
"Piece Goods Often Go On Quilts" Piriformis, Germellus Superior, Obturator Internus, Germellus Inferior, Obturator Externus & Quadratus Femoris
How many Muscles are on the Greater Trochanter of the Femur 8
What is the Largest Nerve? Sciatic Nerve
The Pelvic Floor-Also known as the Pelvic Diagram- supports what? Viscera
Which Muscle Mimics Sciatica Glute Minimus
Which Glute muscle does Hip Extension? Glue Maximus
The Deep 6 Lateral Rotares all Stablize what joint? Hip Joint
The Pubic Symphisis is what type of Joint? Amphiarthrodial
The Sacroiliac Joint is what type of Joint? Amphiarthrodial
The Acetabular Femoral joint is what type of Joint? Enarthrodial
What is the Strongest Hip Flexor in the body? Psoas Major (Illiopsoas)
The Psoas Major attachemnts are? T12-L5 and Lesser Trochanter
A tight Illiopsoas (Psoas Major) will contribute to what of the lumber spine? Hyper-lordosis
What are the Attachements of the Illiacus? Iliac Fossa & Lesser Trochanter
What are the attchements of the Psoas Minor? T12-L1 & Iliac Fascia
What is the Action of the Psoas Minor? Flex Lumbar Spine
What are the attachments of the Coccygeus? Spine of the Ischium & Sacrospinous Ligament and Side of lower part of Sacrum and upper part of Coccyx
What is the Most Superficial Gluteal Muscle? Gluteus Maximus
What are the attchaments of the Glut Max.? Sacrum/Ilium/Sacrotuberous Ligament and ITB/Gluteal Tuberosity
What is the Action of the Glut Max? Extends Thigh and Lateral rotation of Femur
What muscle is Antagonist (opposite) to Psoas/Illiopsoas? Glut Maximus
What are the attachments of the Glut Medius? Iliac Crest and Greater Trochanter
What is the Action of the Glut Medius? Abduction/Medial Rotation of Hip Joint.
What is the Deepest Glut Muscle? Gluteus Minimus
What are the attachments to the Glut Minimus? Ilium and Greater Trochanter
What is the Action of the Glut Minimus? Abduction/Medical Rotation of the Hip Joint
What are the Attachments of the Piriformis? Sacrum & Greater Trochanter
What are the Actions of the Piriformis? Lateral Rotation of thigh and Abduct.
What are the attachments of the Superior/Inferior Gemellus and Obturator Internus/Externus and Quadratus Femoris? Ishium & Greater Trochanter
What is the action of the Superior Gemellus? Lateral Rotation of Hip
Created by: leahc2311
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